Aoba Office

Chapter 506 No. 053-The Wrong Soul Remains (8)

The three people in Aoba didn't express any reaction to the old gentleman's words.

The old man continued talking to himself: "If Xi Rong had listened to your suggestions and solved this matter earlier, he would probably have been the only one who died. The situation now is a little out of control. Chen Shinan's anger and resentment are not killing him. Xi Rong can calm it down alone."

"Where is Chen Shinan now?" Wu Ling asked.

"I don't know." The old man shook his head, "Xi Rong found someone to steal Chen Shixu's ashes before and wanted to do some magic."

"Then what?" Wu Ling asked.

"It failed. Chen Shixu's soul has long been reincarnated. That person is not strong enough to capture people from the underworld." The old man said, "However, Xi Rong believed his words and was still complacent. The deaths and injuries of other people were also He didn’t take it to heart.”

"Next, it's almost time for him, right?" Wu Ling asked.

"I don't know. I don't know where Chen Shinan is now." The old gentleman showed a hint of fatigue.

Wu Ling lowered his head slightly, as if glancing at the compass.

I don't know when the incense ash in the compass has been reduced by more than half.

"You have to find her as soon as possible. I don't know how many things she will do next and how many people she will kill. She must be stopped."

As soon as the old gentleman said a word, the incense ashes in the center of the compass seemed to be blown away by the invisible wind and disappeared unconsciously. The old gentleman's figure then disappeared on the sofa.

Ye Qing and Liu Miao, who had been silent until now, seemed to suddenly relax and sat down on the sofa.

Wu Ling brushed the compass and wiped it clean.

"How should we find Chen Shinan next?" Wu Ling raised his head and looked at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing looked at Liu Miao.

"Uh, should I go find Xi Rong directly?" Liu Miao scratched his head.

"Then it's all up to you, idiot." Wu Ling picked up the compass and walked indoors.

Liu Miao sighed, "Hey, it's a little difficult to get close to Xi Rong."

The screen stops.

On February 20, 2009, I contacted Xi Rong. Audio file 05320090220.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Xi, long time no see."

"Well. What else do you have? I have hired a powerful master now, so I don't need your help. However, if you have any other means..."

"Mr. Xi."

"What?...What, what is this...ah! What is this, what's going on! Ah! Let me go, let me go! Save me, save me! Please save me! Wow!"

"Xi Rong...Xi Rong..."

"Xi Rong..."

"Xi Rong..."

"Ahhhhhh! Let me go! Don't come over! Save..."

On February 20, 2009, the investigation was concluded.


I listened to Xi Rong's last scream, and I didn't understand what happened.

There are only audio files, no videos. In addition to Wu Ling, Xi Rong and Liu Miao, the voices I heard also included the shouts of many people. Those people called Xi Rong’s name, but the voices were all unfamiliar to me. I had never heard them before. Not heard. The shrillness in Xi Rong's scream was not fake at all, he was really frightened to the extreme.

I listened to the audio again and still didn't understand what was going on.

After thinking for a long time, I called Gumo and asked.

Gu Mo didn't answer the phone. My heart skipped a beat, and when the phone hung up automatically, I quickly dialed again. This time it was Nangong Yao who answered the phone.

"It's me, Lin Qi. Is Gumo okay?" I asked hurriedly.

Nangong Yao laughed, "It's okay, he can't find time for games."

In fact, no need for Nangong Yao to say, I have already heard the sound of the game over there. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"What do you want to ask?" Nangong Yao asked proactively.

I'm a little embarrassed. Every time I call, I ask questions, and the questions I ask seem a bit childish and boring. But apart from Gu Mo and Nangong Yao, I have no one to ask.

I told about the incident and asked Nangong Yao what happened during the audio period.

"Oh, that..." Nangong Yao pondered for a while, "Liu Miao's ability is somewhat special."

I perked up and asked, "What is his ability?" I had been curious about this before.

"You don't want to know." Nangong Yao suddenly gave me this answer.

I almost held my breath, "Why? His ability... I seemed to have seen Liu Miao kill Shen Qing last time... At that time..." I recalled the hand that appeared on Shen Qing's body, Those hands tore Shen Qing into pieces. Liu Miao's ability is to summon some hands? In other words, is it something from the underworld?

I expressed my guess and said: "When I save Liu Miao in the future, I will also see it, right? If you hide it from me now, I will know it in the future. Then I may be caught off guard and save Liu Miao." If something unexpected happens because of this..."

I am not threatening Nangong Yao, but telling the truth.

I was caught off guard when I rescued Gu Mo and Nangong Yao twice before. To be honest, I don’t think I made much of a difference, and those situations would be more appropriately classified as “eureka moments.” But who knows if this flash of inspiration can work again and again? If I were stronger, I could grasp more situations and be more confident when saving Qingye.

The game music and sound effects on the other end of the phone disappeared.

Nangong Yao said: "Actually, Gu Mo and I don't know much about Liu Miao's abilities. We only know that he can sometimes kill living people and ghosts easily."

"What?" I blurted out in surprise.

What does it mean to be able to kill living people and ghosts easily?

Ye Qing could only knock ghosts out of their wits with one punch, and had little influence on living people.

"It means literally. Ye Qing knows the specific content of his abilities, Wu Ling also knows some, but the two of us are not very clear." Nangong Yao said, "Of the five of us, Ye Qing knows each of us very well. , but we all have secrets between each other. I think you should understand, right? There are some things that even our companions cannot know, otherwise, bad things may happen. We will not ask about these secrets."

I was a little confused, "You are all companions, and we have a life-long friendship. Why..."

"As you can see, all five of us have had accidents. If the connection is too close and the person who killed us has malicious intentions and comes with a purpose, he will probably use this to catch us all. Even if we can trust each other, this There are still many unmatchable forces in the world." Nangong Yao explained to me.

What Nangong Yao said was reasonable, but I always felt that he was deliberately hiding it from me. The two of them didn't want to say anything, and I couldn't torture them to extract a confession.

As Chen Yihan said, the people in Qingye hid things from us.

I felt uncomfortable and fell silent for a while. My dealings with people in Qingye are not very smooth to begin with, and in this situation, I can't even deal with Nangong Yaoxu.

"Lin Qi." Nangong Yao suddenly called me.

I didn't answer, but I didn't hang up the phone either.

"I'm sorry that I can't tell you everything. There are some things that we don't want to mention ourselves and sincerely hope we never have to mention them again."

I remained silent.

"I often think that it would be nice if I could forget those things. Ye Qing...contrary to me, he will remember everything that happened and work hard to change his destiny and save the people who are important to him. This is probably also the case. We can confess to him the reason for everything we do. He... can shoulder all our things. Although, in terms of age, he is the youngest among us." Nangong Yao said this and asked: "Lin Qi, Are you willing to bear everything we have?”

I opened my mouth and found that I couldn't answer Nangong Yao's heavy question.

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