Aoba Office

Chapter 531 No. 009-Public Telephone (1)

Event number 009

Event name: public phone

Client: Lin Si

Sex: Male

Age: 29

Occupation: Company employee

Family relations: parents, wife

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XXX, Changde South Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 6514XXXX


On January 11, 2002, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 00920020111.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Lin. What supernatural events have you encountered?"

"Hello. . . ."

"Mr. Lin, what happened to you?"

"It's me, my wife. It's my wife who encountered something, and I also... but mainly it's my wife."

"Well, please tell me."

"My wife recently, no, it started some time ago, received a phone call. It was not a home phone, it was a public phone, or a phone from a public phone booth. That public phone booth is right at the door of our community, and she would pass by it on her way to and from get off work...for the first time , the first time was in November or December last year. She said that she came home from get off work and heard the phone ringing in the phone booth, so she went to answer it. There was an old man's voice on the phone, saying that she had hidden I took some private money and went into the third flower bed at the north gate of the community. I buried it inside and asked someone to take the money out. My wife said that the old man's voice sounded weak. My wife also wanted to ask him what was going on. Either it was a wrong call, so the call was hung up. Later, on the weekend, when the two of us came back from eating outside, we happened to walk through the north gate and walked to the third flower bed... We just... It was just some strange coincidence... The surroundings at that time And there happened to be no one... I started digging, but I couldn't find anything after digging for a long time. Both of us were laughing at ourselves, but... But when I dug again, I touched something, which was a plastic bag. there..."

"Is there money in that?"

"...Yes...there is...20,000 yuan...20,000 yuan, real money, not fake! Both of us...neither of us know what to do...really, neither do I." I didn’t think much about it at the time, so we took the money home and fixed up the flower bed... We were very uneasy later and wanted to hand the money over to the police station.”

"Well, what happens next?"

"It was then that my wife answered the phone again. It was the phone booth again! She too..."

"Is it the same person who called this time?"

"No, no, it's another person, also an old man, but his voice is different. This person is... very painful, no, it's... regretful, it should be remorse. He was crying and talking to my wife , regretted, he shouldn’t have trusted that woman, he had to treat him well, beg her to come and see him, and even said he would give him the house. He should have regarded my wife as his own son, and said he was sorry or something. My wife I interrupted him and told him that he dialed the wrong number. The person stopped crying and asked my wife if she was not Du Yun. My wife said no and hung up the phone. After my wife told me, she said she was not familiar with this name. I had an impression. She asked about her parents, and her former friends and classmates. At first I thought she was making a fuss out of a molehill, but later, she found this Du Yun. It didn’t take long, just a day or two, Find out. Du Yun originally lived in the same community and was an elementary school classmate of my wife. But her mother passed away when she was in elementary school. Her father remarried, so she moved to live with her grandparents. Later, her father They no longer care about her. Her father, who still lives in this community, suffered a stroke the year before last and became paralyzed. His wife ignored him and disappeared. Her brothers and sisters helped take care of her, but it was not until the middle of last year that she became paralyzed. It was gone. Then his wife showed up again and wanted to inherit the house. Their family had quarrels in the community, and people from the neighborhood committee came to mediate, but the daughter Du Yun never showed up. "

"So, the call your wife received was from a dead person?"


"Mr. Lin?"

"It's... it's a dead person... I, we were not sure at that time. We didn't know that person and had no contact with him. Who knows if someone was pretending? But no one should be that boring. Anyway... in short, that's it. …”

"Did you get another call after that?"

"Well... my wife was a little scared and left without forgetting. We also buried the 20,000 yuan back. We... we thought that this kind of thing should be fine... I That day, my wife forgot that day, so she walked that way again, and then when she passed by, she called again... My wife didn't answer it at the time, and when she came back to tell me, she was scared to death. But from that day on, she always said I had auditory hallucinations and heard the phone ringing. She couldn't sleep well at night. I woke up one night and found that there was no one around, and my wife was not at home. I went out to look for her and found her... She was in the phone booth... At about one o'clock in the middle of the night, she was answering the phone in the phone booth and squatting on the ground crying. I...I looked at it, it was really scary..."


"I went to call her, and she actually smiled at me... She said it was her grandma's call... It was her grandma who called her. She was raised by her grandma, but when she was in school, her grandma passed away. The old man left in such a hurry that she didn't even catch up with him for the last time...I...sigh...she has always regretted it. I saw her happy at that time, and the voice on the phone didn't do was just too late at the time, I stood outside with her for more than half an hour at night. Seeing that she was freezing from the cold, I coaxed her to go back first. But..."

"But what?"

"But...but after that, something started to go wrong with her..."

"What's wrong with her?"

"She walked that road every day, waiting to talk to her grandma on the phone. Later, she didn't want to go home from work, so she just stayed in the phone booth. She looked like that... I felt a little crazy like that... ...I tried to persuade her and talked to her, but she didn’t listen. I couldn’t help it. I grabbed the phone once. The phone hung up immediately. I mean, as soon as I grabbed it, I heard a 'click' to hang up. . I didn’t hear what my wife said, her grandmother’s voice. At that time, at that time I was still... I was angry, more than scared. So after that, I walked that way. I walked specifically that way. . Then, that day, I also heard it, heard the phone ringing..."

"Did you pick it up?"

"Yes, I answered it. I wanted to scold that person and tell him to stop playing. But on the phone... As soon as the phone was picked up, someone was yelling... There was a man inside, he was cursing, and he told me to be careful, he They wanted to kill me, they wanted to do something to me... I was so scolded that I hung up the phone. I waited for a while, but no one called again. My wife still... she still didn't Okay, I told my father-in-law and mother-in-law. My mother-in-law took leave to watch my wife. I walked there a few more times, and so did my father-in-law. He didn't touch her, but I answered the phone twice later."

"What's the content of the call?"

"One was a woman crying, the other... the other was a child crying... I asked, I said a lot, but they were just crying. I also called the police, but the police said it was none of their business. I I called the phone company again, and they said they would repair it... They... oh... this matter... I actually can't tell whether it is haunted, someone is playing a prank, or the phone is cross-connected... But my wife, my wife is really She is in a bad state and is in a trance every day... She still wants to answer the phone. I don’t know what to do.”

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