Aoba Office

Chapter 512 The night is getting darker (4)

I looked up and saw the black shadow disappearing from the roof. I immediately stopped and searched up and down, left and right.

Didi didi——

The car horn woke me up. The sound of brakes followed, extremely harsh.

I quickly dodged and passed the oncoming car, only to realize that I was parked on a zebra crossing with a red light in front of me.

"You are seeking death, you idiot!" the driver yelled angrily.

I apologized hastily and wanted to cross the street to find the thing.

I could already hear the sirens of police cars and the sound of ambulances.

People on the road looked sideways, subconsciously looking in the direction in which the police car and ambulance were coming.

I caught a glimpse of the dark shadow again, passing through the brightly lit glass window.


I didn't think much and just wanted to catch up.

Ye Qing said that I can't kill the Nian beast, but at least I know its whereabouts, and then...

I don't know what I can do next, I just chase instinctively.

My pursuit stopped suddenly. This time I stopped on the sidewalk and looked up at the glass above.

That's the large glass next to the escalator in the shopping mall. The middle part was blood red.

Only now do I understand what Ye Qing said.

That thing was so fast that the moment it passed by, I saw the blood spurting out. The headless corpse was imprinted on my retina for just a moment, and then it rolled down the escalator.

I seemed to hear the screams in the mall.

After searching again, the Nian beast disappeared again. In fact, I haven't seen it in full yet.

"Lynch! Lynch!!"

"Hey, someone is shouting on your phone." A passerby kindly reminded me.

I came to my senses, raised the phone and put it to my ear.

"Lin Qi, are you still there?" Guo Yujie asked anxiously.

"I'm here." My voice was hoarse.

"It scared me to death! I thought you were hit!" Guo Yujie breathed a sigh of relief, "Did you hear what I just said? That thing is still near the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, you..."

"I just saw it." I said in a daze.

"Ah!" Guo Yujie exclaimed.

"It ran away, I don't know..." My mouth was bitter.

If I really bumped into the Nian beast, I probably would have been bitten off my head before I even saw its appearance.

Just as I was about to say something, my phone rang, and it was Slim Man calling. I cheered up a little, talked to Guo Yujie, and answered the call from the thin man.

"Did you find it?" I blurted out.

"Found it! Baiyue's house! It's on Pingxi Road! I'll send you the address!" the thin man said excitedly.

I quickly agreed and turned around to hail a taxi.

"Master, Pingxi Road!" I shouted to the taxi driver.

"Where is Pingxi Road?" the driver asked slowly.

"Drive first, hurry up! I'm in a hurry! Sorry to bother you!" I opened the link sent by the thin man, "No. 383, Pingxi Road, Baiyue Renjia Hotel, close to Jianguo Road!"

"Okay." The driver stepped on the accelerator.

I still feel like the car is slow. Looking anxiously out of the car window, I didn't see the black figure again. I wonder if it is hiding somewhere to eat the food it just caught. I hope it takes longer to eat and digest, the longer the better.

There are still messages in the group.

Someone has called the police about the death I just saw. Police officers across the city are currently mobilized.

I glanced at the driver and had no choice but to type and tell others what I just witnessed.

"It was traveling so fast that I couldn't see its appearance clearly. I'm afraid I couldn't see it with the naked eye." I wrote with some regret.

Your eyes can't keep up with its speed, which makes it almost impossible to deal with.

"The naked eye can't help it, so the ability should be useful." Chen Xiaoqiu sent a message.

My eyelids twitched.

The thin man had already asked the question in my mind: "Is your brother-in-law looking for those two people?"

We all know who the two people he is talking about are, and apart from Gu Mo and Nangong Yao, there is no other candidate.

"Can we invite someone from the expert database to do this kind of thing?" Guo Yujie asked.

"Both aspects are going on." Chen Xiaoqiu replied, "But the progress is not going well."

Judging from what Chen Xiaoqiu heard, Ye Qing and Nangong Yao's attitude was the consensus of people in their circle. The Nian beast has no solution and cannot be killed. Whoever encounters it will be unlucky. Don't complain even if it dies. They all avoid the Nian beast and are hiding instead of rushing forward to seek death.

If possible, I don't want to run into that thing.

Although I felt bad knowing that the Nian beast had killed someone, I wasn't willing to make unnecessary sacrifices for someone whose name I didn't even know. However, Xue Jingyue had already said that she saw bad omens about the fat man. I'm afraid I can't be alone in this matter.

Just as he was thinking of Xue Jingyue, Guo Yujie sent a message.

"Yueyue was in a car accident and is now in a coma." Guo Yujie said, "The ambulance staff found me from her mobile phone list, and I..."

"Go and have a look." I said decisively, smiling bitterly.

This should be Xue Jingyue's strange ability protecting her and preventing her from entering Minqing City to find Fatty. From this point of view, what happened to the fat man must be extremely dangerous.

I take a deep breath.

Taxis have already left the bustling commercial street, and the number of pedestrians and vehicles on the road has been greatly reduced.

The driver probably heard what I just said, so he struck up a conversation and said, "Are you going to see your friend?"


"Is it the hotel I just mentioned?" The driver glanced at the rearview mirror.

"Yes, let's go there. Master, hurry up." I said.

"It's already very fast. If you go faster, you're speeding. Don't look at the fact that there are no cars on the road now. This is speeding. If you hit a car, it will be a big accident. For a few minutes of risk, you might be going decades faster. .”

This driver looked a bit old, but he kept up with the trend and taught me about traffic laws. He gave many accident examples, which were vivid and vivid. He also provided self-dubbing effects to simulate the sounds of braking and collisions.

Normally, I would smile and chat with him, but now I am not in the mood to joke at all.

It was not interesting for the driver to perform a one-man show. After talking for a while, he shut up.

My sharp eyes spotted the big signboard of Baiyue Family. The hotel has two floors, and the sign's light box takes up the entire second floor, which is even higher than the second floor.

I quickly pointed it out to the driver.

The driver stopped in front of the hotel. I took out a hundred-yuan bill, said no need to look for it, and jumped out of the car.

"Sir, all our seats are full." The receptionist at the door stopped me.

"I'm looking for someone, Chu Yuanguang. It should be the person named Chu who booked the private room. Their family orders New Year's Eve dinner here every year." I said hurriedly, taking out my phone to look through the photos to show the waiter, "I'm his colleague. If you have an emergency, come to him!"

"Wait a moment." The receptionist took the walkie-talkie and contacted the waiter in the box. She smiled at me again and said, "What's your name?"

"Lynch, my name is Lynch." I answered.

"His surname is Lin, Lynch. OK." The receptionist communicated with the person on the other end of the intercom.

"It's a friend." The other side confirmed.

"Where is the box?" I asked.

"I'll take you to the Fushou Room on the second floor." The welcoming lady made an inviting gesture.

I disliked her being a little slow, but as soon as I got upstairs, I saw the fat man.

For a moment, my tense nerves relaxed.

"Brother Qi, why are you here? What's going on?" The fat man was confused.

Just as I was about to speak, there was the sound of breaking glass and the screams of people in the room coming from the box next to me.

The door of the private room was slammed open, and I saw a four-hooved monster with an exaggerated horn rushing out, passing in front of me, smashing the private door on the other side of the corridor, and disappearing into the hotel.

In front of me, the fat man's headless body fell slowly.

In the last half hour of March, don’t forget to pay for your monthly pass~

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