Aoba Office

Chapter 350 No. 068-The Black Cat Seeking Life (5)

"Mr. Shi, in this case, it will be difficult for us to catch the black cat."

"You, you..."

"Comrade police, you saw it, there really is a cat! My daughter didn't lie, that classmate was killed by a cat!"

"Mr. Shi, Mrs. Shi, this may be a coincidence. Even a wild cat cannot be counted. Our investigation requires evidence."

"The lawyer we hired is coming soon, tell him the evidence!"

"It is your legitimate right to hire a lawyer, and of course we will not stop you. But even if a lawyer comes, our police must still handle the case in accordance with the law and procedures."

"Mr. Shi was not detained, was he?"

"Huh? No, no. We just asked Shi Feifei to assist in the investigation."

"Mr. Shi, let's leave first."

"What? Are you kidding me? My daughter is here. Where should I go with you?"

"Where are you taking my husband?"

"The environment here is not conducive for us to catch the black cat. The black cat came with Mr. Shi, so it is better to change places. The police station does not allow us idlers to stay here, right?"

"Well, it's not very convenient."

"Mr. Shi, please."


"I'll go out with them. It'll be better if I leave…. That cat won't come back here again."

"...but Feifei..."


"Oh... okay. I'll stay here with Feifei."


"Can you do it? Can you deal with that monster?"

"What just happened?"


"Why did that cat appear just now? What did it do?"

"Mr. Shi, if you want us to deal with that monster, please cooperate with our work."

"Huh... OK, I'll cooperate. When the cat suddenly appeared, it was my daughter who saw it first. At that time, I, my wife, and the female police officer were all sitting in that room. My daughter and my wife were sitting in the room. Facing the window. Feifei saw the black cat first. I saw her eyes widened, and then I turned around and saw the cat standing on the windowsill, staring at Feifei. Feifei and her daughter called out and called people They were all startled, but the cat didn’t escape and stared at me again. I...I always feel..."

"What do you always feel?"

"That cat is laughing at me... it seems like it is laughing at me... it is a devil, a monster!"

"Mr. Shi, how did you and Miss Ma Linglan get together?"

"What? Why do you ask?"

"Is it because of your daughter Miss Shi Feifei?"

"I... I just took Feifei to school and we met. Later... what does this have to do with this matter?"

"Does Shi Feifei know about the inappropriate relationship between you and Ma Linglan?"

"What do you mean by inappropriate...wait, what do you mean? What do you mean by your question?!"

"Mr. Shi, we saw a female ghost next to Miss Shi Feifei. Although she was a strange young girl, looking at the Yin energy on her body and the Yin energy on your daughter Shi Feifei, we have every reason to suspect that the female ghost is Ma Linglan. .”


"Perhaps Marguerite did not die from the black cat, but from a murder. According to this idea, many things can be explained."

"You're talking nonsense! Feifei can't do this! Enough! You've had enough! If you can't catch the black cat, don't frame my daughter!"

"You can communicate with Miss Shi Feifei. If you don't want us to continue the investigation, you can also end the entrustment contract."

"I...but that cat, that cat is real..."

"We did not deny the existence of the black cat."

"Let me think about it, I want to... think about it..."

On December 10, 2010, it was investigated that Li Ruoqin, the client’s secretary, had received several deposits from unknown sources while serving as the client’s secretary, which was equivalent to the amount of funds that had been tampered with in the client’s company account. The investigation revealed that Li Ruoqin’s parents were colleagues in relationship with the parents of the client’s brother-in-law Tang Yu. Li Ruoqin had financial transactions with the client's sister, Shi Juan. While serving as the client's secretary, Li Ruoqin remitted a total of more than one million yuan to Shi Juan's account.

On December 11, 2010, the investigation revealed that the client’s wife, Zhao Jiayin, had inquired about the client’s phone records and company accounts.

On December 12, 2010, I received an initiative from the client. Audio file 06820101212.wav.

"Mr. Shi, we have found something that we would like you to take a look at."

"I asked..."

"...Are you asking your daughter about the lily of the valley?"

"Yes, I asked Feifei. She said it was an accident. She was frightened at the time... the monster might have wanted to attack her, and she bumped into Lan Lan. It was just an accident."

"Oh. We found some information, you can take a look."

"What information?"


" do you mean? What are you doubting? Didn't you say that the black cat is real?"

"Yes, the black cat is real. But the death that happened around you may not be related to the black cat. We are not sure yet what the black cat is going to do. However, based on what we have seen before, we feel that the black cat is not The direct cause of death of those around you.”

"No...impossible...this...I don't believe it! This is impossible!"


"Mr. Shi...Mr. Shi!"

Dong dong dong dong... bang!

"What is he going to do?"

"Probably questioning his wife."

"Have the cases of his cousin, secretary, brother-in-law, and nephew been investigated?"

"Nangong is still investigating. The deaths of his son and sister are easy to deduce, but for the other four, if his wife really did it, she would definitely have to pay for the murders. The police did not find out. There was no movement in her bank account. If the transaction was in cash, It takes a lot of time to check phone numbers and Internet records, and then use surveillance to trace the whereabouts."

"Shi Qiang goes back and gives it a try. Maybe we won't need to investigate in detail."

"If the killing was done by humans, then, boss, what happened to the black cat?"

"Come for revenge. However, it is limited to mental pressure."

"After killing him, the ghost still lingers?"

"My guess is this. That cat... has a very special aura, maybe it has some special abilities."

On December 13, 2010, I received a call from Zhao Jiayin. Telephone recording 201012131924.mp3.

"Hello, Mr. Shi..."

"I'm his wife."

"Hello, Mrs. Shi. What's the matter?"

"I'm just making a phone call to inform you that my husband is dead and the entrustment is over."

"You said Mr. Shi is dead?"

"Yeah. That's it."

On December 13, 2010, it was confirmed that the client died. The cause of death was a car accident. After police investigation, it was determined that it was suicide. Attached: A photocopy of the case file and the surveillance video of the incident 06820101213.avi.

The upper left corner of the video shows the location of the surveillance camera, the Lotus section of Wanhang Road, and the upper right corner shows the time, 21:19 on December 12, 2010.

Taking up most of the video is an intersection.

At this time, a motorcycle appeared at the bottom of the screen, driving along Wanhang Road, past Lianhua Road, and after driving for a while, stopped on the side of the road.

Fast forward the screen.

There were very few vehicles during this period. It was not until 22:00 that a truck turned from Lianhua Road to Wanhang Road and drove in the direction where the motorcycle was parked at a very fast speed.

At this time, the motorcycle driver changed the direction of the vehicle, suddenly accelerated, jumped out from the roadside, and collided directly with the truck.

There was no sound in the video, but in the dark picture, a ball of fire flashed. The motorcycle and the driver were bounced away from each other. One of them rubbed against the ground, causing a spark to fly up. The other flew high, fell heavily, and never moved again.

The gap in the monthly votes list for supernatural beings is not that big. It is currently at the end of the crane, always going up and down. My heart also goes up and down. (⊙﹏⊙)

Please give me a monthly pass to calm our little heart~

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