Aoba Office

Chapter 554 Cannibalism (1)

The dark detention cell, with wooden beds, quilts, iron doors and iron windows... the cold here is a kind of cold that penetrates into the bones.

I knew I was in a dream and had prepared myself before lying on the bed, but I still felt uncomfortable.

Lu Wenshan's body turned on the bed. The soul in the body, He Jingping, had a panicked expression mixed with fear. She affected this body, and Lu Wenshan had a similar look on his face.

Beside the bed, Lu Wenshan's ghost looked gloomy and stared at He Jingping fiercely.

He Jingping's teeth began to chatter.

I guess this is not only because of her incredible situation now, because she is imprisoned, but also because the ghost of Lu Wenshan is constantly emitting yin energy.

Lu Wenshan is now clearly in a dilemma. The body belongs to him, and he cannot do anything to it, but he probably has no idea how to return to the body and kill He Jingping who is occupying the magpie's nest in the body.

I thought this dream would be a long stalemate, but something unexpected happened.

A third ghost appears in the cell.

It was a girl, with a look of horror still on her face. After seeing her surroundings clearly, she became confused.

Lu Wenshan was startled by the appearance of this ghost. Lu Wenshan watched the girl warily.

When the girl saw Lu Wenshan, she took a few steps back, and her body merged with the iron door behind her. The girl looked down at her body in bewilderment, then suddenly her eyes widened and she screamed loudly.


The cry was sharp and shrill.

He Jingping jumped up from the bed and covered her ears. For a moment, her pupils shrank and she stared at the two ghosts in the room.

I think this situation is very delicate.

He Jingping and Lu Wenshan are Qingye’s clients. And this girl, I also recognized from her facial features, she was the girl named Qianqian back then.

"Who are you?" He Jingping asked in a panic. Immediately, her brain worked normally and she realized that Lu Wenshan in front of her should be the owner of her body. She showed obvious fear.

With a ferocious look on his face, Lu Wenshan pounced on He Jingping, "Give it back to me! Give me my body back!"

He Jingping was choked by Lu Wenshan, groaned in pain, and raised her hand to slap Lu Wenshan. Her hands passed through Lu Wenshan's body.

I saw the color on the face of Lu Wenshan's body slowly fading.

He Jingping stood up and struggled.

As soon as she twisted her body, an accident happened.

Lu Wenshan's body fell on the bed.

He Jingping's ghost fell off the bed with the hands of Lu Wenshan's ghost hanging around his neck.

Both ghosts were stunned.

The trembling girl's eyes lit up, like a gust of wind, rushing towards the body.

Lu Wenshan was the first to react, and with a wave of his backhand, he hit the girl against the wall.

I heard the girl's muffled sound.

Lu Wenshan wanted to return to his body anxiously, but this time it was He Jingping who hugged him tightly and stopped him.

The three ghosts struggled together.

I was in a daze.

This scene is too ridiculous, right?

He Jingping is younger and stronger than Lu Wenshan, and more powerful than the girl. She shook off the two ghosts and pounced on the body first.

She did not enter the body, but pressed against it.

He Jingping was in disbelief and touched her body randomly.

Lu Wenshan got up and kicked He Jingping away. He wanted to get into her body excitedly, but still failed.

Both ghosts felt angry and frightened.

The girl sneaked up to the body and stretched out her hand.

I saw her hands melt into her body and a look of ecstasy came over her face.

However, the next second, He Jingping glanced at the girl viciously, and before she got into her body, she grabbed the body and smashed his head against the wall.


Blood smeared on the wall.

"What are you doing!" Lu Wenshan was furious.

"Idiot! You haven't seen it yet! Neither of us can get in. It's her turn! Are you going to give your body to her?" He Jingping pointed at the girl.

The girl stared at He Jingping resentfully.

The bloody body lay on the bed, and the blood stained the sheets red.

Lu Wenshan sat down on the ground dejectedly, "How could this could it..."

Neither He Jingping nor the girl spoke.

After a while, a policeman came over, shined his flashlight into the room, and his expression changed.

I heard the noise outside, and naturally these three ghosts heard it too.

The three of them are dead and should not be here. But the three of them were sitting facing each other, and I didn't know if I could destroy them.

He Jingping was obviously a very active person. When the police came to check the body, she had already stood up and was about to leave.

"Where are you going?" Lu Wenshan asked.

"Go home." He Jingping replied, her eyes twinkling slightly.

If Lu Wenshan doesn't believe it, he will follow He Jingping. The girl followed silently.

He Jingping was impatient, but she couldn't shake them off.

These three ghosts acted strangely. After leaving the police station, He Jingping determined their location and took her two tails to find the way.

In the middle of the night, there were no buses or subways. He Jingping had some difficulty finding the way.

I didn't see a clock, and I couldn't determine the exact time just from the color of the sky.

After walking like this for about an hour or two, I saw a familiar road and became a little nervous.

The girl's expression remained unchanged.

Lu Wenshan gradually showed suspicion.

After another half hour, the three ghosts walked around in circles and finally stood at the gate of the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants.

I am a bit dumbfounded now.

The solution that He Jingping thought of was to find Qingye Supernatural Agency!

Lu Wenshan also thought of Qingye at this moment, and asked He Jingping: "Do you know what kind of firm that is?"

He Jingping looked at Lu Wenshan in surprise.

The girl said softly: "When I was a child, I seemed to have been to a place, and it seemed to be right here."

The three ghosts looked at each other.

They were about to speak.

I felt a gloomy air gushing out from the six worker and peasant villages.

That creepy feeling made all the hairs on my body stand up, and my subconscious kept going backwards.

I looked up at the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants.

The dim yellow light of the street lights flashed collectively, and all the lights that were originally on in the residential buildings were extinguished.

One after another, darker shadows appeared in front of those dark windows.

On the empty community roads, there are also countless ghosts appearing suddenly. These ghosts are dressed in different clothes and look different from each other, and they have a sense of different eras. The only thing they had in common was the empty look in their eyes and the direction in which their gazes converged.

The three ghosts at the gate of the community were so frightened that they could not move, only their bodies were trembling slightly.

The ghosts on the road turned around and looked up in unison, looking at the same place.

I followed their gaze.

That place...should be the sixth floor of Building 6!

The door at the end of Aoba Supernatural Office appeared in my mind...

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