Aoba Office

Chapter 437 No. 029-Corpse Snowman (4)

On January 31, 2006, after police investigation and identification, it was confirmed that the client’s cause of death was freezing to death; the client had multiple fractures and injuries, and they were not traumatic injuries; there was no snowfall in Minqing City during the incident, and the source of the snow on the client’s body was unknown.

On February 1, 2006, I went to the police station to check the client’s body and found no abnormalities.

On February 3, 2006, the client’s uncle Jian Zhengguo was contacted. Audio file 02920060203.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Jane."

"Hello... you..."

"We want to ask about Mr. Jian Yang. You should have heard about him, right?"

"Well... the police have contacted me. After his parents died, I was the closest person..."

"Do you know something about Mr. Jian Yang? I mean, his mental condition."


"Mr. Jane, can you answer the question I just asked?"

"Actually...actually, he had some...when he was a child...speaking of it...sigh...just a naughty child...there is a kind of glass ball with a snowy scene inside. When you pour it, the white foam will look like snow. ,do you know?"

"Well, it's a snow globe, right?"

"It's that kind of thing. I have one at home with a snowman and a small house. When the children were playing, it was broken. The little snowman was also broken. My wife was a little angry, but she didn't hit the children. , she just said a few words to them...the kind of stories that scare children, the kind where it gets dark at night and the wolf grandma comes out outside...she just said...that the snowman is dead and will come at night. Eat's just nonsense, adults know it, but children...sigh..."

"Mr. Jianyang was frightened?"

"Several children were frightened. But Jianyang...Jianyang's reaction was a little big. A cousin of mine, who was older than them all, was a teenager at that time. He also followed suit and deliberately used cold words. Touch them and scare them. They just... Jianyang started at that time, something was not right..."

"How did he behave?"

"Sleepwalking... He was sleepwalking... at night, walking around the house, and once he almost walked out, which almost scared my brother and sister-in-law to death. Our family also felt very sorry and apologized to him. I also told him a lot, but they were all lies. It was difficult to see a doctor at that time, but luckily, after a few months, he stopped sleepwalking and became normal. He has been normal since then and has no symptoms. Sleepwalking. I really didn’t expect him to...sigh..."

"Thank you for the information."

On February 4, 2006, the investigation was concluded.

On February 9, 2006, a new corpse was found in the community where Jianyang lived, which was exactly the same as Jianyang's death method. Residual traces of Yin Qi were found on the body. The deceased was a male resident of the same community and had a newlywed wife. The wife was not suspected of committing the crime.

On February 11, 2006, the case of the snowman hiding corpses in Country A was solved. After investigation, it was confirmed that it was an organized crime. The criminal organization was of a religious nature and brainwashed and instigated its believers to collaborate in committing crimes. Attached: A printout of the news.

On February 15, 2006, two corpses were found in the community where Jianyang lived. They died in exactly the same way as Jianyang. Residual traces of Yin Qi were found on the body. The deceased was a resident of the same community and had a father-son relationship. The deceased's wife/mother is not suspected of committing the crime.

On February 17, 2006, he moved into the community where Jianyang lived. Video file 02920060217.avi.

There are five video shots in total, which are in the living room, two bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom of the house, and the shots are all fixed. Based on the analysis of the camera footage, there should be a talisman paper affixed to each of the eight corners of each room.

Two people with mosaic faces were doing their own things in the room. Judging from their body shapes, the two people should be Wu Ling and Liu Miao.

The video screen fast forwards, and the screen content follows the actions of Wu Ling and Liu Miao, switching between room shots, and the time in the upper right corner jumps rapidly.

On February 20, 2006, Jianyang's ghost entered the room. Video file 02920060220.avi.

The video was shot at night, and the scene was split into two. Wu Ling and Liu Miao turned off the lights and took a rest respectively.

The scene switches to a shot of the living room.

I could see outside the balcony that it was starting to snow. The snow was falling, almost covering the sky and the sun, and the whole place was completely white.

The screen switches again.

Wu Ling and Liu Miao woke up at the same time. They opened the curtains and saw the snowy scene outside the window.

Wu Ling also opened the window and reached out to catch the snow.

Snow fell on her hands and disappeared quickly. Not melting, but disappearing.

Wu Ling turned her head suddenly, quickly walked out of the room, rushed to the door of Liu Miao's room, held the door handle and twisted it a few times.

The door lock made a jamming sound, as if it was locked from the inside.

A figure appeared in Liu Miao's room. It was a man. His expression was dull, his eyes were empty, his body was glowing with an abnormal white color, and even his eyes were completely white. His body was twisted strangely. Behind him stood a row of snowmen with different expressions, all of them vivid and exaggerated. They stretched out their hands made of branches towards Liu Miao.

Liu Miao sighed.

"Mr. Jane, you really should see a doctor sooner."

The man seemed unconscious.

Snow began to fall in the room, and soon there were snowdrifts several centimeters thick.

Liu Miao picked up a few pieces of paper from the bedside table, dusted off the snow on them, and raised them towards the man, "Look, that case has been solved. It was not a supernatural incident, but an organized crime. The principal criminal established a female The daily activities of the Help Association seem to be an opportunity for women to communicate and help each other. In fact, they are selecting suitable candidates, subtly brainwashing them, and instigating them to kill their family members with cruel means. They have religious rituals and claim It’s a spell found in ancient books, but most of the content is self-created, and even the most basic sacrifices in the ceremony are wrong.”

Liu Miao turned over the paper and patiently explained to the man.

The man's dull expression gradually changed.

"It's not a supernatural incident, it's just a farce. Mr. Jian, you scared yourself, but you caused many problems." Liu Miao put down her hand, with a hint of helplessness in her tone.

The whiteness on the man's body began to fade. The eyes gradually became clearer, but their expressions were blank.

He lowered his head sluggishly and looked at his body.

"Jian Yang, you are already dead, go and be reincarnated." Liu Miao slowed down his voice.

Jianyang looked up again, his eyes still blank.

The expression of the snowman behind him suddenly changed. Originally their expressions were just exaggerated, cute and smiling, but now they have become ferocious and ferocious.

Liu Miao raised her hand and took a step forward. The snow on the floor didn't impede his movement.

The snow in the room grew bigger in an instant, and only white remained in the screen.

"Jian Yang!"


There was a loud bang.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Heart-rending screams followed.

A hurricane formed inexplicably in the room, sweeping away the snowflakes.

The picture is clear again.

The door was open, Ye Qing walked in front, and Wu Ling followed behind him. The snow quickly disappeared and the fluttering flakes were blown away.

In the other corner of the room, a bunch of snowmen were gathered together, their heads turning rapidly, their strange eyes staring at Ye Qing.

Thanks to [Adam], Hell King, Xiaobai361, Qingying, Mu Yi, Shuyou160831075402402, SFOFCAY, Xia Yeyue Qingfeng, Solaris, Fishbone Xiaothorn, Meng~~~, Dongfeng26d, Yue Yue Chengjue, Fish Looking at the Sky 235, Midnight and Swallow, Banli Jiangnan, Without Soy Sauce Bottle, TeeMoMax, Book Friends 20170226010917577, Crying Crow Yeyue’s reward~Thank you all~

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