Aoba Office

Chapter 422 Red Head Village (1)


Two words appeared in the darkness, followed by an expression.

I just felt a breath of bad breath suffocating in my heart, yelled, and hit those two words with my fist.

My fist hurt, but I couldn't stop the anger inside me.

I forgot for a moment that I was locked in a confined space by this thing. It can be said that I was in a state of being slaughtered by others.

The word "haha" and the expression suddenly flickered, as if the video was stuck and was abnormal.

The two words suddenly disappeared, the glass wall lit up, and the scene just seen appeared again.

I was startled, and before I had time to react, I felt the scenery behind the glass wall changing rapidly. The colorful pictures and the constant flashing light made me feel dizzy and nauseated. This feeling is the same as connecting me with Nangong Yao and seeing the words and lines he saw. I suppressed the instinctive reaction of closing my eyes and the desire to vomit.

But the picture was really too fast. In my eyes, it was just blocks of color squeezed together.

When everything stabilized, my eyes suddenly became clear.

It was farmland. And I was sitting on a tractor, and the tractor was driving forward.

The words appeared in my field of vision:

"I was born in Hongtou Village, and my family made a living by growing corn. Two years ago, I was a college student. I should have stayed in the city to work, but because of my father's accidental death and my mother's serious illness, I returned to my hometown and took over the family business. field."

I didn't control it, but the tractor drove automatically and stopped in front of a bungalow. The old man at the entrance of the hospital greeted me.

All the scenes were so familiar, it was the "game copy" that Nangong Yao had experienced before.

My dream was interrupted at that time, and I did not see how this copy ended. But judging from Nangong Yao's actions, this copy does not have a high degree of freedom. Even if he knows the strategy, he has to act step by step.

I suddenly felt terrible.

Did that "game" deliberately choose such a copy just to take advantage of this extremely low degree of freedom to kill me?

I don't have Nangong Yao's ability to see through the contents of the copy.

Besides, I think this copy must contain a trap. Otherwise, it makes no sense. Such a highly intelligent "game" would not be able to discover Nangong Yao's ability to see through the dungeon, and would give Nangong Yao such a low-difficulty dungeon after two games.

I braced myself with all my might, tried a few more times, and tried my best, but I still couldn't get rid of my identity as a player. I can't even jump off this tractor.

The tractor drove into the courtyard without my control. The old man unloaded the corn on the truck and arrived at the power station as usual. I continued to be moved by the tractor uncontrollably, meeting villagers along the way and listening to them talk about the current situation in the village.

I listened carefully this time and took note of all the clues.

Although this "game" is unscrupulous and often changes the copy on the fly after clearing the level in Nangong Yao, as far as the copy itself is concerned, it should be a complete game with a clear ending.

I think of Wang Yijun's performance. That girl has definitely played this "game" more than once. She must have "passed" it several times before and survived until she got to Aduo before being killed.

Multitasking, I finished the plot of the power station. Looking at the power station on the hill, I fell into deep thought.

It seems that something has been missed by me.

I racked my brains and recalled the dreams of the past few days.

I gradually discovered that my dreams these days were different from those in the past. In past dreams, I could always see the full picture of those ghosts and monsters, and no matter how bad the situation was, I could still get a lot of useful information. Yunlong Mountain's approach seems to have restrictions on my dreams, and so does this thing. However, the restrictions of Yunlong Mountain were finally broken through. My doubts did not last long before I saw the origin of the evil ghost. But this time, I have fallen into the game, but I still don’t know what the “game” is.

Is this a strength gap?

Master Tianyi was easily killed by this thing, which shows the strength of this "game".

So, I'm being suppressed even more here?

Putting this aside, there was something strange, or unstable, in several of my dreams...

"How many copies can you make in a row?"

" with and kill humans, from which..."

"...Not that strong..."

"...Killing more and more people..."

"I can use fear as a source, not necessarily life."

A white light suddenly exploded in my mind.

The differences between the game copies, the relay stickmen, the multiple-choice questions that are different from the game copies...

These were connected in series, and I gradually became clearer.

This thing kills people, collects fear, and uses it as energy. Its ups and downs and instability are due to the fact that it consumes energy every time it opens a copy.

The difference between the three Aduos also stems from this.

I don’t know what “Game” went through before Lu Yong and Nangong Yao, but before Wang Yijun met A Duo, “Game” killed Tianyi. It was definitely not a simple copy - it might be simple for Wang Yijun, but for the "game", it was very energy-consuming. How could an old monster that had lived for two or three hundred years be killed so easily? Out of sight, the "game" took its toll.

It will compete with Nangong Yao, it must be because Nangong Yao has seen through this. No, it's not that it competes with Nangong Yao and doesn't let Nangong Yao clear the dungeon. It's that Nangong Yao doesn't give it a chance to breathe. He always sees through the dungeon quickly and takes action, forcing it to fall into a war of attrition.

There must be other conditions.

time? action?

Not long after Tianyi's death, Wang Yijun fell into the dungeon and was killed. Before she was killed, she did a lot of useless work and ran up and down the building.

That must not be meaningless.

Lu Yong clearly showed his intention to refuse the game, but the "game" continued to scare him.

For the "game", as long as it waits for the annual relay, it can accumulate energy. Let Nangong Yao pass the customs and wait a year or two. Killing Nangong Yao may be as easy as killing Tianyi Zhenren.

There must be a condition that makes it eager to kill Wang Yijun; it arranges a lot of boring content before killing Wang Yijun; it keeps stimulating Lu Yong; it is also the key for Nangong Yao to force it into consumption.

I started to hate it.

Nangong Yao was on the tractor, obviously trying to tell me all the truth, but was interrupted by the "game".

My vision had gone dark and the tractor had its headlights on.

Text appeared in the field of vision:

"Hey, it's strange, why haven't we arrived at the town yet? It usually only takes two hours to drive there. It gets dark so fast. I always have an ominous feeling."

"What, you're back in the village?"

A dim light appeared in the distance. Where the car lights shine is a boundary sign, which is a stone buried in the soil, with the words "Hongtou Village" in red inscriptions on it.

The tractor started again, and "my" inner monologue continued:

"Maybe we got sidetracked. Forget it, tell Secretary Tang and let's go to town tomorrow. Fortunately, there is electricity again tonight, so I shouldn't delay things."

The tractor stopped in front of a bungalow.

I couldn't help but get off the tractor and knock on the courtyard door.

There was movement inside. After a while, the door opened, and the middle-aged man appeared behind the door and said in surprise: "Xiao Ding, why did you come back now?"

Text answers appeared in my vision.

The middle-aged man nodded, "Okay, I'll go to town with you tomorrow."

I noticed that Secretary Tang's brows were furrowed, he was worried, and he was a little scared. It looked very abnormal at first glance.

But "I" probably didn't pay attention and had no psychological activity about it.

The slow pace of this game made me anxious.

No matter what, it's not a good thing for me to waste my time here.

I guess that such a dungeon is the "game" showing its cowardice. It cannot create a dungeon where the player is almost certain to die by killing Wang Yijun, nor can it affect reality like killing Lu Yong, nor can it do what Nangong Yao experienced for the first time. There is a big scene like two dungeons, so this kind of dungeon with low degree of freedom appears.

Take advantage of its illness and kill it.

Otherwise, wait until it regains mobility...

I gritted my teeth.



Today’s thank you list: Book Friends 140222201904366, Book Friends 20170226200421026, People who love novels, lenael, Book Friends 160515224230320, Xiaobai 361, Diabolo, Yueyue Chengjue, The Thin Man with a Round Waist, Dongfeng 26d, Lie★Dance, swordcurse, Book friend 110411165937254, hlisd, listening to the elm by the window, sleeping in the smoke of the wolf. Thank you everyone for your tips~~


The update is completed today, good night everyone~

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