Aoba Office

Chapter 520 Elusive (2)

I looked at the time in the car. It had been more than five minutes, and the Nian beast hadn't appeared again.

The black smoke on the other side did not subside. From the sound, the police should have divided into two groups. Because I heard the siren again and it was going away, so I probably had to take a detour.

The fat man asked: "Is it gone?"

"Well, maybe. We..." I hesitated for a moment.

Should I go to the hospital now or somewhere else?

Is the Nian beast following us, or has it left?

I got a headache.

This thing is probably more cunning than I originally imagined. Its mode of action is also truly unpredictable.

The fat man exhaled, "Let's drive slower, and we'll see what's going on when we get there..."

I nodded in agreement.

The fat man slowed down the car and looked around.

I'm still trying to contact other people, but with little success. Neither the intercom nor the phone can be connected.

I thought of the police car from before. Maybe we should have gone to the police then. They should have other communication tools there. But across the community, we can see the black flames and hear the noise there. It only takes Nian the beast from there to here in the blink of an eye. If we want to drive there, we have to take a detour, and we I am completely unfamiliar with this place, and I don’t know how much time it will take to make a detour.

I looked around.

Most of the residents here in Pingcheng District are outsiders who come to Minqing City to work, and their lives are relatively tight. With the wave of people returning home during the Chinese New Year, this place has become a ghost town. Not only are all the small shops on the street closed, but even the residential areas are deserted. It reminds me of my school dormitory during vacation.

We drove all the way and didn't see anyone.

But if there really is someone, I should worry about whether the Nian beast will attack him.

This contradiction is everywhere.

The car arrived at an intersection, there was a red light in front of it, and a car came from the lane on the opposite side of the road. The car didn't slow down, probably because there were fewer cars during the New Year, and the place was almost empty, so it was about to run through the red light.

Cars whizzed past us, receding in the rearview mirror.

I was about to look away when I heard the sound of brakes and a collision behind me.

That sound again!

Fatty and I turned back at the same time.

Standing on the road behind was a four-hoofed monster with a horn. It blocked the middle of the road, and the car that just drove past rushed into the green belt next to it. The front of the car hit a telephone pole, and its wheels were suspended in the air. Inside the vehicle, men and women were screaming in shock.

I saw the car's window glass lowered, and a young man in the back seat held up his mobile phone and stretched his hand out of the window to take pictures of the Nian beast. There was an expression on his face that could be called surprise and shock.

"What the hell is this?" the man yelled.

"Come on, hurry up!" the woman shouted.

"It must be a monster! It must be a monster!" The young man was excited.

The man cursed and suddenly opened the car door. As he got out of the car, he said, "Is it a movie prop?"

The young man had to get out of the car when he saw this.

The woman scolded.

I'm almost crazy with anxiety.

The fat man turned around and drove towards the back.

I stuck my head out of the car window and shouted to the people over there: "Leave quickly! Run!"

The man turned his head and looked at the motionless Nian Beast. He pointed at that thing and asked us: "Is this your prop? Are you filming a movie?" He also looked around as if he was looking for members of the movie crew. .

The boy had already gotten out of the car regardless of the woman's obstruction. The woman also came down.

"Get the hell away!" I was speechless.

The Nian beast suddenly raised its head in our direction.

The boy exclaimed, getting even more excited.

The man was also amazed and said disgustedly: "Why are you so stingy?"

"Brother Qi, sit tight!" the fat man reminded me, and the vehicle speeded up.

When the man saw our posture, he turned around quickly and tried to get out of the way if he caught his son, cursing in his mouth.

The Nian beast moved.

Its figure was like the wind, and it jumped behind the woman with a slight leap.

The woman was stunned and turned her head. Both the man and the boy stared blankly at the Nian beast.

The thing lowered its head, opened its mouth, and bit off the woman's head.

The woman's body collapsed limply on the ground, and blood sprayed on the Nian beast's head and the ground.


The man sat down directly on the ground. The young man let go of his hand and dropped the phone.

The Nian beast chewed the woman's head, and blood and flesh fell from its teeth. It took a step forward, opened its mouth again, rubbed the boy's body, and bit off the man's head.

Blood spattered half of the boy's body. The young man was trembling, his whole body was sluggish and motionless.

I felt like my heartbeat had stopped.

The fat man turned the steering wheel and adjusted the direction.

Nian suddenly jumped up and appeared in front of us. He bowed his head and the huge horn on his head hit the front of the car.


The impact was followed by the harsh sound of metal deforming.

The vehicle came to a sudden stop and the airbag deployed.

I was not injured, so I quickly opened the airbag and looked out of the car.

The front of the car is sunken into a U shape. The Nian beast didn't move at all, but the police car moved back a distance. Nian Beast straightened up, looked at me with its cold eyes as if mocking, turned around and jumped to the boy's side.

The young man screamed and was about to run away, but Nian Beast lifted his foot and stepped on it. The Nian beast's other hoof stepped on the mobile phone that had fallen to the ground. After crushing it, it turned its head and bit the boy's head.

Fatty and I both jumped out of the car.

I ran over, but my outstretched hand came up empty.

The boy's headless body lay on the ground, blood gushing from the broken neck.

Nian Beast reached the top of the street lamp and stepped on the small lamp with its four hooves, but its huge body was very stable. It stood there, chewed up the boy's head, and swallowed it.

I got angry and yelled at the Nian beast above, but it just watched. The fat man got into the car again, but the car's engine was completely scrapped and could not start at all. I heard the sound of the fat man smashing the steering wheel to vent his anger.

Looking down at the three corpses on the ground, I told myself not to look at the Nian Beast.

Enter the dream, enter the dream, dream, dream, dream... If I want to enter the dream, I just need to change the past and stop them. At least, at least I can save these three people!

I closed my eyes tightly and worked every muscle in my body, thinking about entering the dreamland.


I got a tap on my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and saw the fat man with bloodshot eyes. When I looked up again, the Nian beast was gone, leaving only a trace of blood under the lamppost.

"It ran away..." Fatty said.

I feel something fishy and sweet in my throat.

Why can't I enter the dreamland?

Because it's not night yet?

Because I just forced myself into a dream last night?

A muffled sound came out of my throat. Facing the three corpses on the ground, I just felt sad and angry.

The cell phone ringtone rang at this moment.

The fat man patted me, returned to the vehicle, and picked up the mobile phone I had just thrown out.

"Hello?" Fatty said, listening to what was said over there, but within a few seconds, he put down his phone.

"What's wrong?" I wiped my face.

"It's Nangong Yao." The fat man turned to me and said, "He said there was a problem with the base station in Pingcheng District, and there seemed to be another source of interference. He, A Rui, and Chen Xiaoqiu had already arrived at the hospital. After that, the communication was cut off. "

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