Aoba Office

Chapter 358 Testing

Uncle Chang's words made me don't know how to respond.

I saw the bodies of the thin man and the fat man moving. The thin man leaned forward a little and opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

Dragon Qi... This is really a speechless statement.

According to the concepts of our ancestors, Uncle Chang's theory is really correct. Doesn't the government just have the spirit of a dragon? Isn’t it just that it can suppress ghosts and gods? But this matter... In this world of science, to say this seriously...

Although I have experienced many supernatural events and seen ghosts, I believe in the existence of ghosts and believe that besides ghosts, there are also monsters in this world. But...dragon energy?

Uncle Chang spoke plausibly and didn't feel embarrassed after he finished speaking. I seemed to see someone solemnly announcing: "I am actually a cosmic person, from the Tatano star a billion light years away. I came to the earth to shoulder the mission of exploration. I am the vanguard of our planet. Soon we will Countless space battleships will be sent to surround the earth." Isn't this the plot of a funny cartoon?

Uncle Chang was staring at me with his bright eyes. He probably saw something strange in my expression, and he said seriously: "You young people, don't always think that this kind of thing is nonsense. You have all seen ghosts, and you still Don’t you have an open attitude? If there is a ghost, then the idea of ​​dragon energy makes sense.”

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "It makes sense."

The fat man and the thin man looked sideways.

I winked at the two onlookers.

"Uncle Chang, even if the government has a dragon spirit, it will be very difficult for us small soldiers." The thin man followed Uncle Chang's words and complained, "It's hard for us to explain to the leaders if you do this. You just have to cooperate fully. It's better to do this superficially. The compensation is given by the government, which is your legal income, and it is the benefit the government gives to the people. Look, are you seriously considering it?"

Uncle Chang was embarrassed for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay. I actually don't care. Any amount of compensation is fine. I just hope that the demolition can be done as soon as possible. The sooner the better."

The three of us nodded.

The thin man took out a new questionnaire and asked Uncle Chang to fill it out again.

The three of us sighed silently.

I looked at Uncle Chang's side face, recovered from the initial shock, and frowned slightly.

Uncle Chang should really believe that the government's "dragon energy" can suppress the strange land of the six workers and peasants villages, but he seems to be hiding something.

"Uncle Chang, you discovered those strange things, haven't you thought about solving them?" I asked.

Uncle Chang used to draw the ticks in one go, but now he carefully read the contents of the questionnaire. The pen in my hand moves across the paper as I read. When he heard my question, he paused his hand, rested his elbow on the cabinet, and said slowly: "How could you not have thought about it? I have often done things like burning incense and worshiping Buddha. But to be honest, we can There are too few things to accomplish. Moreover, there are always people who are doubtful about this matter. Otherwise, they have an attitude of preferring to believe it or not. Some people think that since moving out will cause trouble, why not move out? Are you okay?"


Uncle Chang made a choice on another question and drew a sharp check mark.

"Have you ever seen a ghost in your home?" I asked thoughtfully.

Uncle Chang's pen paused on the paper, making a small dent in the paper. He stopped looking at the questionnaire and turned to look at me.

"You said before that you saw that young man named Zhou jumping off the building in the hospital?" Uncle Chang asked.

I nodded.

There is nothing to hide about this.

Uncle Chang was thoughtful. After a while, he put down his pen and sighed melancholy, "Have you been to my house?"

I didn't answer.

I went to Uncle Chang's house in Zhou Kaiwei's dream, and I only took a quick look at it through Zhou Kaiwei's memory. I don’t know if I have been there or not. But I could clearly see that girl. Either it was Zhou Kaiwei's fantasy, or she really existed in that house and was a female ghost staying there. She may be like Chen Yaqin, waiting to fulfill her wish.

I was nosy, looked for Zhou Kaiwei, met Lu Manning, and almost hurt myself. When it comes to heroic plots, I don’t really have much. I can only say that I can’t bear it due to my conscience, so it’s great to be able to help.

That girl looks harmless, but who knows what she will do?

Luo Jiangyan died unjustly, and I don’t want to see anyone die like that unjustly again.

It would be great if the female ghost could be stopped in advance.

Of course, I still remember Ye Qing’s warning. If I don't enter the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, if I don't contact the female ghost, if I don't go through dreams, then I have to find other ways to solve this matter. In fact, the first solution I thought of was not the owner of the house, Uncle Chang, but Chen Yihan. Chen Yihan checked from the public security system and found out who died in the house. But unfortunately, Chen Yihan didn't find anything. I can only get information from Uncle Chang.

Uncle Chang was silent for a long time, seeming to be recalling something, with a somewhat painful expression on his face. He rubbed his face, made a sniffling sound, and exhaled heavily.

"I haven't seen it, but my niece has." Uncle Chang said.

I was a little surprised.

"She came to the house as a guest and played in the room. My son was with her at that time, and he went out to use the bathroom. When he returned to the room, he saw her lying on the ground. We were all confused and panicked. We finally got the person to the hospital, but it was too late. The doctor said it was a heart problem, but my niece turned out to be in good health, and no one in our family had heart problems. For this matter, everyone in my family also had heart tests. , to see if there are any hereditary diseases that have not been discovered before, but after checking, everyone is fine." Uncle Chang smiled bitterly, "I haven't thought about this for a long time. I kept thinking about it, and I gradually became suspicious. Get up. My niece, when I entered the room and saw her, she had her eyes wide open, her mouth open, and she was grabbing my son, as if she wanted to say something. No one noticed her other hand at the time, but I remembered later Yes, she pointed to the corner. After I remembered this, I looked in the corner and saw nothing. I also asked my son, and he didn’t see anything either. Maybe she was the only one who saw it.”

Uncle Chang apologized: "Later, when I could move out, I moved out immediately. When the house was rented, no one had any trouble except for the man named Zhou not long ago. I thought that the incident that day was over. . There is something, or maybe it was just passing by that day, and my niece happened to see it."

I recalled Zhou Kaiwei’s dream.

The girl huddled under the computer desk and seemed to be looking at Zhou Kaiwei. I can't see the layout of the room, but the computer desk only has its back against the wall. There are no rooms in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants that have a triangular shape. The direction the female ghost was looking at was not in the corner anyway. So, are you still watching Zhou Kaiwei? In this case, what did she see when she died? Is it really like what Uncle Chang said, it was just a coincidence that I saw a lonely ghost passing by?

"Could it be something like insects?" asked the thin man. "It's not necessarily a ghost. There could be other things that she's afraid of."

"Besides ghosts, what else can scare people to death?" Uncle Chang shook his head.

The fat man hesitated to speak and glanced at me.

I'm a little confused.

The fat man had no choice but to ask Uncle Chang: "How old was your niece back then? What did she do?"

"I'm still a student, in high school." Uncle Chang said regretfully.

"You haven't even talked about being friends, have you? That's a pity." I reacted and then tried it out.

Uncle Chang shook his head repeatedly, "Yes, it's too young, so let's go at such a young age."

"Are you about to take the college entrance examination?" The thin man answered.

Uncle Chang continued to shake his head, "Her grades are average. She won't be able to pass the college entrance examination. At most, she can go to a junior college."

It's not love, and it doesn't seem to be school. I was trying to figure out the answer and felt a little headache.

You have to ask Uncle Chang directly: "Your niece has turned into a ghost. What do you think her unfulfilled wish is?" It is estimated that Uncle Chang, who just had a blood clot, suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage. But it's hard to get an answer in such a roundabout way.

Although Uncle Chang is old, his reactions are very sharp.

Before we could ask the fourth question, he opened his eyes and asked: "You ask these, and what I said before...could it be that what you saw in my house was my niece, not what she saw?"

Thanks to book friend 151223190544742, my mother asked me not to read novels all the time, the grass grows and the orioles fly in February, the disappointing reward~Thank you everyone~

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