Aoba Office

Chapter 399 Soul Calling (11)

Zhou Kaiwei's figure just disappeared in a flash.

I can't accurately estimate the fast-forward multiple. It's not 1.5x, 2x, or 16x like video playback. The picture I saw was very smooth, not frozen frame by frame, but this smoothness made it impossible to feel the smoothness of picture switching. People appear and disappear, dawn and dusk pass by rapidly.

When it got dark again, the screen suddenly changed to normal playback speed.

I'm used to that kind of fast forwarding, and it takes me a long time to come back to my senses.

Zhou Kaiwei was sitting at the computer desk, with the evil ghost hidden under the desk. Most of her body was blocked by Zhou Kaiwei, but I could see her dark eyes. She seemed to have changed from a manic lunatic to another kind of twisted psychopath. The vicious resentment still filled her heart, and could even be said to be torturing her, but she no longer lost her temper unscrupulously, and He is used to hiding his emotions and only looking at people with his indifferent eyes.

I suddenly felt a palpitation in my heart.

The evil spirit showed emotion in his eyes and looked at himself doubtfully.

There was a sound of wind coming from a distant place, like a ghost crying and a wolf howling.

The evil ghost was afraid of the weak and shrank in fear.

I floated to the window, looked out the window, and saw the black shadow spreading quickly.

The black shadow was not a dark cloud, and had no substance. It was carried by the wind and whizzed by.

I couldn't help but take a few steps back in horror.

Dark shadows passed across the glass window. I didn't see any ghosts there, but the sudden cold feeling made me shiver.


Zhou Kaiwei rolled over from his chair and when he got up, his eyes met with the evil spirit under the table.

The evil spirit didn't move, and she stared straight at Zhou Kaiwei.

Zhou Kaiwei was frightened and fled out in embarrassment.

The evil spirit was frightened, climbed out from under the table, and looked outside the room.

Zhou Kaiwei ran out, and his confused roommate also chased after him.

The evil ghost stood at the door of Zhou Kaiwei's room and could see the same open door.

There was something different about how she felt now.

I can feel the yin energy, and of course she can too. I feel like this yin energy makes me feel cold, but she feels like a fish in water.

After being trapped for more than twenty years, she suddenly thought of leaving again. She moved carefully and stepped out of the room without any hindrance.

"Hahahaha!" The evil ghost laughed crazily, as if he wanted to vent the grievances he had been feeling for twenty years. She paced the living room triumphantly.

Zhou Kaiwei's roommate came back in a hurry, shouting: "Wait a minute, I'll make a call!"

He rushed into the room and rushed out again with his cell phone.

The evil spirit's expression darkened. She avoided Zhou Kaiwei's roommate and did not touch him. This shows that she still has fears in her heart.

She followed Zhou Kaiwei's roommate out after he went out again.

There were a lot of people outside, saying hell and asking about Zhou Kaiwei's situation, and the scene was very chaotic.

Seeing so many people, the evil spirit became afraid and retreated into the room.

Zhou Kaiwei was taken away by ambulance. During this period, his roommate came back and took Zhou Kaiwei's ID and mobile phone, and closed the door.

The chaos outside gradually subsided.

The evil ghost's expression was changing, and he said to himself: "Damn many people are seeing ghosts..."

She wandered around the room, looking at the door and the window from time to time, hesitating.

To my surprise, she endured her impatience and stayed in the house for another two days, as if observing the situation. Her impatience increased day by day. Two days is already the limit.

Two days later, when she was about to leave here regardless, a crisp voice came into my ears. Naturally, she heard it too.

There was a "snap" sound, as if something had broken.

I looked sharply towards the kitchen, staring at the cabinet door under the sink.

Muddy water seeped from the cracks in the cabinet door.

The evil spirit didn't expect this situation like me. She didn't find the direction from which the sound came. She looked around cautiously and found nothing, so she was about to leave.

Tick ​​tock!

The sound of water dripping became clear.

The evil ghost stepped forward again, and this time he made some guesses. He glanced at the toilet, then the kitchen, and found the source of the sound. She curled her lips in disapproval and took another step.


There was another crisp sound.

The next second, there was a "swish" sound, sewage spurted out, and the cabinet door was opened.

The evil ghost was surprised. He was still looking at the break of the water pipe that was spraying water like a high-pressure water gun when he suddenly felt wet on the soles of his feet.

The water flowed in a strange trajectory, not spreading evenly, but flowing towards the evil ghost with a clear target.

When the evil spirit noticed it, the soles of his feet were already full of sewage.

She wanted to jump away in disgust, but her legs seemed to be nailed here.

The water flowed abnormally, encircling the soles of her feet, and seemed to have an invisible barrier surrounding her. The water level rose and submerged her knees in an instant.

Around here, the ground is dry and the sewage has not yet flowed through.

"Ahhhhh!!" The female ghost yelled frantically, twisting her body in fear, but it was to no avail.

I'm glad I drifted off early. I don't know if the sewage didn't notice my special existence, or it could only flow on the ground according to "common sense" and rise little by little without flying up. This is why I survived.

The floor of the room was soaked and the furniture was soaked in water. In comparison, the situation of evil spirits can be described as miserable.

The rising sewage has exceeded her head and enveloped her whole body.

She closed her eyes and mouth tightly and covered her nose. But sewage can still pour into her ears. The mist even seeped into her pores and invaded her body. Her body began to change, and the appearance when she died reappeared. The wounds were shocking. After being soaked in sewage, it became even more terrifying, and it actually decomposed. The sewage was even turbid, with pieces of meat, eyeballs, nails, hair, and incomplete bones floating up and down.


The sound of a key turning in the door lock sounded.

"Why is there water?" Someone outside the door said to himself.


The slender cylinder of water collapsed, and the demon's remains were mixed into the sewage on the ground.

"I'll choke you!" Zhou Kaiwei's roommate screamed.

Water flowed out through the open door.

I noticed that the evil ghost's remains were settling in the sewage, flowing slowly and decomposing more quickly. In the blink of an eye, I couldn't see those remains.

This sewage should be used by Ye Qing to trap the ghosts that suddenly appeared in the Six Villages of Workers and Peasants.

I have seen Chen Yaqin trapped, which is different from the situation of the evil ghost.

Thinking about the origin of the evil ghost, I guess this is because the evil ghost did not die here, and she is not a resident here.

Was she eliminated by Ye Qing?

No, if she was eliminated so early, my dream this time should not be about her.

I stared at the sewage, trying to find any trace of her. I also tried to move, trying to determine her approximate location. The latter method is more difficult to work. My current range of movement is quite large, so locking her position in this way requires a lot of attempts.

My attempts stopped midway.

Zhou Kaiwei’s roommate cleaned up the sewage. After the water level dropped, I saw the remains gradually emerging from the water.

Without the sewage, evil spirits are revealed. But the damage she suffered this time was even greater than when she died, and her body parts were strewn across most of the living room.

Zhou Kaiwei's roommate didn't notice anything and even stepped on her eyeballs and passed the mop through her legs to mop the floor.

He couldn't touch the devil, but the devil could feel him.

Her eyeballs were crushed, her legs were rubbed back and forth, and different pains stimulated her nerves, but she couldn't resist yet.

That anger filled her heart again.

But this time the ordeal did not end there.

The water pipes were repaired and then burst, and they were repaired again and again, and she felt the pain over and over again.

Until one day, the water pipe was completely repaired.

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