Aoba Office

Chapter 534 No. 009-Public Telephone (4)

"Hello, Mrs. Lin, we were hired by your husband to deal with the matter you encountered. Was the call just now made by your deceased grandmother?"


"It's fine."

"Your husband has told us about your experience. If possible, we would like to hear what happened from you."


"Don't be afraid, Qinqin, just tell them."

"...I, I just received a public phone, it was a public phone booth on the roadside. There was a phone ringing, and I picked it up...Someone spoke and said something...I didn't recognize the two people I met at the beginning. After I finished speaking, I hung up. The other person heard that I called the wrong number, and I wanted to tell him that it was a public phone, but he suddenly hung up. Then... it was grandma... ugh..."

"What did your grandmother say to you?"

"She, she told me things about my childhood. It was really grandma, mom, husband, it was really grandma! I'm not crazy, that voice belonged to grandma, and the things she said were only known to me. She knows everything about her childhood.”

"Mrs. Lin, have you noticed that your mental state has been very abnormal recently?"


"According to your family, you were in a trance. You wanted to talk to your grandmother all day long and had no intention of doing anything. Before you received your grandmother's call, you had auditory hallucinations and fear for a period of time, right? You then Left home in the middle of the night and went to a phone box."

"Yes, it's all what you said, that's it. But me, I just received a call from my grandma suddenly, and I was a little excited. I know, I was a little emotional... I just missed her so much. I didn't even see her for the last time. Ah! She...wuwu..."

"What happened on that phone call just now?"

"It was grandma who called back. Grandma said, let me take good care of myself. She is really grandma. She said she would not call again in the future, and asked me to live a good life and have a baby soon... She said she wouldn't call anymore...!"



"Well, is everything okay now? That person said he wouldn't call. Qinqin looks like..."

"Mr. Lin."


"We investigated some time ago and found that the phone booth was not installed by the phone company."

"What? What do you mean...who is pretending to be over he really a liar, right?"

"In addition, according to eyewitnesses, a man who often used that phone had abnormal behavior last year and has passed away. He died in an accident."

"...You guys, what do you want to say..."

"When your wife was on the phone just now, we found a trace of yin energy. To put it simply, that phone call was indeed related to ghosts."


"In the current situation, the best result is that the call is indeed from your wife's grandmother, and she has no harm in your wife's mind and is ready to stop her previous behavior; the worst result is that the ghost has another purpose. , will hurt your wife."

"What should we do?"

"Our office makes amulets that can protect against ordinary ghosts. You can let your wife wear it. For safety reasons, you should also wear one yourself."

"Is this okay?"

"This is a way to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. But unfortunately, the phone booth has disappeared, and we don't know where to look for it at the moment."

"I-I know."

On January 25, 2002, the client and his wife no longer received public calls, and his wife had returned to normal life.

On January 29, 2002, he went to Zhao Xiaowei’s residence and contacted Zhao Xiaowei’s father, Zhao Quansheng. Audio file 00920020129.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao."

"Hey, hello, you...well, comrade reporters, what on earth is my Xiaowei doing in the city?"

"This is what we are curious about. We originally wanted to contact Mr. Zhao Xiaowei to do a special report on foreigners working in Minqing City. In addition to your son, we also contacted other people. But there was suddenly no news about your son. , we came to contact you. According to the neighborhood committee of the community where he works, he did not speak to anyone when he left."

"Ah, that's it, that's're not asking us to compensate you, are you?"

"No, they have no intention of pursuing the case. We are just curious. Mr. Zhao, did your son say or do anything after he came back?"

"I was actually confused. He came back all of a sudden and didn't say hello to us. After he came back, he didn't say anything. When I asked him, he didn't say anything and just hid in the house. I'm so angry that I won't hit him even once. Come on. Tell me, what does it look like for a good young man to hide at home when he doesn’t do anything? I beat him, beat him and scolded him, but he remained stubborn! Alas..."

"and after?"

"It was like that after that. It was like that for a long time. I got mad and threw him out, but he still had the nerve to scream and cry! It's true!"

"Well. Your son has never been willing to go out?"

"It's been... I've been having this trouble a few times, and it's finally getting better. That is, it's a little better. I can walk in the yard and walk to the door, but I don't run far. When I come back, I won't go into the ground either. Let me Even if he goes to work, he won’t go either. That’s all I can do..."

"So, what happened before his accidental death?"


"Mr. Zhao?"

"I don't know, I don't know if this counts..."

"what happened?"

"He, that bastard, drank that day. He used to drink too, and he started drinking with his father when he was a little older. Then he went to work in the city and said that the wine there was expensive and he couldn't afford it. The wine here is Just some homemade wine and some old wine... He used to drink a lot when he came back during the Chinese New Year. He didn't drink when he came back this time, and then he suddenly stole my wine and drank it that day... I was so angry that I wanted to beat him and chase him. After chasing him for a while, I saw him running away, and then I came back. I also wanted to wait for him to come back and give him a beating, and fell asleep while waiting. If I didn't get angry that day and kept chasing him... Sigh... …”

"He was drunk that day, so he slipped and fell into the ditch and was drowned?"


"Why did he drink that day?"

"I don't know, I don't know either. By the way, he didn't drink alone that day."

"Who was he drinking with?"

"I do not know!"

"Didn't you drink it at home?"

"I drank it at home, but... I don't know! I just heard some noise, so I came out to take a look and saw him at the stove. I heard voices, and he said something, something. It's you who called me,' and 'Brother, you are also pitiful' and so on. Just two sentences, I can hear this clearly. I also asked someone. No one came yesterday, he came back After that, no one called him."

"When you arrived at the stove, you didn't see anyone?"

"No, there is no one, just him. There is no one else in the house, and the doors are closed. He must have been drunk. He was drunk at that time. I am really... such a bastard! Suck... …suck……"

On February 2, 2002, I received a call from the client’s wife. Telephone recording 200202020318.mp3.

"Hello, may I ask who you are..."

"I am, I am Lin Si's wife. Well, you are the Qingye Supernatural Agency, right?"

"Yes. What happened?"

"My husband had a car accident. He had a car accident while getting off work in the afternoon and is now in the hospital."

"Yeah. How did you get into the car accident?"

"He...he said he saw a phone booth...he saw that phone booth on the road, the one I met! The phone was still ringing, so he ran away and was hit by a car. He also said that he said that the phone booth was inside the phone booth. There is someone, just, staring at him..."

There are only two updates today. Goodnight everybody.

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