Aoba Office

Chapter 478 The girl in the painting (1)

The elevator's indicator light shows up.

The first thing that emerged from the door was a huge picture frame, and then a translucent human figure.

The human figure turned on its heels, and the frame of the painting was facing this end of the corridor, allowing people to see the content of the painting clearly. The picture shows a little girl lying on the open window, holding her cheek in her hands, raising her head slightly, looking at the hazy moon. In the shadow of the trees by the window, a nightingale made a chirping gesture. The picture looks very beautiful.

But when I really heard the nightingale's call, I felt the hairs on my body stand up.

The bird wasn't singing, it was screaming, screaming at the top of its lungs. It flapped its wings and struggled on the branch, but its claws seemed to be stuck to the branch. The shadows of the trees swayed, slowly engulfing the bird, and its cry became even more shrill. After a strange crunching sound, the screaming stopped. Feathers fell from the tree, were blown into the window by the wind, floated past the girl, came to the front of the picture, and floated outside the frame, slowly falling to the ground.

The nightingale's singing sounded again, and this was a truly beautiful bird song.

The girl seemed to be staring at the feather, and slowly turned her head, revealing her hideous and terrifying face.

It was the face of a bird, with its beak opening and closing and making a chirping sound.

She looked towards the hotel outside the frame.

The figures holding the knives all stood up and stopped stabbing Yuan Zhiyi. They seemed to be disappointed, whispering to each other, communicating in a way that outsiders could not communicate, and the knives in their hands clashed with each other. After a while, they went downstairs and entered the staff passage.

Yuan Zhiyi's broken body was left on the ground.

In fact, it can't be counted as a corpse, but Yuan Zhiyi's ghost. According to Liu Xiangqian's previous experience of waiting for the ghost, he should be able to recover.

However, not necessarily. If Yuan Zhiyi was not replaced by the spirit of the hotel and had not established a subtle connection with the hotel, he might not be able to recover.

The figure holding the picture frame walked forward, stood next to Yuan Zhiyi, and leaned forward slightly.

The bird-faced girl in the painting walked to the frame, placed her hands on the frame, stretched her head out of the painting, and observed Yuan Zhiyi on the ground.

She stretched out more and more of her body from the frame, tilted her head a few times, and moved like a bird. She also lowered her head and pecked Yuan Zhiyi's minced meat with her beak, making a suspicious chirping sound.

Probably feeling no longer interested, she withdrew her body and returned to the frame.

The figure began to walk forward, downstairs, and into the hall. The girl looked at Yuan Kang who was trampled under the horse's hooves again. The horse lowered its head and had a strange exchange with the girl. The horse's neighing and the girl's bird calls came and went. The crystal lamp above the head suddenly shook, and the light bulb flickered. Both horse and girl looked up. I don’t know what these three inhuman things communicated with. The horse finally lifted its hoof.

Yuan Kang threw away Yuan Zhiyi's arm and crawled back anxiously, watching the girl and the horse warily. These two things didn't look at him.

The girl was chirping happily, the sound was very fast and urgent.

The crystal lamp clattered.

After a while, there was a noise on the crystal lamp, and Liu Qianqian's body fell down, hitting Rego, and the two fell to the ground together.

The girl clapped her hands, suddenly reached out and grabbed the picture frame, and climbed out of the picture frame with her feet.

The figure disappeared and the frame fell to the ground.

The girl is wearing a white nightgown with lots of lace and is petite. She was barefoot, tilted her head, and opened and closed her beak.

"Start hide and seek now. Anyone caught by me will be eaten by me!" The girl made a human voice.

Liu Qianqian and the other three had no idea what was going on.

The crystal lamp clattered: "If you are eaten by her, you will have to wait until it is digested and excreted by her before you can slowly recover. Run quickly, I don't want my decorations to turn into a piece of shit!"

"Whoa!" The horse stamped its hooves.

"I'm starting to count down now, fifty seconds. Fifty, forty-nine, forty-eight..." The girl covered her bird's eye with her hands.

Rego was the quickest to react. He got up and rushed to the elevator on the first floor.

Liu Qianqian also jumped up and followed closely behind Lei Ge.

Yuan Kang, the slowest, failed to catch up with the two people in front, and the elevator door had already closed. He slapped the elevator door angrily twice, turned around and ran into the employee passage.

"...Twenty-two, twenty-one..." The girl was still counting down.

I glanced at Yuan Zhiyi's body.

Yuan Zhiyi's face was face down, and I couldn't see his expression, but looking at his swaying hair and relating it to him, I could feel the extreme fear in his heart.

Anyone who has experienced this is in a state of fear.

"...Three, two, one..." The girl finished counting and put down her hand.

She sang like a nightingale again, jumped to the elevator, looked at the floor displayed on the elevator, and pressed the up button. The elevator reached the first floor, waiting for her to enter and rise slowly.

The hall on the first floor was silent. There was also the sound of tableware clattering in the restaurant on the second floor.

Yuan Zhiyi's hands moved and his body began to squirm, as if he wanted to leave quietly.

I thought Yuan Zhiyi should be fine now, so his body sank and he reached the underground parking lot again.

The parking lot is still in ruins. Because of the different position, I didn't see that section of the belly. I walked around here and saw no one, so I wanted to go to the place where I saw people before.

My body felt another tug.

I cursed secretly, floated above, and saw the bird-faced girl dragging Yuan Zhiyi and running through the circular corridor on the second floor, making crisp bird calls.

But Yuan Zhiyi was screaming.

I was shocked, and then I realized that the bird-faced girl was not the previous one. She was dressed pretty in a pink cake skirt and red leather shoes.

There is also a picture frame in front of the elevator, which is a lush boulevard.

The girl dragged Yuan Zhiyi around and then threw Yuan Zhiyi into the hall with a flick of her hand.

Yuan Zhiyi groaned and collapsed on the ground.

The girl climbed up the railing, jumped suddenly, landed on her feet, and rolled twice on the ground. She was not injured at all, grabbed Yuan Zhiyi's hair and started running again.

The chirping of birds echoed through the halls.

The horse paces impatiently and snorts at the girl.

The girl raised her hand and hit Yuan Zhiyi's body on the horse's head.

"Xilulu!" the horse neighed, pacing back.

"Hahaha..." Human laughter came from the girl's mouth.

Ding - the elevator door opened again, and another bird-faced girl appeared in my field of vision.

I found that these girls all had the same body shape and seemed to be the same person dressed up in different ways. But their bird faces are obviously different. Even if I don't know much about birds, I can still tell that they are different birds.

The new girl wore overalls, had her hair cut short, and chirped at the girl in the cake skirt.

Cake skirt dragged Yuan Zhiyi into the elevator.

I also had to get into the elevator.

The elevator was normal, the buttons didn't jump, the camera didn't swing, but the reflection in the mirror was only that of Yuan Zhiyi, not the two girls.

Because they are spirits?

The elevator stopped at the 18th floor, and the two girls got out of the elevator.

The corridor was quiet, without loud music or dancing figures.

But it wasn't like there was no sound at all in the corridor.

The sound of water came from the front room.

Thanks to the star marks that night, the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and Xiaobai 361 for the reward.

The debt reached 67. There is no fluctuation in my heart. . . ━┳━__━┳━

I can understand the mentality of those old guys now. ( ̄▽ ̄“)

You abused a good girl with money. (﹁﹁)

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