Aoba Office

Chapter 544 No. 085-Photo Plastic Surgery (4)

"Can you elaborate on her reaction? Did she say anything?"

"No, no, she just stared at the mirror for a long time. I saw something was wrong and asked her, but she didn't answer me and started to wash her face. I didn't care. I thought it was a little scary, so I didn't care. But after a long time, she stayed in the toilet and kept washing her face. I went to check again, and she was scratching her face. It looked really weird... I called her, but she didn't respond. She just That look...I couldn't stand it anymore. I left the dormitory afterwards. Later I heard that she jumped off the building..."

"Ms. Ding, have you ever seen anything like this from Miss Qian? Text messages, messages, etc. are all fine."


"I haven't seen this before."

"Are you sure?"

"Well, I haven't seen her mobile phone or computer. She also said that such a thing happened."

"Ok, thank you."

"Wait...wait a minute!"

"Did you remember anything?"

"There seems to be... a letter. She received a letter. It was sent to the dormitory, but the sender was not written. Another person in our dormitory took the letter for her. She doesn't know who it is. Sent. I heard that girl say it."

"Besides the fact that there is no sender, is there anything weird about that letter?"

"Yes, it was altered. The recipient's address on the envelope was altered with correction fluid. She felt weird when she looked at it."

"Does Miss Qian know who the sender is?"

"I didn't seem to know at first, but after reading the contents of the letter, she said it was sent by a high school classmate. When she told me, she said that Huihui's high school classmate was stingy and the envelope was used twice, and she used it a lot. Correction fluid or something.”

"What is the content, you don't know?"

"I don't know. Huihui said it was boring."

"What was Miss Qian's expression like at that time?"

"I, I don't know. This is what someone else told me. It should be nothing...if there is anything, she will definitely say..."

"Can you give us the contact information of that lady?"

"Here... let me ask her for you."

"Thank you very much."

On August 20, 2014, I received a call from Ding Na. Telephone recording 201408201753.mp3.

"Hello, Miss Ding."

"Hello, I asked about what I mentioned last time. She also thought about it for a long time. Huihui really didn't have any special reaction at that time. She just looked at the content of the letter and said it should be from a high school classmate."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Ding."

On August 20, 2014, Qian Hui’s high school classmate Zhang Ruolan was contacted. Audio file 08520140820.wav.

"Hello, Miss Zhang. Thank you very much for your willingness to meet with us."


"Have you seen this content somewhere?"

"Where did you get this?"

"We were entrusted to investigate the origin of this thing. Can you please tell us what you know?"


"Ms. Zhang, we have something like this in hand and can send it to you in another way at any time."


"Can you start talking, Miss Zhang?"

"...It's a joke..."


"In the was a was a couple in our class, Xie Yang and Yang Xiaofei. They were boyfriend and girlfriend. They were together in the first year of high school, but they broke up within a few months." Xie Yang said It was Yang Xiaofei’s fault. Yang Xiaofei didn’t say anything. She didn’t say anything to anyone who asked, and she became very silent. At that time, we didn’t think much about it... We were all new students and were not familiar with each other... Yang Xiaofei and When Xie Yang fell in love, he was not familiar with other classmates and had no good friends. Xie Yang played well with boys. So later, the boys spread the word first..."

"What's being spread?"

"... Nude photos... Yang Xiaofei's... Nude photos... Xie Yang said that Yang Xiaofei sold nude photos to others, and also worked as a prostitute for people. The boys... and then the girls... Xu Wei'an, the name Xu Wei'an came from that time Xie Yang was talking about the person who sold Yang Xiaofei’s nude photos. I still remember this...their boys also had his mailbox and so on. I heard this name many times at the time..."

"What happened next?"

"Yang Xiaofei committed suicide... At home, she cut her wrists and committed suicide... It is said that her whole hand was about to be cut off by her... Her parents came to the school to make trouble, and the police came to investigate. Xie Yang later transferred to another school. We Only then did I find out that the nude photos Xie Yang got were made by someone online and they were not photos of Yang Xiaofei at all. Moreover, the two broke up because Xie Yang was caught stealing and asked Yang Xiaofei to pay back the money he borrowed. , otherwise they will report it to the police station. Yang Xiaofei paid for Xie Yang and did not say they were breaking up. Xie Yang was just making up all the nonsense. Yang Xiaofei was also stupid and didn't say anything. Then she just... She...she may like Xie Yang very much...I can't understand...I..."

"Do you still have contact with Xie Yang?"

"of course not!"

"So, where is this Xiaotian?"

"I don't know. I don't know this."

"thank you."

On August 21, 2014, Yang Xiaofei’s father, Yang Dasheng, was contacted. Audio file 08520140821.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Yang. I take the liberty to disturb you."

"My daughter has been dead for a long time."

"We know this. The incident did not have any social impact at the time. But to this day, the tragedies that Ms. Yang encountered have never stopped. We want to do a special report on this aspect, hoping to attract social attention. .”

"Taking it seriously? Do you know? Not a single student in that class, not a single one in the entire class, ever asked my daughter what the truth was, or confirmed whether she really did such a thing, so they started spreading rumors. ! My daughter died, and the police came to investigate. I almost believed what they said! If I hadn’t found Feifei’s diary... I couldn’t believe it at the time. How could a high school student... how could he treat her like this? His girlfriend... when the police asked him, he still denied it! He denied it at first and lied! Later, the police deceived him and he was afraid, so he told the truth. He has never apologized to me, I have never apologized to my daughter. None of the students in their class have apologized...none..."

"Please forgive me, Mr. Yang. Did you just mention the diary?"

"You guys wait."

"This is it."


"Can you read? Thank you."

Rustling... rustling...

"Mr. Yang, where is your daughter buried? Can you let us take a photo?"



"Thank you, Mr. Yang."

According to what was recorded in Yang Xiaofei's diary, it was confirmed that "Xiaotian" was Xie Yang's nickname for Yang Xiaofei, which means "sky" and matches Xie Yang's "sun".

On August 22, 2014, Xie Yang could not be found.

On August 24, 2014, Xie Yang’s parents, Xie Jinan and Weng Xian, were contacted. Audio file 08520140824.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Xie, Mrs. Xie. We want to look for Mr. Xie Yang, but his phone calls have not been answered."

"He has been away from home for a long time, from a few years ago..."

"A few days after he finished his college entrance examination, he disappeared and has never been seen again."

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