Aoba Office

Chapter 443 No. 090-Daily Takeaway (4)

"Did you call the police on this matter?"

"I called the police and told the police. The police checked and said that there was no restaurant nearby. The phone number was found to be from someone else's home. The family lived across the river and had nothing to do with the hotel. Later, this matter disappeared. That's it. That rider... he has a bad temper... We discussed privately at that time that he might have encountered something on the road... I don't want to have anything to do with the hotel. This happened out of nowhere. , If it really is something like that, I would be in trouble, wouldn’t I?"

"Have you seen any orders from that restaurant since then?"

"...Sigh...I saw that I didn't split the order. I was afraid, but I ignored him a few times and it didn't matter, so I just ignored it. Later, when the computer split order started to be used, I Just... this matter..."

"Have you seen the order in the system background?"

"You can see it. I don't care... I just pretend I don't know. The riders under me have also changed. In fact, at first, I didn't think of that hotel. Someone was missing. Finally, the location was located. It was there that I remembered... Then, there was a guy named Yan... That guy was very ungrateful and arrogant. He was sent to my site by someone, and there was nothing I could do about it. I accepted all his complaints. There were a lot of orders, if you ask me, it would have been better to open them directly, but... when he got the order, I felt it was not good, and it didn't take long..."

“Is there any pattern in the orders at that restaurant?”

"There's a pattern... a little bit. In my impression, when ordering food at his house, there is only one meal at noon every day, and there is no meal at other times. And that meal is usually ordered by different people. But for a while, I would book it with one person every day for a long time. I can’t remember the details, but that’s about it.”

"Have you never gone to the restaurant to see it, or to the person who made the reservation?"

"No. I haven't even called. This thing is so weird. I think it's really haunted."

"Well. Thank you for accepting our interview."

On June 20, 2015, I went to the hotel address and found Yin Qi but no other abnormalities. Video file 09020150620.avi.

The time of the video is at night.

The picture is a bit dark, the streetlight should be behind the camera, and the shadows of three people on the ground can be seen.

The shadow passed by in a flash.

The camera was raised and pointed at the community activity room in front.

The activity room looks like a building that has been in disrepair and is about to be demolished. The grooves and bulges of the roller shutter door are covered with dust, and dead leaves can be seen in the holed signboard.

The camera is close to the activity room, and a figure from behind appears on the screen. He bent down, grabbed the bottom of the rolling shutter door, and gently pulled it upward. His movements were slow, but the rolling shutter door still made a creaking sound.

"Aren't you lubricated?" the female voice asked. It's Wu Ling.

"It's on, it's lubricated and that's it. If it's not on, it's time to call in community security." The man answered. It's Liu Miao.

He pulled the rolling shutter door to a height that allowed people to bend down and get in, took out a flashlight, and illuminated the activity room.

The first thing I saw was naturally the dust in the aperture, and there seemed to be a black shadow flashing past. There were broken glass doors on both sides, and glass shards were scattered on the ground.

Liu Miao was speechless and slowly entered the activity room.

The camera shook for a while before returning to normal.

There was another creaking sound, and the rolling shutter door should have been closed. There was no other light source in the activity room except the light of the flashlight. But the next second, the flashlight had two more beams of light, which could barely illuminate the interior of the activity room.

On the left side of the door is a counter with a big hole in the front. When the flashlight light shines through, a nest of rats emerges, chattering and escaping.

Behind the counter is a price list, with small wooden signs hung on rows of iron nails. There are a few blanks, a few are illegible, and the rest are some common names of rice bowls.

On both sides of the counter, there is a wall on one side and a window on the other side. The windows were shattered, and the remaining glass was blurry and gray. When the flashlight shines over it, one can see the metal desk inside and several messy rectangular basins. I don’t know what was once contained in them, but now they are just a black lump.

Directly in front of the door are two rows of tables and chairs, which are also in a mess. There are many lame ones, and some have been smashed into broken boards.

If you look around, that's all you can see.

The camera turned around and captured the figure of another man. The man had a mosaic on his face, held a flashlight in one hand and put his other hand in his pocket, and walked in leisurely stepping on the debris on the ground. This is undoubtedly Ye Qing.

Two broken glass doors and rolling shutter doors appeared in the picture. There were traces of paint being thrown on the glass door. Not only was the glass broken, but the door shaft was crooked.

"It looks like it's been smashed here." Liu Miao's voice appeared outside the screen.

The camera returned to the hotel.

The hotel is mainly divided into two parts, two rows of seats and a kitchen next to it.

The kitchen door was unlocked, and the crooked door couldn't possibly be locked.

Ye Qing kicked the door open and walked in.

The camera followed Ye Qing.

Compared to the mess outside, the kitchen was even more messy.

You can see rotten food on the floor and on the table, as well as pots and pans smashed into pieces.

Rats, cockroaches and unknown bugs roamed the kitchen.

There was a window in the kitchen, but the window was also gray and covered with something like mud. Nothing could be seen, not even the moonlight or the street lights outside could let in light.

The camera scanned over and saw that there was nothing else in this garbage dump except garbage.

Ye Qing opened the large refrigerator on the side.

The refrigerator had long been powered off, and once it was opened, one could see pools of unknown goo inside.

"Eh-" Liu Miao screamed in disgust.

Ye Qing also covered his nose and took a step back. After a while, he closed the refrigerator door.

"There is nothing else here." Wu Ling said.

"There is Yin energy, but no ghosts are seen." Ye Qing concluded.

"Are we going to burn this place down?" Liu Miao asked.

"How to burn it?" Wu Ling asked him.

Liu Miao scratched his head, sighed for a while, "I'm afraid we can't do it by burning the house down. Can we catch them?"

"I don't know." Ye Qing answered simply.

The video ends abruptly.

On June 22, 2016, the restaurant could not be found on the APP of the food ordering website.

On June 23, 2016, we contacted Zhu Yu, director of the Kangxin Community Neighborhood Committee. Audio file 09020160623.wav.

"Hello, Director Zhu. What we want to ask today is about the activity center in Kangxin Community. As far as we know, it has been abandoned for several years and has not been used again. Is that right?"

"Yes, it's been empty there for a long time."

"Can I ask what the reason is?"

"'s just that investment promotion has not been very successful. No one wants to open a store here. The activity funds in the community are also very limited. It is almost spent on maintenance every year. We need to renovate the place and hire someone to manage it. To be honest, We don’t have enough money. This problem is quite real. Security doors, water pipes, electricity meters, security guards, fitness equipment, etc. are more important than the activity room, so we have no choice but to let it continue to be empty.”

"From 2007 to 2010, it was leased to an individual to run a hotel. Can I ask why that hotel didn't continue to operate?"


Thanks to Pen, Ink, Paper and Inkstone for the tip~

Then as usual, offer your knees. _(:3 ∠)_

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