Aoba Office

Chapter 387 No. 081-Subway Crazy Man (4)

On April 13, 2014, Car 4035 of Metro Line 4 was inspected and no abnormalities were found. The entire line of Metro Line 4 was surveyed and no abnormalities were found.

On April 14, 2014, the entire line of Metro Line 9 was surveyed and no abnormalities were found.

On April 16, 2014, I accompanied my client on Metro Line 9. Audio file 08120140416.wav.

"Sorry, sorry for keeping you waiting."

"It's okay, Mr. Lu. Are you wearing the amulet?"


"Please take off the amulet first."

"Huh? Oh, okay."

"Then let's get in the car now."


Buzz buzz...

"...Hey, I'm waiting for the subway..."

"...I didn't work overtime for the first time this week..."

" seems too late today..."

"...Relevant government departments have recently announced..."

"Welcome to take Rail Transit Line 9. The terminal station of this train is Xingang City. The train is about to enter the station. The incoming train is composed of six cars,..."


"Are we going up now?"

"Of course. Mr. Lu, please don't leave our side. If you feel anything abnormal, please tell us."


Da da da da da…

"...There are a lot of people today..."

"...The fish hotpot I mentioned last time..."

"...Please go a little further inside..."

Beep, beep, beep... bang.

Buzz - hoo hoo hoo - kuang kuang kuang -

"Welcome to take Metro Line 9. The terminal station of this train is Xingang City. Please give up your seat for passengers who need help. Next stop: Citizen Square. You can switch to Metro Line 3. Passengers who need to transfer …”

"……What do you eat at night?……"

"...There were only eight orders last month, I'll take a commission..."


"Welcome to take Metro Line 9. The terminal station of this train is Xingang City. Next stop: Shenzhen-Guangzhou Sports Center. You can transfer to Metro Line 4. Passengers who need to transfer please pay attention to the first and last train times to avoid Delaying your trip. Passengers getting off the bus, please prepare in advance..."

"Change here."

"Hasn't this happened before?"


"I asked, has that thing run away? Fleeed to other places?"

"Were you attacked when you were riding the subway this morning?"

"No. I was wearing my amulet this morning."

"If it's convenient for you, we will take the subway with you again tomorrow morning. This time we will put some distance between us."

"Well... I think there's nothing wrong. I think I'll just wear the amulet. I'm really sorry to trouble you. I've helped a lot and solved the problem."

"You are welcome."

On April 16, 2014, the investigation was suspended. This incident is classified as "Unfinished" and the keywords "subway" and "sexual harassment" are set. If related incidents occur, the investigation will be restarted.

Client: Wang Mei

Gender: Female

Age: 32

Occupation: Full-time housewife

Family relationship: parents, married, one daughter

Contact address: Room XXXX, No. XX, Chengmingyuan, Minqing City

Contact number: 188XXXXXXXX


On April 17, 2014, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 08120140417.wav.

"Hello, Ms. Wang. This is your daughter..."

"Her name is Qianqian."

"Hello, Qianqian."

"Can I trouble you..."

"There are rest rooms inside and computers to play with."

"Qianqian, can my brother take you inside to play on the computer?"


"Then let this sister take you there, okay?"


"I'm sorry, this child... She has been clinging to me recently and won't follow anyone. She... I feel uncomfortable looking at her..."

"Ms. Wang, can you tell me what happened?"

"During the winter vacation, I took her on the subway. It was fine, but she said something scratched her foot. I thought she was naughty..."

"Something really got me!!"

"I know, mom knows. It's mom's fault."

"Ugh...something caught me..."

"Can you let me see where she was caught?"

"It's this foot. Tell sister, where were you caught?"


"Qianqian, where were you caught? I'll point it out to you, okay?"

"Yeah - don't, don't, don't, don't..."

"Sorry, she...she was scared..."

"Our office sells amulets, which have a meditative effect. If you agree, I will get one for her."

"Okay, please."

Da da da……


"Both you and Qianqian drink some water and calm down. Let's talk slowly."

"OK, thanks."

"You feel better?"


"Qianqian, can you tell your sister now where you were caught?"




"What was the situation?"


"The subway was very empty at the time, and we were sitting halfway. There was someone sitting next to us, leaning against the railing, and two women were sitting opposite us. There was no one in the aisle, and she was kicking her feet while sitting. I told her that this was not good and asked her to put her feet down. After sitting for a while, she suddenly raised her feet again and said that something was grabbing her. I kept a straight face and scolded her. She... I didn't Okay... She felt aggrieved, but she still put her feet down, and then raised them up again to say that she was caught. I bent down and looked, and there was nothing under the chair, not even garbage. There was nothing in the row where we were sitting, opposite or next to it. None. I told her, and she put her feet down again, and then... I took her to change seats, but after sitting for a while, she stepped on the chair and said something was grabbing her from below. I I was scared after hearing this, so I took her off when we got to the station. I waited for the next subway and got on the train. There were a lot of people and we couldn't find any space, so we stood in the middle aisle. A kind-hearted person gave her a seat, and she I didn’t dare to sit. She was also very embarrassed... I didn’t dare to let her sit either. Because of some people, I thought it would be okay this time, but she stood next to me and cried again after a while, saying that something touched her Her feet. There was nothing on the ground...really, nothing. But she just said something touched her. I later took her out of the subway station and took the bus, and she was fine. I later took her to I went to the temple and thought nothing was wrong... She usually doesn't take the subway to school. Yesterday there was an activity at her school and she let it go in the afternoon. I took her to her grandma's house and passed by the school. Even if she took the subway, there was no one around. She didn’t even remember the winter vacation at that time, but when she was sitting on her seat, she suddenly jumped up and said something had grabbed her..."

"Catch where?"

"Well, me too... Qianqian, where did I catch you?"

"Hold me... like this, hug me from behind."

"Were you sitting on the seat?"

"Yes. She jumped up all of a sudden, and many people looked over. I looked at that seat, and there was nothing there, and I didn't feel anything. She was sitting next to me, and I didn't feel anything... Look at this matter……"

"Are there any marks on her body?"

"Traces? No, no, I showed her yesterday and there were no traces."

"So, did she describe to you what that hand looked like?"


"Qianqian, what does the hand holding you look like? Where is it holding you?"

"I...I don't know..."

"Which line were the two incidents on?"

"I forgot the other was Line 2 yesterday."

"Wearing the amulet can play a certain role. We will first investigate the surveillance video, and then decide on the subsequent handling method based on the video content."

"Oh. Just wear it, right?"


On April 18, 2014, the subway surveillance video was investigated and the video passages in which the client appeared were found. Video file 08120140418.avi.

Thanks to moemo, silver ancient 377, book friends 20170215133943346, Dongfeng 26d, moles with many stars°, smiling stones, gods, gods, purple soul wind chimes, horse speeding, eating is the greatest pleasure in life, huh, love novels Thank you all for the rewards from the people, Dusty Old Ghost, Zimo Yingrao, and Darannian~ Thank you all (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

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