Aoba Office

Chapter 455 Number 050-Endless Road (2)

On July 21, 2008, we checked the road monitoring and screened the route that the client traveled twice. During the monitoring, there was an obvious phenomenon of vehicles disappearing. Video file 05020080721.avi.

The road name is marked in the upper left corner of the video, and the time and date are in the lower left corner.

The screen locked on a black car, and the vehicle drove to the intersection. The screen was cut into four, corresponding to the four surveillance cameras. But after the vehicle crossed the road, the vehicle disappeared from all surveillance videos.

The video fast forwarded, and several surveillance images were switched during the process, but the black car from before did not appear.

At 5:35 in the morning, in the surveillance footage of Jiujiang Road, a car turned, drove to the intersection of Jiujiang Road and Yongning Road, and stopped in the middle of the road.

At 6:14 in the morning, a traffic policeman rode a motorcycle to the intersection and approached the car driver to question him.

The video ends.


It is still a road surveillance video, with the road name in the upper left corner and the time and date in the lower right corner.

In the picture, a man is circled. He walked to the bus terminal on the side of the screen, read the sign, and boarded a bus. After a while, the buses started running. When the bus was about to leave the frame, a staff member at the terminal ran out in a hurry, chased the bus, and then jumped back.

The scene switches and the bus is running normally, pulling over and slowing down at several stations. Because no one was getting on or off the bus, the bus drove all the way to Jinxiu Avenue.

This is a commercial street with office buildings and shops along the street. The road is still very long and cannot be captured by a surveillance camera.

The bus drove out of the range of the camera, and the screen switched to another camera on Jinxiu Avenue. No bus was coming.

After that, the video fast forwarded and the cameras were switched. They were all cameras on the road near Jinxiu Avenue, but the bus was still nowhere to be seen.

At 5:35 a.m., the surveillance camera on Baiyang Road captured the bus. It turned around, entered Baiyang Road, drove to the intersection of Baiyang Road Middle Road, and stopped at the intersection of the two roads.

The front of the bus in the picture is always reflective, and the driver's seat cannot be photographed.

At 6:02 in the morning, a police car drove over, and a policeman and two men in suits and uniforms got out of the car. The three of them opened the bus door and entered. After a while, the man who first appeared in the surveillance was taken off.

The video ends here.

July 22, 2008, audio file analysis. Audio file 05020080721G.wav.

"...There was no sound at all around at that time. Really, that's what they say, 'death-like silence'. It was really like death. ..."

"There is no sound on this person, he is very clean."

"It may have been the case when the incident occurred."

On July 23, 2008, an investigation was conducted into Huazhong Jiajia Food Co., Ltd. and it was confirmed that the company was established on November 15, 1999. The chairman of the company is Lin Hongjun and the general manager is Lin Yifeng. The two have a father-son relationship. Jiajia Food and Lin Hongjun’s family have no records of involvement in the case, and no unusual deaths have been found in the company. The client has never had direct contact with employees of Jiajia Food.

On July 24, 2008, an investigation was conducted into Guangyun Warehousing and Logistics Co., Ltd. and it was confirmed that the company was established on September 8, 2002. The chairman and general manager of the company was Tan Shi. Neither the company nor Tan Shi had any records of involvement in the case, and no abnormal deaths were found. Condition. The client had direct contact with Wang Xiaoshuai, an employee of the company.

On July 26, 2008, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 200807260641.mp3.

"Hello, Mr. Ren..."

"I...I'm in the middle of the road...I'm in the middle of the road now..."

"Which way are you on now?"

"Ximen North 2nd Road, the intersection of Ximen North 2nd Road and Epiphyllum Road. I don't know how I got here, I really don't know..."

"Don't worry yet. Is there anyone near you?"

"No, no."

"Can the vehicle still run?"

"Okay, okay, it's started, it can be driven."

"Please park the vehicle aside first, get out of the car and wait on the side of the road. We will come right away."

"Okay. I, I understand."

On July 26, 2008, the client was received. Audio file 05020080726.wav.

"Mr. Ren, are you okay?"

"I... I'm okay... I'm not hurt, it's just... I'm flustered... I'm scared..."

"Drink some water and take a rest. If you calm down, please tell us more about yesterday's events."


"I-I feel better."

"Well, you tell me."

"I just...just last night, I came home from get off work last night. I paid attention to it. I didn't work overtime, I didn't work overtime, and I left when the time came. I've been driving these days. Thinking that the bus is like that anyway, I It was impossible to walk home... The car drove fine at first. Really, nothing happened. There was a traffic jam during the evening rush hour. There were cars and people around me. It was normal and I could hear the noise. I drove. I missed a turn. I didn’t want to take the previous road, Sanhe Road. I had adjusted the navigation on my mobile phone, but maybe it was stuck and I missed the reminder, so I missed a turn. I really didn’t want to take the Sanhe Road. I thought I had missed a turn, so the navigation on my phone readjusted and reminded me that I had missed a turn and changed the route. I could also see other cars and people next to me. But... But as I drove on, I reached a one-way street... I just entered a one-way street, and there were no cars next to it, but there were still people on the street. I drove on, and the one-way street went all the way, and I entered a residential area, where there are several old communities connected together, and there were fewer people. I I thought it was because it was dinner time. I could hear the sound of cooking in the residential area next to me, and the sound of the TV. There were all those sounds. But then... unknowingly, the sound disappeared, and only the sound of the car was left. The sound... that road... that road without an end... I drove for more than ten minutes, and the navigation was frozen, and I couldn't see the end of the road... I... I parked the car and went to get my phone. When I picked up the phone, the screen suddenly turned off. The phone couldn’t be turned on, no matter how hard I pressed it. There wasn’t even a low-battery prompt. Suddenly, the battery was gone and the battery was leaking. I... I want to U-turn. I almost wanted to drive to the sidewalk and make a U-turn. There was only one car on that road, and I couldn't make a U-turn unless I got on the sidewalk. I was about to make a U-turn, and then I found that the car was moving by itself... I didn't touch it, I The car moved by itself without starting the car or stepping on the accelerator. It drove forward, non-stop, and the green belt of the surrounding houses began to repeat again... It was really repeated. I counted the people who dried their clothes on the balcony of one house. Yeah, I saw that dress fifty-seven times..."

"and after?"

"I don't know... I counted to fifty-seven. I remember that I counted to fifty-seven. When I regained consciousness, I found that the car stopped in the middle of the intersection. It was already dawn. I don't know why this happened. ... I have no recollection of how the car got there."

"Mr. Ren, do you have any impression of the time of five thirty-five?"


"It's five thirty-five in the morning. This is a problem we found after investigating the surveillance twice. You appeared in the surveillance at the intersection at this time each time. Can you associate anything with this time?"

"Five thirty-five...five thirty-five...I don't know...I don't remember it. I've never gotten up so early. I was sleeping at that time."

"In that case, we now have two proposals."

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