Aoba Office

Chapter 430 Red Head Village (9)

Secretary Tang’s body was obviously turned into a zombie. His corpse transformation process was much faster than that of the twins, and I don't know if it was because his corpse was relatively intact.

In the forest, there were rustling sounds from all directions.

Secretary Tang did not move, but more sweat remained on my body. The wound on my shoulder was very painful. I glanced at it and saw that the wound had a strange green color. This made me even more panicked.

I'm not dead yet, but who knows what this injury will do to me?

This crappy game doesn’t even have a health bar, nor does it have a poison status mark.

I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

In this situation, all I can do is stay calm.

Secretary Tang stared at me motionless.

The sounds in the forest gradually approached, and several figures emerged.

I saw Father and Mother Ding, as well as Uncle Zhao and the Zhang family’s wife and children. These people also looked like zombies, their eyes glowing green, staring at me.

Seemingly seeing everyone gathered, they rushed forward at the same time.

These people are worse than the zombies among the twins. They can only be said to have the agility of normal people. And when these people died, they were either already middle-aged or still children. To say that they were agile, they were not really agile.

I kicked Secretary Tang away, knocked Mother Ding to the ground with another fist, and avoided the attacks of Father Ding and Uncle Zhao. I kept walking around the grave and saw a broken branch on the ground. I quickly picked it up and used it as a stick to swipe away Father Ding who was chasing me. Uncle Zhao rushed in front of me, and I quickly stopped my hand with the branch lying across my chest.


This branch was not an iron rod. It broke after beating Dad Ding and being hit by Uncle Zhao.

Because of the impact, I took a few steps back and stumbled directly on the tomb.

Secretary Tang jumped up from behind me and pierced my face with his sharp nails.

I turned over and rolled down from the grave bag.

There is a touch of bright red on the red soil of the grave.

It was when I rolled just now that the blood on my shoulder rubbed against it.

The blood was absorbed into the soil so quickly that it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Secretary Tang, who was lying on the grave bag, was about to get up when a giant hand suddenly burst out of the grave bag beneath him and grabbed Secretary Tang's head. Like a strong man crushing a watermelon, Secretary Tang's head shattered into several pieces, blood and brain matter flew around, and some flowed down the hand into the grave.

My face was also splashed with brain matter, which was cold and sticky, but it couldn't make any waves in my mood. I stared at the grave.

The zombies that had been besieging me just now stopped and watched helplessly as the headless body of Secretary Tang, who should be counted as their companion, slid from the grave to the ground. They were shivering.

The giant palm grabbed a bit of Secretary Tang's head and continued to stretch upward. The whole arm was stretched out. After bending, it pressed on the surface of the tomb. With a strong push, Secretary Tang's head and the tomb were crushed together. Into crumbs.

The tomb bag was loose and cracked, with shoulders, head, body... A two-meter-tall giant man stood up from the tomb bag.

Half of his head seemed to have been cut off by some sharp weapon, leaving behind a blood-red head with the same red eyes and deep facial features. He should be of foreign origin. He was wearing a strange leather jacket and a sheet. The spotted hide looks wild and wild.

The zombies were lying on the ground, unable to resist.

I held my breath and moved my body slowly.

This...should be the final BOSS, right?

The final BOSS of Red Head Village, the origin of these zombies...

I swallowed involuntarily, suddenly feeling that things had fallen into a dead end with no solution.

I can't beat the zombies, and this red-headed one can certainly do it, but he doesn't seem to be on my side, but the ultimate BOSS I want to solve. It seems that I made the wrong choice in the previous game.

But at that time, it was obvious that the two brothers were driving me up the mountain. Secretary Tang's wife turned into a zombie and killed the young girl. This is a very clear reminder that there is something wrong with this mountain. The reason why the dead turn into corpses is because of this mountain, because only Secretary Tang's wife is buried in the mountain. On the hill. Of the two brothers, the one who was burned on this mountain became a zombie, and the one who was buried elsewhere became a ghost, which is also a clue. They killed people, captured their bodies, and they were still clues.

The grave bag and the giant man all proved that my reasoning was correct.

Did you take any missing props?


Ding Ma’s question, did I choose the wrong one?

My mind was a mess.

But there is no time for me to think about it now.

The giant man stepped out of the grave bag. When his feet hit the ground, the whole mountain seemed to be shaking.

I suddenly felt as if I had been pricked by a needle. I jumped up and turned around and ran away.

I didn't know what to do except run.

I had the foresight and when I ran, I chose the place where the daughter-in-law of the Zhang family was lying and stepped over her. After running a few steps, I heard the crisp sound of bones breaking behind me. My scalp was numb, I didn’t dare to look back, and I ran as fast as I could to the other side of the mountain.

Obviously I can't go back to Hongtou Village. I have to go over the mountain.

I don’t know if running out will count as clearing the dungeon.

I thought again about the "game" behind all this, with the purpose of killing people. Maybe there is no clear ending in this copy.

My heart was beating so fast that I felt like I was going to explode.


My foot kicked something, and I lost my balance and fell to the ground.

Looking back, I found that the thing was a pile protruding from the ground. It looked like it was made of bronze, with strange lines carved on it.

An idea flashed in my mind, and I looked up at the giant man who had easily chased me two meters away. He rushed to the side of the pile and held the protruding part with both hands, using all his strength.

When the giant man came to me, I leaned back and fell to the ground due to inertia, holding the pulled out stake in my hand. After a rough glance, it was almost one meter long, with those lines painted all over its body.

The giant man raised his huge foot and stepped down on me.

The distance was too close. It was impossible for me to use a one-meter-long stake to deal with him, so I had to dodge first. And my fastest and fastest way to avoid it is to roll away.

This time, get out, there is a problem.

The hill was sloping, so I didn't control my roll well, so I kept rolling. It made me dizzy, and my head and limbs kept hitting things. I didn't stop until my back hit a tree.

I felt a sweetness in my throat, and when I opened my mouth, I spit out blood.

I have never been so embarrassed in my life.

The giant man was already chasing after him.

I gritted my teeth and got up from the ground, looked at the stake I was holding tightly in my arms, and pointed the tip at the giant man. The injured shoulder has been so paralyzed that I can't lift it. I don't know how powerful this pile is, but if I want to escape, I have no chance. I can only bet that I can kill this giant man with one hand, holding this thing.

When the giant man rushed over without any scruples, I felt a chill in my heart.

This wooden stake does not seem to be a deterrent to it.

Did I use it wrong?

Shouldn't it be pulled out?

And it was such a coincidence that I happened to trip over it at that time?

I thought about "game" again. It can control things in the copy.

The giant man had already rushed over and was about to touch the tip of the pile.

My mind was filled with all kinds of conjectures. At the critical moment, I saw the figure behind the giant man. The stake in my hand fell to the ground. I stretched out my hand and pressed it against the giant man's chest, and his big palm pressed my head. , breaking the branches behind him and almost pressing him directly into the soil.

Thanks to Shengjian Xiaoyao and Dongfeng 26d for the reward~

Tuhao and other things always make me love and hate them... I need to update again...?_?

Fortunately, this book can still be written for a long time... [Huh...]

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