Aoba Office

Chapter 498 Vacancy

This strange scene made us all stunned. Only Su Cheng was still coughing.

Guo Yujie didn't think much, patted her chest and sighed: "Fortunately it didn't break!"

The fat man asked: "You were going to destroy it, right?"

"Ah, that's right..." Guo Yujie responded.

The thin man was still lying on the ground, frozen and afraid to move.

I was a little funny, so I was about to pick up the porcelain bowl, and then pick up the thin man, when I felt something fall in my sight.


There was a soft sound and a stack of money fell into the porcelain bowl.

"Hey!" Gu Mo shouted in surprise.

I was also stunned.

"Is this thing really a cornucopia?" Guo Yujie blurted out.

I was a little depressed, so I picked up the money in the bowl and stuffed it back into my jacket pocket. I don't even know when I stuffed this money into my pocket. I just took a look and saw that it was three to four hundred yuan, with some change.

"Hey, why are you pretending to be dead? Do you need to be so scared?" The fat man teased the thin man.

The thin man's whole body was tense and his eyes were fixed on the porcelain bowl.

I felt something was wrong, and quickly picked up the porcelain bowl from the thin man's hand. I didn't feel anything unusual, and looked at the thin man who relaxed again in confusion.

The thin man took a deep breath and slowly got up from the ground.

"Aren't you?" the fat man asked strangely.

Even if a thin man was tortured and abused by his ex-girlfriend and has been afraid of these things since then, he wouldn't have such a big reaction to a simple porcelain bowl, right?

I looked at the porcelain bowl in my hand, and then at Su Cheng.

Su Cheng had stopped coughing, and when he saw me looking over, he was about to leave, "The things have been delivered, I'll go back now."

"Did you encounter anything when you excavated the porcelain bowl before?" I asked.

Su Cheng walked out slowly, "No. If I hadn't encountered a ghost, I would still doubt your words now."

Su Cheng left the room and closed the door.

I looked at the thin man sitting on the sofa.

"What's going on?" Fatty felt something was wrong.

The thin man wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "I saw a hallucination. No, I didn't see a hallucination, it was this thing that was tempting me! MD, this thing has an IQ and can tell what people want to eat!"

"What hallucination?" Guo Yujie asked curiously.

I looked at Nangong Yao and Gu Mo. Both of them had no expressions. I didn't know if they saw or heard something, or if they really didn't notice any supernatural phenomena.

"I saw the money. There were a lot of bills piled in the bowl. Then, Brother Qi's money fell down." The thin man took out a tissue and wiped his sweat again, "It's so weird!"

"Most people would find it tempting, right?" Chen Xiaoqiu said.

The thin man said with a serious look on his face, "This is a crooked way. You can't mess with it. If I couldn't control it just now, it would be over."

I looked at the porcelain bowl, and I somewhat agreed with what the thin man just said. This thing might actually have intelligence. Then you can't stay. Who knows one day it might turn into another cornucopia?

I concentrated on destroying it. The porcelain bowl didn't tempt me, but I was in a trance. I saw some scenes that were somewhat similar to what I saw in the Cornucopia, but also somewhat different.

I saw this porcelain bowl being put into the tomb and became a funerary object; I saw it being enshrined by the owner of the tomb; I saw it change hands several times... But at the beginning, it was just an ordinary bowl, not blue and white porcelain. , that is, white blank. It is placed on the table. On the other side of the room, a murder is taking place. The porcelain bowl was picked up, and the hand belonged to the man who had just killed someone neatly. I didn’t know his name or identity, but I saw him stuffing the porcelain bowl into the victim’s open abdominal cavity. The victim was well dressed. Although I don't understand some ancient customs, I can always recognize them when looking at gold, silver and jade. The victim had many ornaments on his body, but the murderer, on the other hand, was impoverished and had only common clothes on his body. After a while, the murderer took out the blood-stained porcelain bowl, wiped off the blood on it, and drew patterns on it. The pattern painted on it seems to be natural, blending into the porcelain bowl. Time goes forward to the time when the porcelain bowl is fired.

Kara... Kara...

I heard the sound of the porcelain bowl breaking, and the touch in my hand changed from cold and hard to a warm and soft feeling.

When my vision returned, I saw that the porcelain bowl in my hand turned into soil, then into powder, and finally into air, completely erasing its existence.

"Oh my god..."

It was the first time for Slender and the others to see me using my ability like this, and they were all surprised.

I was a little embarrassed, touched my head awkwardly, and avoided their sight.

"Is this okay?" I asked Nangong Yao and Gu Mo.

"It's all gone, what else?" Gu Mo stretched out and flexed his wrist, "Okay, I'm going to play games, you can go back."

Gumo is driving people away, so there is no reason for us to stay.

I told those two people what I just saw.

"This must be some kind of magic, right? There seem to be quite a few people who know it." I was a little worried.

"Probably not many." Nangong Yao smiled, "How can so many people know such a magic to make money? In the two past episodes you saw, the person who made the cornucopia might be the same person."

I recalled it carefully.

As the porcelain bowl changed hands several times, the murderer also appeared. At the beginning, someone snatched the porcelain bowl from the murderer and took the murderer...I was stunned for a moment.

In the past of the cornucopia, there was a lame beggar. It was that man who stuffed a broken begging bowl into the body of a corpse in Yizhuang and made the cornucopia. Later, it passed into the hands of others, and was saved by a monk and made into The cornucopia. The porcelain bowl lacks the process of being saved. Although the paintings on the two are similar, there is a missing link, which should lead to one increasing wealth and the other accumulating virtue. The most important thing is the lame beggar. I remember that the murderer had his legs broken when someone took away the porcelain bowl.

"I see..." I muttered.

As Nangong Yao said, how can so many people know such a spell? Only the murderer knows how to make a cornucopia.

"You don't need to mind too much. No one can save the world." Nangong Yao said.

I nodded and put the matter down.

Two days later, Chen Xiaoqiu told us that Su Cheng passed away. On the plane back home, he passed away peacefully, as if the last thing that should be completed in this life was completed, so he left this world without any regrets.

Some of us are a little sad.

I have been very conflicted these days. If I could dream about Su Cheng, I might be able to change his fate, but such a change may not be a good thing. What's more, I agree with what Su Cheng said about retribution. Digging up people's ancestral graves for personal gain is unacceptable to both emotion and law. My relationship with Su Cheng is not so good that I lose my principles. I am afraid of dreaming about Su Cheng, but I also hope to dream about him.

Probably I was thinking about it during the day and dreaming about it at night. A week after I learned about Su City’s death, I dreamed about Su City. To be precise, I dreamed about the flight Sioux City took, but Sioux City did not board the plane, and there was an empty seat in the cabin. No one mentioned Su City, and I didn’t know what the flight from Su City looked like. I had an intuition that this should be the flight from Su City, and that location was for Su City. The dream ended quickly, and I saw the empty seat.

After waking up from the dream, I was still a little sad, but also relaxed. It seems that my ability to be active and inactive is not working this time. At least, I don't have to make that choice.

Thank you for that night of star marks, Melon Eater Yuki-chan, Charming Jiying, Fantasy Leader, Dawn in the Dark, I heard it’s cool here, Sparks Pass, sadiebear, I’m Staring in the Wormhole, North of the North Pole, lhmarvolo, Fishbone Little Thorn, Dark Blue Midnighter, Depression Crazy Stone, Book Friends 20170218100313396, Listen to the Elms by the Window, Your Dad smiled heartily and said, I’m just wearing human skin, Book Friends 110429174538784, Zimo Yingrao’s reward~Thank you everyone~


There are still two updates today... I have the urge to make up to one hundred dues... _(:3」∠)_. Well, I will do this myself. Big bosses and local tycoons, please be merciful. m(__)m

Good night everyone~

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