Aoba Office

Chapter 541 No. 085-Photo Plastic Surgery (1)

Incident number 085

Event name: Photo plastic surgery

Client: Li Moqian

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Occupation: Freelance

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XX, Tianhu Community, Minqing City

Contact number: 187XXXXXXXX


On July 24, 2014, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 08520140724.wav.

"Hello, Miss Li."


"Your dress..."

"...Can, can you listen to me first about what happened to me?"

"Okay, please tell me."

"My online name is Li Moqian, you may have heard of it. I am actually a professional Internet celebrity. I take photos, shoot videos, do live broadcasts, accept advertisements, write jokes, draw pictures, open Taobao stores... in this regard I have done all kinds of jobs. I rely on this, and my income is very stable and quite a lot. I have been doing this since my junior year in college, and I have graduated this year, more than a year, more than a year..."

"Well. What happened to you at work?"

"After I take the photo, I definitely have to retouch it."


"There's nothing I can do about it. I don't retouch the pictures. I just take selfies with my mobile phone. I don't use lighting or anything. The effect is not good."



"Miss Li?"

"In the beginning, I didn't want to be an Internet celebrity. I just took selfies for fun. I wasn't very good at retouching pictures at that time. Even later, I didn't do much retouching on my face, but I would sometimes take pictures of the background, lighting, etc. to others…”

"Ms. Li, are you okay?"


Rustling, rustling...

"Your face is..."

"I didn't expect this to happen... I really didn't expect this to happen! I don't know how it happened..."

"Miss Li, please calm down. Can you slowly tell us what happened to you?"

"Huh...okay, okay."

"You can drink some water and rest for a while. There is no rush. Please tell us what happened in as much detail as possible."


"Okay. I, I can continue."

"Well, please tell me."

"That's what I just said. When I started taking selfies, I just used some of the effects that come with the software. At that time, my account was not popular either. My classmates and friends in my life were following each other and there were no comments or forwardings. Then one time, by coincidence, I posted a photo of the newly bought skirt, which was also a selfie, for my classmates to see. The photo happened to be taken into the cabinet of my house, which is the former chest of drawers and an old-fashioned desk clock. There is a marketing account that is posting nostalgia-themed photos. I reposted the content when I saw it. That repost had nothing to do with me, but I became famous like that. Some people thought I was pretty good-looking, so they followed me. I have more fans, and they leave comments and private messages to me. They wanted to see my selfies, ask me about the places in the photos, ask me where to buy clothes and cosmetics... I gradually got into this industry. I have been posting selfies, and I have also learned professional photography and photo editing... At that time, I started to notice that my face... my face had changed..."

"Did your current situation gradually change since then?"

"No, no, it's not like this now! I became prettier back then! I wouldn't have made myself look like this when I retouched pictures! I didn't think much about it at the time, I didn't expect... I just felt that my skin was better, and my eyes were better. It seemed to have gotten bigger, so I thought it was the effect of cosmetics. My classmates also asked me if I had changed my cosmetics. Later, one time, I posted a funny picture and put cat ears and whiskers on myself..."

"Same thing on your face?"

"...It's...just like that photo. I've touched it many times. It's not fake, it's not my eyesight, it's not my dream, and it's not someone playing a prank. It's true that I have ears and beards... I was almost scared to death! I thought about all the possibilities. Fortunately, it was winter vacation at home and no one saw it."

"You were sure at that time that this happened because the photos were edited?"

"Yes! I took the photo again and wiped off the ears and beard. Once I saved it, my face was fine and gone. I...I knew there was something wrong with it, but, but at that time...I won't hide it. You guys, my heart is beating very fast and my hands are shaking. I have tried many times because of the photo editing. As long as I take a photo, edit the photo, and save it, my face will change. I...I will..."

"You used this method to change your appearance."

"Yes... I... ugh... I didn't think much about it, I just... just... a little bit... I also know that it may be discovered by others. I haven't done any big changes, just some minor repairs..."

"So, what's the reason for your current situation?"

"I clicked on the wrong one! When I was retouching the picture a month ago, I clicked on the wrong one! Then I clicked on save... It was really a slip-up mistake! I wanted to change it right away, but, how do I take a picture and how do I change it? ...I have tried various methods, but I can't change it..."

"Is it that the computer software cannot retouch the image, or is there no change in your reality?"

"It's reality, it's reality. My face can't change back... My vision is also affected now. I can't see at all with my left eye... Only my right eye can still see. The same goes for my mouth, when I eat. …I don’t even dare to see people…”

"Ms. Li, in your case, we need to check the computer you are using."

"Ugh...the computer is at home, I didn't bring it..."

"Is it convenient for you now? If so, we will accompany you back to get your computer and check your residence again."

"Okay, okay."

On July 24, 2014, we went to the client's residence and obtained the client's laptop. No abnormality was found in the client's home.

On July 25, 2014, the client's laptop was inspected and confirmed that there were no abnormalities in the computer records.

On July 26, 2014, the client was contacted. Audio file 08520140726.wav.

"Hello, Miss Li. We have checked your notebook and there is nothing abnormal in it."


"The problem you encountered should not be caused by computer software. Can you please recall the specific time when you encountered such a thing and what you did before that?"

"The should be this year...I can't remember clearly..."

"Maybe you have an impression of that photo that changed you?"

"I don't remember. I really don't remember. At that time, I thought I could try to be an Internet celebrity, and I kept learning how to do it online. I took photos, retouched pictures, wrote jokes, watched Internet hot spots, and followed those Internet celebrities every day. And marketing accounts, learn from their experience... It also happened to be the graduation period, graduation thesis, internship, job search... I think about it now, that period was so confusing..."

"So, did you do anything special before your face looked like this?"

"No, probably not...just those things. Those are the things I do every day."

"Is there anything you suspect?"


"Have you never thought about the possible reasons that may have caused you to encounter such an incident?"

"I have...I have thought about it...I have also searched online, but there is nothing."

"What do you suspect?"

"I had doubts about that marketing account and computer viruses, but I... I don't think so. The black girl whose marketing account is called Tufeiyuan often talks about nostalgia, childhood and other content, and also criticizes the current new trends and new styles. Some of the contents are not in the same style as mine, and I have no communication with him... As for the computer, I have also checked for viruses, and there is none... Apart from these two, I have no other suspects."

"In this case, it will take us a lot of time to investigate."

"You...I'm like this now, can't you do anything about it?"

"We don't have the ability to change your appearance. We can only find ways to find the source and solve the trouble you encounter."

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