Aoba Office

Chapter 370 No. 056-Electrical Abnormality (6)

"Ah, yes. After I hung up the phone, I had a problem with my computer while I was working. The characters on the documents became garbled, and I also sent emails and sent company documents... IT said it was an operation The problem is, the computer is not infected with the virus, but many people have seen it. I haven’t touched it, and the computer is moving. Not only me, but other people’s computers as well... Finally, I turned off the power... Haha..."

"Ms. Jin, can you tell me what happened today from the beginning? Starting with the coffee machine."


"Ms. Jin, I know you must be feeling very uncomfortable right now, but please get over it. This matter is more serious than before, and we need to know the details of the whole thing."

"Huh... the coffee machine... I just sat in the lounge for a while and made a cup of coffee during my break. I wanted to pour the coffee, but when I got to the door, I didn't go in. They..."

"what happened?"

"A few colleagues were chatting. It was one of my subordinates who was getting married. He was telling people... I... I was about to leave when the coffee machine suddenly burst. I saw the back of Ann's hand rise. After soaking, they were in a mess...Ann was sent to the infirmary. Others were saying that the coffee machine, which was originally at a constant temperature, started to heat up for some reason and kept heating. They all heard the boiling sound of gurgling. . Ann went to see it, and the coffee machine suddenly exploded..."

"You were standing at the door?"

"Yes, it was always at the door. I didn't go in... I... never had this happen before, never encountered this kind of thing in the office before... I wasn't sure if it was me at that time... She was about to get married, so her hands were Like this...I was so scared...I called you...I didn't expect it to be...and..."

"You were at the printer when you made the call?"

"Yes. I was standing over there, and the printer suddenly started to move. I didn't read what was printed, but there were many words, densely packed... Something went wrong within a few seconds. It was not the normal printing speed, it was much faster than normal, faster. There were too many, and then there was smoke, and the paper seemed to burn. Then came the after another..."

"Mobile phones and computers, besides that, what else?"

"It's gone, what more can be done? Isn't it enough? It's over... I'm done... I broke up with him, endured it, endured these things, but the result... the result is still... ugh..."

"I'm sorry, Miss Jin, but please look forward. You still have unresolved problems."

"What else? I'm already like this... What else does Shi Yuan want to do? He still won't let me go!"

"It is not yet certain that Shi Yuan did this."

"Who else could be there besides him? Who else... Zhang Rendong... Is it Zhang Rendong? Could it be him..."

"Ms. Jin, please calm down, relax, and don't force yourself like this. Miss Jin, do you still insist on your previous idea and not let us have contact with your ex-boyfriend?"

"A... Rui? Could it be... A Rui? Impossible... impossible... him..."

Buzz buzz...


"You turned on your phone again?"

"I can't even argue with him. I'm going to be fired. Does he have to force me to death?"

Buzz buzz...

"Huh... hello?... What? How... Well, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm really fine. I know."

"Ms. Jin, we..."

"Shi Yuan was reported..."

"You mean..."

"As I said, study abroad places, and company admissions... he paid people to give up. The one who caused the traffic accident was an accident, but he later hired two more people, and he bribed HR."

"In other words, there are no supernatural means."

"Well... it's not him... it's not him... it's Zhang Rendong, right? It should be Zhang Rendong, I really didn't expect..."

"Ms. Jin, I think it's better not to have any preconceived opinions."

"You still doubt Ari? Do you think it's Ari?"

"We just wouldn't rule it out."


"Ms. Jin, we have contacted Shi Yuan and Zhang Rendong before, but neither of them seems to be related to this matter. If you insist, we can only conduct further in-depth investigation. This will take a lot of time. If you guess Wrong, they really have nothing to do with this matter, and such a delay may put you in danger."


"Ms. Jin, what's your decision?"

"Zhang Rendong, it can only be Zhang Rendong, not Ari!"

"We are not simply suspicious of what your ex-boyfriend did. There may be people around him, or he may have experienced something unintentionally."


"Miss Jin?"

"I see...let me...let me think about it again..."

On August 22, 2009, I received a contact from Shi Yuan. Audio file 05620090822.wav.

"I would like to ask if there is any progress on what I mentioned before? Can I meet with Hui Er or FH's HR? Don't worry, I know you have worked hard on this matter and I will not treat you unfairly."

"Mr. Shi, we already know what happened in your company recently."

"...That's Zhang Rendong slandering me. What you said before is right, bureaucracy, discrimination and prejudice, there..."

"Is it Zhang Rendong who exposed you?"

"Yes, that's him."

"Then, this is his trump card against you. What about Jin Haifeng? Is he prepared for anything?"

"Why do you ask this?"

"Haha, our company's business scope is very wide. In addition to the well-known ones, there are also some other projects."


"Mr. Shi, you just said you wouldn't treat me badly, but in my opinion, you can't be of any help to us now."

"I do know how Zhang Rendong originally prepared to deal with Jin Haifeng."


"Jin Haifeng was planning to get married this year. As a woman, after getting married, giving birth to a child and taking maternity leave, the company would have discriminated against her, and it was even more impossible for her to be promoted. Jin Haifeng was also ruthless and decisively broke up with her boyfriend. I don't I know what preparations Zhang Rendong has now. However, even if there is, there is no need. Jin Haifeng messed up himself. Well, maybe Zhang Rendong did this. If you can find out about me, you should also ask about Jin Haifeng Is that the case?"

"Secrets leaked."

"That's right. Jin Haifeng is finished. It will be difficult to keep his job, let alone get promoted."

"Can you tell me more about what happened that day? How could Jin Haifeng leak the company's secrets?"

"Her computer has been tampered with. It should be a virus. The IT people couldn't find it out. Today the company also invited professional engineers to check all the computers in the company. No matter how she got the virus, the fault lies with Jin Haifeng. She can’t escape if she has it on her.”

"What else did you think of?"

"It was quite chaotic that day. Before Jin Haifeng's computer had problems, machines were broken and people were injured. That was probably part of Zhang Rendong's plan to cause chaos and then take the opportunity to install the virus on Jin Haifeng's computer."

August 23, 2009, audio file analysis. Audio file 05620090816G.wav.

"... I know who it is! I know who it is!!... I have a boyfriend... He won't, he's very good, he won't do that..."


"Basically, there are two peaks when we first come here and when we finally talk about my boyfriend. When we talk about my boyfriend..."

click! click!

"……He will not……"


"...We broke up, we broke up...he wouldn't do that! Don't go looking for him!..."


"The whole process is chaotic. The volume and frequency of the noise are chaotic and there is no pattern."

"What do you think?"

"My opinion is that the root of all this is Jin Haifeng herself. To be precise, it was her mood swings that triggered these things."

More updates~

To the first ally in this book, we seem to know each other!

There will be five updates this week~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

There will be another update next, but it will be later, maybe after 0 o'clock_(:3」∠)_

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