Aoba Office

Chapter 551 Sexual Harassment (2)

Seeing Lu Wenshan's embarrassment, I felt a little relieved. Looking back at the shadow, it slid into the bottom of the car again.

This gave me some guesses. This thing seems to be hidden under the car. Maybe it's hidden under the tracks or underground?

The dream scene has changed again.

I was still in a crowded subway car, but the clothes of the people around me gave me a sense of intimacy.

The Lu Wenshan in front of him was exactly the same as the Lu Wenshan in the online video. He was the middle-aged man who already showed his age.

This time, the thing did not attack Lu Wenshan from below. I searched for a long time and couldn't find the black shadow. But I dare not relax. While recalling the descriptions in the video and the Internet, and comparing the situation in the car, I wanted to discover the trajectory of the black shadow this time.

It can be said that Lu Wenshan was attacked at his own fault and was very satisfying. However, this thing also killed a girl and may continue to harass other people. After all, this thing is not a living creature that should exist in this world. If it can be solved in a peaceful way, that will of course be the best result.

When the bus arrived, I stared at the nearby doors. However, since I don’t have perspective eyes, it was difficult for me to see the complete condition of the doors in the crowd.

The compartment door is closed and the vehicle is running again.

I turned my attention away from the car door, and when I turned my gaze, I caught a glimpse of a fleeting shadow on the car window.

I hurriedly turned back, but the subway had already passed that section of the tunnel.

Yes, it was a tunnel. In the dark underground tunnel, I seemed to see a figure.

This shouldn't be possible at all. If it weren't for my dazzling eyes, there must be something wrong with the scene just now!

Is Dong XZ in the subway tunnel?

I was busy looking around.

If the shadow I saw just now was really that thing, it should have taken the opportunity to get on the car now, right?

I searched carefully and saw no black figure. Lu Wenshan, who was crowded in the crowd, suddenly gasped loudly.

People around looked at Lu Wenshan in surprise, and someone asked kindly: "Sir, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Lu Wenshan turned a deaf ear, his expression was a little distorted, and his hand movements could not hide it.

The man standing in front of Lu Wenshan suddenly changed his expression, cursed "fuck", and pushed the people around him to get out of the way. As soon as he got out of the way, the people around him saw the movements of Lu Wenshan's hands before they could complain.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of angry curses, and some people pulled Lu Wenshan to stop him.

However, Lu Wenshan was really as if he was high on drugs and had a confused mind. He would not react to anything others did to him, and would even shamelessly stick to them and make stomach-churning laughter.

Although the carriage was already crowded enough, the people next to Lu Wenshan backed away as hard as they could, leaving a circle of space for Lu Wenshan.

I didn't care about Lu Wenshan's situation, but after looking around carefully, I couldn't find any trace of that thing. No strange black shadows appeared around Lu Wenshan, and there was no such thing in the carriage.

I thought of the red-eyed ghost that Ge Jiamu met, and that the ghost took a complete human form, so I quickly went to check on the passengers.

There were so many passengers, and they were all strangers, that it was impossible for me to get an extra person.

After searching like this, I unexpectedly saw Guo Yujie squeezing in behind others.

Guo Yujie is tall and powerful. At this juncture, she was able to "swim upstream" and maintain an area where she stood. She could also look beyond most people, and when she saw Lu Wenshan's situation, she suddenly showed an expression of disgust.

After a while, Guo Yujie took out her mobile phone like everyone else.

The dream ended abruptly.

I opened my eyes and saw the morning sunshine as always.

After going to work, of course I shared this dream with others.

Guo Yujie's expression was exactly the same as what I saw in my dream. Both the fat man and the thin man frowned in disgust.

"Then that dead woman couldn't have sexually harassed others..." the thin man said suddenly.

I spread my hands.

The thin man rubbed his arms, "The chastity crisis is so serious these days, it's so risky."

Guo Yujie subconsciously wanted to pat the thin man, but the thin man dodged him cleverly. She did not chase him, but just complained: "Forget it! It's girls like you who have to worry about their virginity."

"You can't discriminate against me just because I'm not a handsome guy." The thin man touched his face and said righteously, "Ugly people also have chastity!"

Guo Yujie said sincerely: "I support this. What I discriminate against is your character."

The two of them began to attack each other.

Chen Xiaoqiu interrupted the two people's nonsense and asked me: "Did you see a figure in the tunnel?"

"Probably." I'm not sure.

That thing never appeared again.

"In this case, you can check the records. There should be records on the front of the subway train." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

Of course Chen Yihan must handle this matter.

To our surprise, when we got off work, Chen Xiaoqiu told us some bad news.

The subway operating company refused to provide the video, and the surveillance video provided later had obvious missing frames and modifications.

We all looked at each other.

"What's going on?" The thin man scratched his head.

How could something that was so simple turn into this?

Is it possible to pull out the carrot and bring out the mud? What did the subway operator hide from the city government?

The thin man had already begun to crack his fingers and began to guess: "It's a shoddy project, cutting corners; maintenance is not in place, there are conditions in the tunnel; there are problems with supervision, and the driver in the cab is operating illegally..."

"My brother-in-law has already reported the situation. This part is not under the management of the police station." Chen Xiaoqiu said, looking at me again, "The video cannot be obtained through normal channels, but others may be able to find the original video information. .”

I suddenly understood and quickly contacted Nangong Yao.

"They are not willing to give the video?" After Nangong Yao heard this, his focus was not on the thing causing trouble in the subway, but on the operator.

I was a little surprised, "This is the feedback Chen Yihan received. What do you know?"

"Actually, we were supposed to investigate the death in the subway in that incident," Nangong Yao said, "but later because the client canceled the commission, we did not investigate and put the matter aside."

"That's suspicion..." I was a little shocked.

"Yeah. Let me hack into their system and take a look." Nangong Yao said calmly.

In terms of doing things, Nangong Yao is much more cooperative than Gu Mo.

I relayed Nangong Yao's words to others.

The thin man was just boredly guessing what happened in the subway tunnel, but now he was trembling.

"Dead person? He couldn't be trapped in the subway tunnel..." The thin man looked like he wanted to vomit, and hugged his arms in an exaggerated way, "Every time I go on the subway, I don't pass by that kind of thing. Bar?"

The fat man and I looked at each other at the same time.

We both remembered a bad habit of the thin man, that is, he likes to stand close to the car door, and sometimes he even leans directly against the car door.

If there really was someone who was wrongly killed in the subway tunnel, he might have passed by the thin man, or even met his eyes without the thin man knowing.

The title of the previous chapter is not harmonious. ( ̄▽ ̄“)

P.S. Don’t lean against the door when taking the subway or bus. It’s really dangerous. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

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