Aoba Office

Chapter 547 Kidnapping Case

Li Moqian was kidnapped in 2018. The kidnappers divided her nails ten times and sent them to her agency and her family. The police investigation lasted for half a month, but it has been stagnant in the cycle of searching for clues, identifying suspects, ruling out suspicion, and searching again.

After the last nail appeared, the kidnappers stopped all actions.

Li Moqian's body has not been found so far, and no one has discovered her whereabouts alive.

The kidnapper in this case has also not been caught, and his gender, age, identity... are all unknown.

I feel creepy.

Cases like this remind me of Liu Miao's experience, the Minqing mass murder case, and then the Nian Beast incident that has been brought up recently.

Ordinary people, and even the police handling the case, may not know the inside story. Just like the Minqing mass murder case, this case is still unsolved.

Stories such as government biochemical experiments, alien invasions, Feng Shui sacrifices, and the birth of monsters are rampant and the city is full of rumors. Some people associated this with the death incident at Junli Hotel, which made people increasingly panic.

Of course, this kind of panic, that is, panic, increased the income of temples and Taoist temples from sesame oil. In addition, some people claiming to be Mr. Yin Yang and Master Shenpo jumped out one after another, promoting themselves and those supernatural "common senses" while selling some Paper magic weapon.

I guess these people are liars.

Those who are really capable would have run away and hidden themselves long ago. For example, Master Xuan Qing disappeared again during this period.

In addition to these seemingly professional people, there are also jokers, UP owners, marketing accounts, etc., who all took the opportunity to gain popularity, or they may have really been inspired by it.

The anchor who went live near Junli Hotel last time went to the official location of the incident this time. The scene was cordoned off, so he just patted the perimeter, the cordon and the police security. He was very fashionable.

I browsed Li Moqian's information and found similar content.

This Li Moqian is indeed smart and can do this job. He is not a short-lived Internet celebrity, but a versatile all-rounder. In 2018, she was still very popular. Before she was kidnapped, she was doing a live broadcast of a large-scale stand-alone game. Her sudden kidnapping naturally attracted a lot of attention. I don't know if it was a coincidence or the kidnapper did it deliberately, but the game Li Moqian played was called "Escape". The original English name was "Abduction", which means kidnapping. This game is unique. Players do not play the role of victims, trying to escape, but play the role of kidnappers, trying to prevent clever NPCs from escaping, and dealing with the police.

The kidnapping case of Li Moqian has also attracted social attention to games. Commentary articles opposing violent games have emerged one after another. Even foreign game circles and social news sections have also paid some attention.

However, there has been no outcome to this case so far.

The game company issued a statement at the time and later stopped selling the game. This actually adds a bit of mystery to the game, and the prices of the discs and digital versions that have been sold have skyrocketed.

When I saw the word "game", I subconsciously felt nervous.

But after reading various messages, I feel that this matter has nothing to do with that "game". This is not the style of "game".

Except for Li Moqian, no other game players were harmed.

I still have some suspicions that this incident is a supernatural event, but I have no evidence and no intention to investigate.

2018... Ye Qing disappeared around 2017. This incident should have nothing to do with Qingye.

When I was at work, I told Shouzi and the others about the "photo plastic surgery" incident as usual.

Guo Yujie said "Ah" in surprise.

"Have you ever heard of Li Moqian?" I asked casually.

"Have you ever received that kind of curse message?" the thin man asked.

Guo Yujie shook her head, "I know Mo Mo! Her makeup class at that time was very popular among girls. She taught makeup and photo retouching. I learned PS from her."

To our surprise, Chen Xiaoqiu actually nodded.

"You too?" The thin man was surprised.

"My classmates in college recommended her at that time. I have watched her videos. She is indeed a very talented person." Chen Xiaoqiu affirmed.

Shouzi agreed with Chen Xiaoqiu's last sentence, "He is very talented and does a good job live broadcasting the game. He is not the kind of person who sells meat. It can be seen that he has definitely prepared carefully."

Only then did I remember that Slim Man also mentioned Li Moqian when I was in college. However, at that time, I was in my third year of college, with all kinds of pressures coming from exams, graduation, internships, and finding a job, and I couldn’t care less about it.

The thin man was aroused to talk, and he told us a little bit about Li Moqian's game playing. In fact, "Escape" was Li Moqian's first live broadcast of a game. She had never seriously touched on this aspect of games before. She had been invited by game companies to do advertisements several times. The ending of "Escape" is very different from the development of Li Moqian's case. The player plays the role of the kidnapper. There are officially 99 endings, and most of them are the player's death, either from the trap they made or from being killed by the victim. The remaining few were arrested by the police or shot dead on the spot. The remaining kidnappers also had a particularly miserable ending. They were injured during the game and were left disabled. Otherwise, they would be on the run and live in poverty. The weirdest and most difficult ending, the kidnapper wins, gets the ransom, breaks up the ticket, escapes, and lives and drinks in a strange country. At the end of the system plot, the kidnapper was knocked unconscious and woke up to find himself tied up and locked in a small room, screaming for help.

It is said that the game company originally planned to make "Escape 2", but due to Li Moqian's incident, the sequel was stopped.

"So, just looking at the ending, this game is quite positive." Fatty said.

The thin man spread his hands and said, "No matter what, this has caused trouble. There can be no sequel."

The thin man introduced the game and talked so much that time flew by in the blink of an eye.

We started the day's work and got off work normally, just like every ordinary working day.

While I was still on the bus, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. Look at the vibration frequency, not the phone. I didn't want to see it at first, but the intensive vibration pattern made me take out my phone with difficulty in the crowded car.

"Fuck, lean, lean."

"What the hell"



There were many messages, many of them, all sent by Guo Yujie, and their meanings were unclear.

I casually clicked on the voice command, and Guo Yujie's roaring voice and her noisy background sound filled the bus compartment:

"There's a pervert masturbating in the subway! Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!"

There are only two updates today, good night everyone~_(:3″∠)_

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