Aoba Office

Chapter 485 Takeover

I quickly called Master Xuan Qing, but his phone was still turned off.

My heart sank, and I contacted Shouzi and the others again.

I learned some good news from the thin man.

"Early in the morning, the old man came out to ask for help. I heard that a new rescue team had already gone in and was transporting the previous people out. No one died, but they were all injured. There seemed to be a collapse accident there," the thin man said. .

Of course I got this news from Chen Yihan.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that those bird-faced girls and bird monsters have really disappeared.

It was not the porcelain bowl that made Master Xuan Qing stumble, but those strange spirits.

Also at the right time, Xuan Qing met Zhuge Wen's death.

I was startled when I thought of this.

Is it really just a coincidence?

At this moment, the somewhat comical way of death of Master Tianyi came to my mind. The incident that Aoba dealt with also involved the unlucky Ren Min.

"Ye Qing, do you think this is a coincidence?" I told my guess.

People like us are destined to die violently. The difference between Master Xuan Qing and us who are born or acquire abilities is that some of them are inherited from the past cultivation sect, but when it comes to fate, it is not much better than us, right?

There was no sound in the office.

I sighed, packed my things, and left the office.

Master Xuan Qing was saved, but the matter in the hotel has not been completely resolved. The porcelain bowl is still in the foundation.

Just in time for the weekend, a few of us gathered in Gumo’s hotel room. Master Xuan Qing arrived a little later than me.

"It was so thrilling, I almost died there." As soon as Master Xuan Qing arrived, he sat down on the sofa, picked up the drink on the coffee table and took a swig, as if he had just survived a catastrophe.

I looked at the time and it was already noon. It had been a long time since he ran out of the hotel.

I just told others about last night's dream. Nangong Yao also looked up Zhuge Wen's life, which was similar to what I saw. The news of Zhuge Wen's death did not make big news, but it did spread in the oil painting circle.

Master Xuan Qing took the initiative to ask about my dream.

Guo Yujie asked angrily: "How can a hit-and-run guy like Zhuge Wen still be successful and famous all his life, and then reincarnate immediately after his death?"

Master Xuan Qing shook his head, "No, no. I calculated before that it was the little bird girl who had been reincarnated, but Zhuge Wen is still in the underworld."

We all looked at Master Xuan Qing in surprise.

"Didn't she turn into a ghost?" asked the thin man.

Master Xuan Qing smiled, "If everyone who died suddenly turned into a ghost, the world would be really in chaos."

When Guo Yujie heard this, she felt relieved and her face was no longer tense.

The little bird didn't turn into a ghost, so those bird-faced girls and bird monsters were really Zhuge Wen's obsession.

"What should I do about the hotel?" I asked Master Xuan Qing.

Master Xuan Qing smiled bitterly, "Now we are in some trouble. I am afraid that I will be too old this year, so I should find a retreat in a deep mountain and old forest to cultivate and recuperate, and not get involved in the disputes of the world."

My heart skipped a beat.

Master Xuan Qing's distress was a bit pretentious.

The thin man didn't quite believe it and asked sideways, "Are you scared again and want to be a coward?"

Master Xuan Qing replied: "I'm a little scared. You may die violently, and we Taoists are the same. We just have more autonomy than you, but the more is not worth it. If it hadn't been for Taoist friend Xiao Lin yesterday, I should die in the hotel."

The second half of Xuan Qing's sentence is actually true.

Xiaoque has been reincarnated, and Master Xuanqing can't really calm Zhuge Wen's ghost even if he brings it in front of those bird-faced girls and bird monsters. As a result, the hotel was still occupied by this group of monsters, and Xuan Qing, the construction team, and the rescue team all died in the underground parking lot.

"If I want to intervene again, I'm afraid other terrible spirits will appear in the hotel to stop me. Speaking of which, to untie the bell, you must tie the bell. There is a good candidate to replace me." Master Xuan Qing said.

Nangong Yao answered, "That Su Cheng?"

Master Xuan Qing nodded, "It's him."

"Is he okay?" Gu Mo was very doubtful.

I have no doubt about it. Su Cheng's talent as an architectural designer is most likely due to the fact that his body was taken over by a ghost, and that ghost's ideas were very "philistine", otherwise there would be no Junli Hotel. If you can tolerate his identity, it shouldn't be difficult to persuade him to solve the hotel's formation.

When the three of them were discussing, we laymen couldn't get a word in.

I listened to them talk about fate and ghosts, and then analyzed the Su family's ancestors' tomb robbing behavior and the Su family's possible collections, and I felt a little dizzy.

Shouzi and Guo Yujie couldn't stand listening to it for a long time. The thin man looked like "I'll just watch you blow it", while Guo Yujie was in a daze.

Chen Xiaoqiu and Fatty didn't change much.

The three of them discussed it for about an hour before finally coming to a conclusion.

"Let's contact Su City." Master Xuan Qing made the decision. Of course, the contact person would be someone from the government. Master Xuan Qing went to make a phone call.

I looked at Nangong Yao and Gu Mo and asked Chen Xiaoqiu: "Their discussion just now..."

Nangong Yao and Gu Mo both looked over.

I'm a little embarrassed.

Nangong Yao smiled and Gu Mo curled his lips.

Chen Xiaoqiu said: "The analysis you just conducted was mainly a logical analysis, not much... supernatural."

She was asking Nangong Yao and Gu Mo.

"If we rely on ability, neither Mushroom nor I have seen the real person in Su City. This matter involves many supernatural events. Xuanqing is still at a delicate point in time and cannot be calculated by his magic. Now the safest The method should be analyzed based on experience." Nangong Yao explained, "There are many influencing factors involved. The supernatural events alone include the Su family's own background of tomb robbing, ghosts escaping from snuff bottles, porcelain bowls, formations, etc. There are many spirits in the hotel...and there is no guarantee that our experience is correct.”

Only then did I clarify some ideas. Although the three of them mentioned a lot of things in their previous discussion, they were all vague. Half of what they said was half understood by each other. But outsiders like us really don’t understand the other half, so it’s naturally difficult to understand. Even if Nangong Yao explains something now, I still don’t know what kind of logical analysis they used to arrive at that result when I think back to what they said before.

At this moment, I felt like I was at a loss when facing advanced mathematics in college. I knew all the numbers and symbols in those questions, and when they were combined together and asked me to solve the problem, I had no idea where to start.

"In this case, nothing will happen to us, right?" Guo Yujie asked.

"That's it for the time being." Nangong Yao nodded, "If it goes well, Su Cheng will preside over the excavation, and after the porcelain bowl is dug out, the spirits in the hotel should disperse."

I was relieved, but still a little apprehensive.

"What if it doesn't go well?" the thin man asked.

"Then think of other ways." Nangong Yao replied calmly.

This sounds like crap. But as Nangong Yao said, if one way doesn't work, you can only think of another way.

"Take a good rest now. Maybe I will need your help in a while." Nangong Yao smiled at me.

"Hope everything goes well," I said sincerely.

Over the weekend, Master Xuanqing didn’t even contact me. He also left the matters in Su City to relevant government personnel to handle. I estimate that he now wants to find a deep mountain and old forest to hide and disappear from sight. But it's not bad, he has some integrity and conscience, and he won't just disappear until the hotel incident is over.

While at work, Chen Xiaoqiu told us new news. Su Cheng is really in poor health, but he is willing to solve the hotel problem. Because of his health, the specific arrangements are still being finalized.

I suspect that "Sioux City" is bargaining with the government. Although I was a little angry, it wouldn't be a bad thing if this matter could be solved with money.

The hotel remains on lockdown. After what happened to the bird-faced girl and the bird monster, it seemed to have lost its vitality and stopped killing people.

Minqing City became calm again.

Thanks for the convenient stickers, Long Bridge Wo Kutuo, Sparks, Huahua~? , lhmarvolo, May 51, Yang Yu Daxian, la la la la kitten, that night of star marks, I just want a longer name, I am staring in the wormhole, I am just wearing human skin, I am in the dream Zhong, qtHO, tywz223, the cold feather of water, the wind blows gently, book friend 150526100935506, book friend 20170218100313396, watermelon ice, book friend 20170317004425336, Sui Yuan dreams of the red dust, stranger is cool, so boring, listening to the elm by the window reward~

Thank you everyone~

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