Aoba Office

Chapter 426 Red Head Village (5)

Uncle Zhao hesitated and said he didn't know, but Secretary Tang's son naturally didn't believe it.

"Uncle Zhao, my father is dead, and I am not going to stay in the village. Have you thought about how you will live in the future? Go out to work? Beg for food? Work as a helper for the villagers?" Secretary Tang's son's tone became colder.

Uncle Zhao took a deep breath and asked tremblingly: "Xiao Tang, what are you..."

"I will either sell my family's land or rent it to others to farm, and I will collect a rent. My father asked you to help with this, right?" Secretary Tang's son then asked.

I heard the sound of skin rubbing together and peeked over to see Uncle Zhao rubbing his hands and scratching his ears and cheeks.

"Where is my father's body? Tell me honestly!" Secretary Tang's son pressed.

"I really don't know." Second Uncle Zhao was also anxious, "I didn't do this!"

"Okay, you don't know this, so what's going on at the power station?" Secretary Tang's son asked again, "Is my dad's matter related to this?"

He said nothing about his mother. I suddenly remembered that after Secretary Tang’s wife was pulled out of the coffin, the villagers hurried to the hills. Later, they found Secretary Tang’s body, but they didn’t bother with the charred corpse.

"That power station... people died before." Uncle Zhao said in horror, "It was stopped after someone died. But that person... that person should have been burned. When we went to the power station to see it two days ago, The body was found...the body was in the pool above the power station..."

"What do you mean? Someone dug up the body..."

"No, no! The body was burned. Burned, do you understand? No bones or dregs were left. He was electrocuted. It was all black, scorched, and burned. It was completely out of shape. But we The corpse I saw was just a dead person...not like that..."

"You wouldn't say it was haunted, right?" Secretary Tang's son laughed dryly.

My heart suddenly rose, and then I felt my heart dropped.

Is it a human or a ghost? There should be an answer, right?

I was about to continue listening when I suddenly felt a thorn in my back and an abnormal wind blowing from behind me.

Without thinking, I flew forward and rolled twice on the ground. His movements were not graceful and could only be described as a lazy donkey rolling around, but he was not injured at all.


There was an explosion of shattering glass.

I turned around and saw something rushing into Uncle Zhao's house.

If I hadn't avoided it, that thing would have pounced on me.

There were screams, screams, angry shouts, and then the sounds of fighting in the room.

I was in a dilemma for a while.

Run, or go take a look?

"Ah!" Secretary Tang's son stumbled out of the front of the house, fell to the ground, then used all four limbs together and ran out.

When I saw this situation, I didn't dare to step forward and slipped out through the back door.

After a few seconds, I saw something jump onto the courtyard wall.

Under the moonlight, the outline of that thing was not normal. Except for one person, there was...

My heart skipped a beat.

The thing turned its head and stared at me with its green eyes for a while.

I subconsciously held my breath and my whole body froze.

He turned his head, grabbed Uncle Zhao, jumped off the courtyard wall, and with incredible agility, he led the people all the way to the power station on the hill.

I waited for him to run away, then I held on to the wall and felt my legs become weak.

If he had rushed over just now, I would never have survived.

I saw that thing clearly. It was the man who knocked on the door that day and called me to Secretary Tang's house. However, his appearance changed drastically. His eyes were green, his body was hairy, and his nails were sharp. He looked like a zombie. But are zombies so flexible?

I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

The lights in the village came on one after another.

I felt like I was losing control of my body.

Secretary Tang's son called the villagers and shouted out loud that there were zombies. The villagers pushed me and I pushed you, and finally a few people had the courage to enter Uncle Zhao's house, but they didn't see anything. No one would dare to search blindly. Everyone didn't even dare to go back to their respective homes. They all gathered together in panic.

The Tang family's daughter-in-law was even more frightened. She dragged her husband crying and wanted to go back to the city. The young couple seemed to have the intention of leaving.

They could leave, but the rest of the village couldn't. They have no place to stay in the city.

For a time, everyone's focus shifted from zombies to the Tang family. Many people said that Secretary Tang's corpse had changed, so the Tang family and his wife could not ignore it.

During the quarrel, daybreak came. The sunshine makes people less afraid.

Secretary Tang's son was besieged by the villagers and could not leave, so he had to suggest: "Then let's search the village again now. Let's search the power station first."

"I'll call the police."

I feel like I can't laugh or cry.

Several people died before anyone thought of calling the police.

The deaths of Secretary Tang and his wife were regarded by the villagers as accidental deaths of the murderers, while the deaths of the Zhang family's wife and children were covered up by the events at Secretary Tang's funeral. Now, someone finally asked to call the police.

It seems that there are no mobile phones in this era.

People in the village called, but the phone kept getting a busy signal.

The phone problem is no longer a day or two.

Someone else suggested sending a few people to the town to find the police.

Xiaoding had a tractor and was selected.

I thought about the experience that at the beginning of this dungeon, the protagonist drove a tractor for several hours but was completely overwhelmed.

Zombies...don't have this ability?

I'm not sure.

Because there was no choice for me in this part of the plot, I was forced to get on the tractor. Behind me were seven or eight people who had been drawn by lot, and drove out of the village in the envious eyes of other villagers.

The people behind me were very relaxed, but gradually they realized that they could only see farmland as far as they could see, and they couldn't help but become nervous.

"Xiao Ding, are you driving in the wrong direction?"

"I, I watched, Xiao Ding didn't make a mistake."

"Then how..."

"Hey, look!"

The boundary sign of Hongtou Village appeared in front of the tractor.

"Come back?"

The people on the carriage behind looked at each other.

"Impossible! I'll drive!" someone shouted.

"I" and people changed places.

The tractor drove for a long time, and all we could see was fields, and soon we saw familiar boundary signs.

"We...are we trying to beat the wall?" one person said tremblingly.

Suddenly someone started crying and screaming hysterically.


"shut up!"

"You dare to hit me?!"

The two men started fighting in the car.

The words appeared in my field of vision:

"We'd better find someone else quickly."

After pulling away the two fighting men, everyone sat on the tractor again.

The village was eerily quiet, with no sound at all.

The sound of tractors echoing in the village.

I drove all the way from the village entrance to the hill, but I still didn't see anyone.

"Are they all at the power station?" someone asked tremblingly.

When they reached the foot of the hill, everyone looked up at the hill.

The tall transmission tower was still standing, but it was different from what we saw yesterday. It was full of people, motionless.


Although I don’t know which day I owe the update_(:3」∠)_

Finished the fourth update today, good night everyone~

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