Aoba Office

Chapter 515 The night is getting darker (7)

Fatty and I were both excited. I could see beads of sweat forming on the fat man's forehead.

"Was it a demonstration just now?" the fat man asked.

I nodded, "Probably."

It follows us. This is what I expected, and its appearance is also what I expected before. But after being hit just now, my heartbeat couldn't calm down for a while.

The vehicle continued to drive, and when it was about to turn, another black shadow passed by, blocking the light of the street lamp next to it.

The fat man squeezed the steering wheel and made a sound, but the attack I was wary of did not appear.

There is a cyclist on the road ahead.

My heart skipped a beat, and I suddenly had a bad feeling.

The man rode under the streetlight, and the light from the streetlight fell on him. Just for a moment, I saw the Nian beast rushing out from behind the car and jumping over the cyclist's head like lightning.

The blood sprayed on the Nian beast's abdomen, and as it moved, it dripped to the ground.


The bicycle traveled some distance due to inertia and fell down with the headless body.

The fat man's body was completely stiff.

I saw the Nian beast rushing away for a certain distance and then turned around quickly.

The fat man was trembling, but the vehicle was still moving forward at the same speed as before.

I reached out and grabbed the steering wheel and pushed hard!

The vehicle spun and drifted out.

The car door on my side is facing the charging Nian beast.

And this monster and I looked at each other again.


The Nian beast jumped up and jumped over the vehicle.

The fat man also came to his senses as if he had been awakened, and quickly took control of the vehicle.

"Hug, sorry...I just..." The fat man's voice was still trembling.

"It's okay. Keep going... let's..." I didn't know what to say for a moment.

The Nian beast follows us, how many more people will it kill on the way to Qingye Supernatural Office?

I shudder just thinking about it.

These people died because of me in some way. Because I chose to take this path, I attracted the Nian beast...

The ringtone of my cell phone put a temporary stop to this thought.

The phone number was from an unfamiliar number, and I was about to press it when I remembered the call I had just made to Chen Xiaoqiu and quickly picked it up.


"Where are you now?" Chen Yihan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"On Tongbao Road." I looked at the road sign, "That thing is still following us, and... and it killed a cyclist on the road."

"You cannot enter the city center or residential areas. I will ask the police to pick you up. You drive to the suburbs." Chen Yihan said.

I was stunned, "But, I can't deal with that thing, it's too fast. It seems to be afraid of Qingye..."

"It has an entity, and weapons can deal with it. As for speed, Gu Mo and Nangong Yao will find a way to lock its position. You can also cooperate." Chen Yihan said calmly.

"Gun, gun? Gun okay?" I asked in surprise.

I didn't expect modern weapons to be useful in this kind of thing.

"It can be used, it has been confirmed. Turn on your mobile phone to locate it, and a police car will be here to guide you soon." Chen Yihan said.

I breathed a sigh of relief, turned on the location on my phone, and sent the location information to Chen Yihan.

The fat man felt relieved when he heard the news.

"It would be nice if it could be solved." Fatty said.

"Yeah." I also breathed out.

If I could injure but not kill, I might be able to find a way to eliminate it from the source and let the victims live.


This kind of thing will be very difficult.

What if the first victim the Nian killed was found? Before the Chinese New Year, he contacted Chen Yihan to prepare this plan, waited for the rabbit, and ambush the Nian Beast. Would there be no casualties?

The fat man turned the car around.

The roadside greenery had an unnatural tremor.

I put away those beautiful imaginations and became tense again.

Now is not the time to be happy, we are all still in danger until this thing is killed. Even my previous imagination was based on the feasibility of Chen Yihan's plan.

The Nian beast was probably afraid because of my previous actions. It may have sensed my threat to it.

After all, it is a legendary monster, which should be different from a ghost and have some special abilities.

As I was guessing, another possibility suddenly occurred to me.

Could this Nian Beast be aware of my abilities like people like us who have some kind of superpower? Have you noticed a change in reality? That's probably how it realized I was dangerous to it.

"Is it still there?" The fat man was a little worried.

It has been more than ten minutes, and the Nian beast has not attacked us again, nor has it killed passers-by to provoke us.

I don’t know if it is still following us, so I am a little anxious.

Unless the Nian Beast is fooled, Chen Yihan's arrangement will not work at all.

At this time, a police car drove over at the intersection ahead.

The fat man and I were so focused that we didn't miss the gestures made by the policeman in the police car to us.

The fat man drove and followed the police car. The police car didn't sound its siren, but it was moving very quickly. I found that the intersections on this road all have green lights, probably controlled by a traffic command center. There were fewer and fewer vehicles on the road, and eventually we and the police car were the only ones left. Even the pedestrians were gone. The route chosen by the police car also avoids densely populated areas, away from residential areas, and drives through office blocks that are as empty as a ghost town during the Chinese New Year.

Chen Yihan called.

"Is that thing still following you?" Chen Yihan asked.

"I don't know either." I smiled bitterly, "It hasn't appeared for a long time."

"Don't hang around." Chen Yihan said.

I heard him call Nangong Yao on the other end of the phone and mentioned surveillance. Does he want Nangong Yao to determine the location of Nian Beast through surveillance? I'm looking forward to a positive answer from there.

"It hasn't been found yet, but no one has called the police for a while, and no dead people were found during the surveillance investigation here. You continue to be careful." Chen Yihan said.

I was a little disappointed, "Can Nangong Yao see it?"

"He means that as long as the Nian beast appears, he can see it." Chen Yihan replied.

When Nangong Yao said this, he was definitely sure.

"Where is the location? Where is the final ambush?" I asked.

"Lijiaxiang Road." Chen Yihan replied.

I have never heard of this place name.

"There is a police training ground there that will provide you with protection and a suitable sniper position." Chen Yihan replied.

"That's good.'s best to have relatively simple and specific guidelines." I looked at the fat man.

Fatty agreed.

We have absolutely no experience in this job.

Chen Yihan reassured us both.

The vehicle continued to drive, going further and further away. There were fewer and fewer high-rise buildings around it, and some farmland could already be seen.

The police car led the way, so Fatty didn't have to worry about getting lost in this unfamiliar place, but because here, the street lights were reduced and the surroundings were darker, which made the two of us nervous again.

" really still following me?" Fatty asked.

I don't know either.

If we were to attack, this would be a good place?

There are only two updates today. Good night~

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