Aoba Office

Chapter 432 Danger after Danger

I was a little dumbfounded and asked in astonishment: "Why are there so many?"

Of the clips I saw, there was only one disc.

"This should be because of your ability." Nangong Yao calmly buttoned up his clothes again, "You split its data so that it can only retain the data in this way. In terms of time... I found it When you were a real body, there was only one disc, but before you became a giant, the number of discs suddenly increased, increasing rapidly like mitosis. What did you do at that time?"

I remember.

Before entering the dungeon of Red Head Village, I was locked in a square body, facing a glass wall... I punched the wall, and then the color changes that dazzled my eyes.

Nangong Yao pulled the pieces together and pieced together a complete disc like a jigsaw puzzle. There is a pattern printed on the disc, just like the pattern on the game disc, but the little figure printed on it is none other than A Duo, and there is also an artistic title that says "A Duo".

"After I found my true body, I was caught by it and locked up. At that time, it absorbed enough energy and had the power to imprison me." Nangong Yao continued to puzzle, and then spelled out A Duo's mother, Hongtou Village and some other CDs.

I didn't interrupt Nangong Yao.

What he said was completely different from what I saw behind the glass wall. But I know that what he said is the truth. What I saw at that time must have been something made up by the "game". If I had made a choice at that time, whether it was A or B, it was probably Nangong Yao who was killed.

It was full of murderous intent from the beginning, and its purpose was to kill humans. However, it needs to follow the rules of the game and cannot kill people at will. Although this kind of rule is full of loopholes, it can be said that it is almost proportional to its energy, but there are rules after all, which is better than letting it kill wantonly.

What made me realize this was the female ghost.


I don't know what the woman's full name is, but that's what the twins call her.

The target of the dream he suddenly saw was her.

Her sudden appearance also made me realize that there was something wrong with that giant man, and I couldn't follow the game's thinking and kill him.

I waited for Nangong Yao to finish and asked my question, "...Did the game go wrong at that time?"

Otherwise, there is no reason why Qiaoying would appear and my dream would happen.

Nangong Yao looked at me deeply and said, "It's not that the game is wrong, it's that your strength has strengthened."

I was confused, "She appeared first and I realized something was wrong... isn't this the wrong order?"

Nangong Yao was silent for a while, "What I saw was that your power increased, and the game went into a certain disorder. It was also the case before, the game data was reversed, and the place where I was imprisoned was changed, and I was trapped in that giant man In the body. I couldn't break free, just like when I went through the red head village dungeon, I was in a state of passively following the plot. Fortunately, you reacted."

I couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. If the female ghost Qiaoying hadn't appeared, I would have followed the instructions of the "game" and killed Nangong Yao.

This thing is far more vicious than I previously knew.

I suddenly realized another problem and said with some regret: "Now it has been eliminated, you are saved, and others are also saved. Some people..."

For example, Tianyi Zhenren, that guy who is as vicious as "Game", is probably back from the dead.

This makes me somewhat regretful.

Nangong Yao shook his head, "I'm afraid no one will survive the 'game' except me."

I was stunned.

"I only saw that you reversed its time, and reversed a little of mine." Nangong Yao adjusted his glasses and looked at the shirt and casual pants he was wearing.

I realized that these were not the pajamas Nangong Yao wore when he was captured by the "game".

I looked at my hands and felt confused.

"What exactly is my ability?" I asked.

Nangong Yao replied: "I can't see this. I can only see some situations when you use your abilities. When I look at you now, I just see a somewhat special human being. This question needs to be answered by yourself Go find the answers.”

I nodded absentmindedly, the regret in my heart not diminishing.

I killed "Game", but except for Nangong Yao, I didn't save anyone else.

Nangong Yao's eyes swept across my room and paused briefly on the files.

I came back to my senses, looked at the time, and said quickly: "My family doesn't know these things. I'll take you to Gumo first."

Nangong Yao's eyes brightened visibly, "Okay."

I secretly took Nangong Yao out of the house and took a taxi directly to the hotel where Gu Mo was staying. In the car, I called Gumo.

Gu Mo said "Ouch, ouch" for a long time, and his joy could be heard in his voice.

Because I had to go to work, I sent Nangong Yao to Gumo's place, and then hurried to the work.

Although the people killed by the "game" were not saved, one thing was finally solved. Counting Nangong Yao, it was two different things. I was in a pretty good mood and told Slender Man and the others about my dream last night.

The thin man also started to “oh, oh, oh, oh, oh”.

"Okay, Brother Qi!" The thin man exclaimed.

The fat man smiled and nodded repeatedly, "That's great!"

Chen Xiaoqiu was thoughtful.

I thought she was analyzing my ability, so I humbly asked for advice.

Before Chen Xiaoqiu could answer, Guo Yujie had already clasped her fingers and said, "If you put it this way, in addition to being able to go back to the past in a dream, Lin Qi can also make an object or person go back in time."

The thin man answered: "This ability is incredible! Brother Qi, if you want to see someone you don't like, just let him return to the state of a fertilized egg! You are not as good at cheating in web comics or anything like that!"

"How can it be that easy?" I frowned.

This explanation makes sense. But this time I hit it by mistake. It was a similar situation at Cornucopia, but I didn't feel anything at all. I have never been able to control my abilities.

Thinking about Nangong Yao being reversed by me for a while...

I broke into a cold sweat again.

If I hadn't left the dream immediately - maybe it wasn't under my control, it was just a coincidence - wouldn't Nangong Yao have been killed by my clumsiness?

The fat man said: "In short, there is a good result this time. Let's be happy first."

We all looked at Chen Xiaoqiu who was still thinking.

Chen Xiaoqiu said, "I have some impression of the giant man in Hongtou Village you mentioned."

"Huh?" I was surprised.

"I should have seen it in history. A foreign villain liked to use a girl's skull as a wine glass, and a certain general cut off half of his head with a knife. I need to check the details..."

Before Chen Xiaoqiu finished speaking, the thin man shouted: "Ah! I remembered it too!"

"What did you remember?" Guo Yujie was startled by the thin man's yell.

"Red-headed zombie! This is a legend! Just like that kind of supernatural legend, there is a village somewhere, and a red-headed zombie appears and kills everyone in the village. A few years ago, it was still an adventure place for paranormal enthusiasts. She wanted to take a look a long time ago, but because a young man who committed suicide later died there, the place was cordoned off for investigation, so it was nothing." As the thin man said, he quickly took his mobile phone and searched quickly. Coming to the supernatural legend he just mentioned.

The various theories on the Internet are similar, but there are many differences in details. For example, each person has his own version of the origin of the red-headed zombie, and each one has twists and turns.

I flipped through a few, then my finger stopped on the phone screen and showed them the content, "This is a copy of the plot I experienced."

Thanks for the tip from Jianfeng Zhazhi Fenghou~

Thanks to Zipo Wind Chime for the reward~

Kneel down for the rich man..._(:3″∠)_

I have a good heart...I owe more than twenty...

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