Aoba Office

Chapter 43 Lighter

Lan Lan's tears stopped abruptly. Ma Yibing became nervous again.

"Disappeared." I looked at the other people in the ward and whispered.

The three people who didn't see that scene took a breath.

"Brother Qi, is the disappearance you mentioned the disappearance I thought of?" Fatty asked.

I nodded affirmatively.

The doctor came over, examined Lu Manning, scolded us for our nonsense, and ran out with a broken leg.

The woman in the same ward wanted to explain to us, but in the middle of her words, her face turned pale.

I knew by looking at her appearance that she probably suddenly remembered that Lu Menning had undergone surgery to get a steel plate, and when she thought of Lu Mening walking out in a kimono, she was frightened.

When the doctor saw that the woman had nothing to say, he continued to scold us, "What did you do with her? Why is her physical condition so bad?"

"It's our fault. How is she now?" I skipped the question.

"It needs to be observed." The doctor was not sure. "Wait until she wakes up and take a X-ray to see if there is any problem with the wound."

We also want to wait for Lu Manning to wake up and ask what happened to the kimono. But who would have known that after waiting like this all afternoon, Lu Manning didn't even wake up, and he was even more out of breath and getting weaker and weaker.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the doctor quickly pushed Lu Manning to go directly for a check-up, and then called the school and her family.

Lu Yanning's hometown is not in Minqing City. Her parents came to visit when she was in a car accident, but they went back not long ago. This gives us a room for change, otherwise their parents will definitely blame us, and even a beating will be too easy. of. Ma Yibing was the most panicked.

When the woman in the next bed saw that Lu Manning still didn't wake up, she left the ward in a panic without packing her things. She didn't know whether she escaped from the hospital or went to other wards to make do.

A few of us were anxious, but there was nothing we could do.

"We need to find that kimono, right?" the fat man said.

"Where can I find it?" The thin man took out a cigarette, looked at the no-smoking sign in the corridor, and pinched it off.

"I...I really burned my clothes, and there was nothing left." Lan Lan said in despair.

"It was really burned. Someone saw it, and the clothes were indeed gone." Ma Yibing agreed with his eyes straight.

"Let's go and look for him." I opened my mouth and looked at everyone, "Either at school, or... just looking for Chen Xiaoqiu."

Lan Lan jumped up and said, "Cousin!"

"Arui, follow Ma Yibing to the school." I said to the thin man, then looked at Guo Yujie and Lan Lan, "Go and look at Chen Xiaoqiu's place."

"Are we staying here?" the fat man asked.

"Daguang, stay here and keep an eye on Lu Manning." I exhaled hard, "I'm going to Qingye."

"Huh?" The three people of the thin man opened their eyes wide at the same time. Ma Yibing and Lan Lan didn't know what "Qingye" was and looked at me doubtfully.

"I'll go see what they can do." I said.

They thought I was going to look through the files for clues.

"Can you do it alone?" Guo Yujie asked, "How about I help you look for it together."

"No." I refused.

Guo Yujie was not worried and Lan Lan went to see Chen Xiaoqiu alone, so she didn't mention it again.

We split up. Because it was a matter of life and death for two people, except for Ma Yibing who was a little timid, everyone else had tense faces. At this time, we couldn't spare any extra thought to doubt whether the supernatural incident was true or false, and we couldn't think of any effective way to solve the problem of the kimono. We could only do our best to settle the matter.

I went to Aoba Office, and when I got to the sixth floor, I still felt cold. The creak of the door opening echoed in the corridor. I took a deep breath and stepped into the office, but I didn't look for files like Slim and the others thought.

I closed the door behind me, gradually adapted to the darkness in the room, walked to the sofa and sat down slowly.

The sofa groaned, standing out in the silent room.

The sofa across from me was empty, and the coffee table was empty. There was no one and no voice recorder. Other than that, this place should be the same as it was when Aoba's people were here. Their client sat where I sat and recounted his horrific experience.

In the darkness, I spoke: "Do you remember the incident of 'Like a Shadow'? The client was a girl named Zheng Xiaorui. You got a kimono from her, and the file said that you burned it. Then A kimono now appears in the drama academy. No, it shouldn’t be said now, it has appeared for a few years, and anyone who wears this dress will die within two years. Zheng Xiaorui also died, after you solved the incident One year later. I... saw two figures in the kimono photo you took, standing under the cherry blossom tree. It might have been an eyesore, but just today, a girl burned her kimono, but it appeared in On the girl who wore it. I saw not two people under the cherry blossom tree, but five people, all wearing this kimono, still moving. I thought, this kimono is killing people."

I focused on the matter and stared at the air, "Do you have any way to solve it? My colleagues and a girl have worn this kimono. They are in danger now and are very weak. Maybe you are the one who said The Yang Qi is weak, and it may also be due to other means of that kimono."

There was no sound in the room.

I waited for a while, feeling a little disappointed. I stood up impatiently and entered the office at the back.

The filing cabinet stood quietly, and the room was still the same, nothing out of the ordinary.

Last time... was it my misunderstanding?

I shouted: "Ye Qing?"

no response.

"Liu Miao?"

Still no response.

I thought about it, "Mushroom? Spirit?"

These are the four names I know, but after calling them, there was still no movement in the office.

I laughed to myself.

Do you really think that your eyes suddenly opened and you can be a psychic?

I opened the door and left, wondering where to find monks, Taoists, or goddesses at this late hour of the night.

When I was about to close the door, I suddenly heard a noise inside the office.

Click, click, click...

I saw a flash of light on the ground, all the way from the office to the gate. The thing circled and stopped exactly on the line between the inside and outside of the door. It stopped very abruptly, pressing against the line, as if there was an invisible wall there. I saw clearly what that thing really looked like.


My heartbeat quickened and I looked up at the office. No one was there. My body stiffened and I picked up the lighter. The tentacles were cold and it was the real thing. When I stood up, the office door slammed shut in front of me, almost hitting my nose.

Cold sweat dripped from my forehead, and the lighter was still in my hand, held tightly by me.

Not an illusion! Not a dream!

The phone rang, and I answered it tremblingly.

"Brother Qi! We found it! The kimono is in the drama club! It's in the drama club!"

I stared at the closed door in front of me.

The note from the police station is still on it, adding a little life to the door.

"Come to Qingye." I said to the thin man. "Take your clothes, buy an iron bucket and oil, and come to Qingye Office. Let's burn it here!"

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