Aoba Office

Chapter 518 Bad News (2)

I put my phone on speakerphone so that Fatty could hear the sound.

"What happened?" My voice was almost stuck in my throat, hoarse and unpleasant.

I was afraid that Nangong Yao would tell bad news that scared me.

"Don't mind what Mushroom said." Nangong Yao said something irrelevant.

I was stunned.

"What happened?" Fatty asked.

"We just confirmed the news that among the previous victims were relatives of Gu Gu." Nangong Yao said.

Fatty and I both held our breath.

"The people who were killed during the New Year's Eve dinner at that table were relatives of Mushroom, his cousin's family." Nangong Yao continued to tell, "Actually, after Mushroom joined the firm, he lost contact with all his relatives. They all thought that Mushroom ran away in debt.”

" he..." I couldn't finish the sentence.

"He heard some noises when he was in the hotel before." Nangong Yao sighed.

Fatty and I were silent.

The hotel where Gu Mo lives is some distance from the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, but it is obvious that the scope of his abilities is wider than we previously speculated. There may be other details that we do not know.

"Director Chen is discussing with Mushroom... The superiors have not yet decided on the next plan. They should choose to block it and lure the Nian Beast away." Nangong Yao changed the topic.

"How to stop? How to distract?" My mind went blank, and I couldn't form the slightest idea about these two words.

How to stop something like that? How to lead away?

"Special police and people from nearby military regions are already being mobilized." Nangong Yao said briefly.

"That's not..." Fatty was shocked.

Are you going to use people to stop you?

I shuddered.

"They will try their best to stop them, deal with the Nian beast, and delay you until you arrive. But to be honest, I am not optimistic about this plan." Nangong Yao said, "They want to solve the harm and protect the city, but this matter A layman can't get involved at all. What they can do is use their power to clear the place, provide us with space to perform, and isolate ordinary people. However, they have failed in this regard. I don't think they will have a second chance. .”

I somewhat agree with what Nangong Yao said.

The Nian Beast may have given up on its two goals of Fatty and me.

Speaking of which, it was a little weird that it attacked Fatty twice in the first place instead of attacking me directly. Is there something special about fat people?

"I think we should have a new plan." Nangong Yao said immediately.

I look at the fat man.

The fat man also glanced at me, and then continued to look at the road ahead.

"us"? Nangong Yao's words seemed to include me and Fatty, but in fact it was still him and Gu Mo, right? The walkie-talkie was turned off, Gu Mo and Chen Yihan were not there, and Nangong Yao called my mobile phone... All these things were connected in series, and I immediately realized that Nangong Yao wanted us to throw away our cooperation with Chen Yihan, and instead carry out his and Chen Yihan's activities. Gumo's new plan.

They haven't told anything about Gumo's family. They kept it until now to tell me and Fatty, in the hope of impressing us, right? Although I don't think this incident and Gu Mo's previous emotions were faked, the timing is too subtle.

Nangong Yao may not know, or may not care about the complicated thoughts I had because of his words, and has already begun to talk about the new plan.

"We infer that the Nian Beast will go to Pingcheng District Central Hospital. The mobile phone is an omen. Miss Xue and Miss Guo will be in danger."

My heart was in my throat. The fat man's hand holding the steering wheel shook, and the vehicle almost spun around.

"This is a directional guide. You go directly to the central hospital. I and others will also go there and make arrangements."

"Who else? What did you do?!" I asked excitedly.

"You still have two people, don't you? Talk about Wenrui and Chen Xiaoqiu." Nangong Yao remained unmoved, his tone still very calm, "They have already gotten the things from the office. We will arrange them when they get there. "

"When did could Chen Xiaoqiu and Ari listen to you?" I asked.

"Because my plan is more reasonable and effective than Director Chen's." Nangong Yao said, "As I said just now, outsiders can't get involved. It's simply impossible for Director Chen to resolve this matter through normal channels."

"You can discuss it with Chen Yihan..."

"He can give you some conveniences, but don't forget that he is still the police chief and has his own responsibilities. It is impossible for him to agree to my plan, and he will be subject to many constraints." Nangong Yao said.

"What on earth are you going to do?" the fat man yelled.

"The spirit left behind spices that can make monsters hallucinate and have aphrodisiac effects." Nangong Yao said, "I just want it to reproduce in advance."

"What can't you tell Chen Yihan and the others?" I couldn't understand.

"Because that thing not only causes monsters to hallucinate, but also affects humans. Problems will arise after humans come into contact with it."

"What's the problem?" Fatty became anxious, "How could you..."

"Don't worry, it won't work on people like us." Nangong Yao comforted.

"What is the problem?" I took a deep breath and asked patiently.

Nangong Yao didn't answer for a long time.

"Nangong Yao! Are you going to tell me or not?" My tone became stern, with a hint of coercion.

Nangong Yao said quietly: "It can inspire the malice deep in the human heart."

Fatty and I were both quiet.

"What do you mean?" My voice was calm, but I was panicking inside.

The events Aoba encountered were swirling in my mind, and the voices of those clients almost made my head explode.

Human malice...the reality is not as touching as this literary statement.

Just in the "remaining souls" incident, those who died in vain died due to the trivial malice of others. How many people died in that incident? I couldn't figure it out for a while.

A little bit of hatred, a little bit of resentment, infinitely amplified by evil spells. What if the hatred is directly amplified? Maybe there is no need to wait for those people to die, they will become living evil ghosts.

"Do we have to do this?" Fatty asked, hesitating, "Yes, you can evacuate the crowd first, and then..."

I thought the same thing.

The kind of thing Nangong Yao said was too terrifying and too harmful. If people are not evacuated and ignited directly in densely populated areas, the results will be unpredictable.

"How could Ari agree to this?" I said.

Neither Shouzi nor Chen Xiaoqiu would agree to Nangong Yao's plan to use that kind of spice.

"It won't affect so many people." Nangong Yao said, "The plan is to light it in the middle of the night. People who are sleeping will have nightmares at most, and there will be no actual action. After the spices are burned, the effect will end. The only problem is , the people who light the spices must be two ordinary people, a man and a woman, and their blood is needed to ignite it."

My heart sank.

This man and woman are undoubtedly Shouzi and Chen Xiaoqiu. If these two people knew the conditions for lighting the spices, and were worried about Guo Yujie, Xue Jingyue, Fatty and me, they might have been persuaded by Nangong Yao like this.

"They agreed and have obtained the spices. Tonight, we can arrange it and choose a place to light it. Before that, we need to confirm the situation of Miss Xue and Miss Guo. You have to delay the Nian Beast until night. If not, You need to light the spices in advance." Nangong Yao continued.

"Does it have to be like this?" I finally asked unwillingly.

"Without sacrifice, it is impossible to succeed. If you miss this time, it will only become more difficult. You should understand this truth. When it reproduces, you must also seize the opportunity to eliminate it completely." Nangong Yao Said very firmly.

The third update is over today, good night everyone~

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