Aoba Office

Chapter 529 Follow-up (1)

Chen Xiaoqiu's words attracted all our attention.

Chen Xiaoqiu took out his mobile phone. He couldn't make calls, but other functions could still be used. She turned on the flashlight and shined it on the fat man's wounds.

The fat man's wound was smaller than before, and at least the neck part had grown back. In other places, I am not sure whether they are recovering. I only remember that Fatty’s injury was serious, but I can’t remember the exact size now.

I stared there. Although there was some blood, I could see that the fat man's wounds were indeed growing and healing. This speed is obviously abnormal and is not something that would appear on an ordinary person's body.

We all looked at each other.

The fat man didn't know when he fell unconscious. It was impossible to shake him awake now and ask him how he felt.

I looked at Nangong Yao and Gu Mo.

"This should be his ability." Nangong Yao said.

"Recovery ability?" The thin man opened his mouth wide, "Isn't this too amazing? Immortality!"

I patted the stunned Guo Yujie, finally reminding her of me who was still being carried by her. I shook my head at the thin man, "Not to that extent."

I told him that Fatty had already died once.

"He might not be dead by then." Gu Mo muttered.

Several of us were stunned.

"My head was all...and there was a lot of blood and my body fell..." I stuttered.

"That's not necessarily the case." Gu Mo looked at the fat man.

Nangong Yao was noncommittal.

The matter has passed, and now we need to get to the bottom of it and study whether the fat man can recover after losing his head, but it is impossible.

Chen Xiaoqiu contacted Chen Yihan using the walkie-talkie.

I looked at the fat man and suddenly asked: "In addition to the recovery ability, eating the fat man's flesh and blood will also cause some problems, right?"

The Nian beast's growth and death were so strange. Before that, the Nian beast had been eyeing Fatty. Obviously, fat people's bodies are not only amazingly resilient, but they also have an impact on these things.

Nangong Yao nodded, "Poison coated in sugar. You can think of it as a drug."

It makes people addicted and leads to destruction.

Xue Jingyue didn't care about this. Seeing that the fat man's breathing was stable and his wounds were still healing, he cried with joy.

Overall, all of us are safe. I looked at the woman's body, which was still limp and slumped on the ground.

Nangong Yao said: "Her soul is gone, you don't have to try anymore."

I froze.

"The souls of people eaten by the Nian Beast will be destroyed. Your dreams should not be able to work on these people." Nangong Yao said in detail.

After hearing this, I felt sad and thought about some things.

The time when the fat man died, the welcoming lady should also have died, but it was not because the Nian beast bit her head off, but for some other reason. This allowed me to successfully cast the dream, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to save the fat man.

But at that time, if I hadn’t changed the past, the Nian beast would have eaten the fat man’s head, and he would have self-destructed in a short time.

I suddenly remembered that Gu Mo’s relatives also died in Nian Beast’s mouth.

I glanced at Gumo. Gu Mo's expression didn't change. It seemed that he didn't care about the death of his relatives. It was more like it had never been such a thing.

Gu Mo noticed my gaze, looked over sideways, and snorted, "Okay, stop looking. I've been mentally prepared for this kind of thing." He stretched out and thumped his back, "It's really , I am an old man, and you don’t know how to respect your elders. I have been busy for a day and two nights, and I will die from overwork if I continue."

None of us answered.

Nothing seems appropriate at this time.

When Chen Yihan and other policemen came to pick us up, Fatty's injury was only a dent on his shoulder that had not yet recovered. Several policemen were shocked when they saw the fat man's injuries. This is a piece of flesh being bitten off alive. But compared to biting off the head, just biting off the meat is already a better ending.

The police helped the fat man get into the car.

Chen Xiaoqiu was afraid that the medical staff would come and find out about the fat man's problem, so he didn't tell Chen Yihan that there were injured people. Chen Yihan glanced at the fat man, heard the police whispering to call an ambulance, and raised his hand to stop them.

"The police car drives over, move faster." Chen Yihan said.

The police officers naturally follow the orders of the chief.

"How's it going over there?" Nangong Yao asked.

"The body is being processed." Chen Yihan rubbed his eyebrows.

Gu Mo hummed, "I told you a long time ago, don't talk nonsense to them, just do our work, there won't be so much trouble."

I couldn't help but look at the three of them.

Gu Mo was full of talk and resentment. Seeing that the police had left and there were only a few of us left in a car, we started complaining nonstop.

Only then did I learn that when the intercom was hung up, when some people in the city government raised objections, Chen Yihan was almost removed from power and was no longer responsible for the Nian beast.

Fortunately, it was Chen Yihan who convinced the others to continue taking charge of the matter. Otherwise, if we change the leadership, we don’t know what the situation will be like now.

At least, Nian Beast had already run away from the police station and could not wait for Nangong Yao and the others to come to support him. Maybe, Nian Beast will kill all the people sent by the police station into the small building.

Nangong Yao seemed to see what I was thinking, and said: "Failure is not necessarily possible. Judging from the development of this matter, God hopes that Nian Beast will die. He bit Chu Yuanguang twice, hoping that Chu Yuanguang would be able to Kill the Nian Beast. Even if there are some twists and turns along the way, Chu Yuanguang will still be bitten by the Nian Beast."

"But then, the situation will be different, right?" I retorted.

Nangong Yao nodded, "How specific it is, we can't deduce an accurate result now."

I heard that he didn't mean what he said, he just didn't want to argue with me.

Perhaps Nangong Yao felt that if more people died at that time and the Nian beast's reproduction and killing accelerated, God would become even more intolerable to it, and it would also be faster for it to have the opportunity to bite the fat man.

Before knowing Fatty's abilities, Nangong Yao still considered Fatty's safety, but now he is a bit dismissive.

I thought this was a bit dangerous, so I frowned and looked at Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao smiled at me, "Don't be nervous, I know you are different from us. Even we hope that we can live a long life and die in peace."

I am speechless.

Naturally, the aftermath of the aftermath has nothing to do with us ordinary people. We were not even asked to take a transcript, we were just going through the motions and signing a transcript.

I read the contents of the transcript and guessed that it was made up by Nangong Yao and Gu Mo.

The Nian beast transformed into a wild bird of prey and attacked us and the police.

What happened at the police station turned out to be an accident. The electrical wiring in the small building was short-circuited, causing an explosion and collapse. This is true. If you don’t look at the headless corpses, the small building itself is indeed so collapsed. It can also be seen from this that the Nian beast is indeed very intelligent and understands human society very well.

The fat man was hospitalized for the third time. Xue Jingyue accompanied him.

We didn't dare to irritate Fatty's parents, so we lied and said that Fatty was accompanying Xue Jingyue in the hospital.

When I return home after a long journey, I will have to be read by my parents.

My younger sister winked and snickered beside me. She still felt that I was living alone with my "girlfriend".

This is really an injustice.

I smiled bitterly and touched my bruised abdomen.

During the two days of rest, it was reported in the news that the New Year's Eve murderer had been killed by the police and the identity of the prisoner was under investigation.

I went to the office and reported to Ye Qing that I was safe. But the office was cold and desolate, and Ye Qing did not appear.

That day, when a few of us went to see Fatty together, we heard Chen Xiaoqiu talk about the follow-up investigation and handling work.

Good night everyone~

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