Aoba Office

Chapter 348 Number 068-The Black Cat Seeking Life (3)

Da da da……

"This is the closet."


"How, how is it?"

"There is a strange aura, but it is not Yin Qi."

"What's the meaning?"

"It's a little strange. Boss, what do you think that cat is?"

"It's certain that it's a monster. It's just..."

"I told you it must be a monster! What else did you find?"

"I'm not sure yet. Let your relatives who have seen you tell you."


"Call, Mr. Shi."

"Oh fine……"

"Okay, I also agreed with her not to go to high places."

"Okay. Then we can set off, right?"

"Okay. Let's go to her place first. She's in a coffee shop next to the school."


On December 5, 2010, I was walking with the client and no black cat was found. When I arrived at the coffee shop agreed by the client, I didn't see the target Malinka. Contact Malibu. Telephone recording 201012051025.mp3.

"Hey, who's there?"

"Lanlan, it's me."

"Brother Qiang, why did you use an unfamiliar number..."

"Where are you now? Didn't you say you were waiting at the cafe?"

"Sorry, Brother Qiang, my tutor has something to ask me. As you know, I want to go abroad. If he can write me a letter of recommendation, I can enter the top ten universities in country A. You were talking to someone before I was guaranteed to get into the top three schools in country A next year, but so far I haven’t..."

"That's enough! Okay, we'll talk about this later! Be careful now and don't get close to the window, okay?"

"What? Brother Qiang, what's wrong with you?"

"Listen, from now on, stay away from the window. Do you remember? I'm waiting for you in the cafe, come here quickly!"

"I can't come over now. My tutor's work hasn't been finished yet. Brother Qiang, please wait a little longer. I'll definitely spend the evening with you..."


"Oh, Brother Qiang, stop talking, my mentor is back."

On December 5, 2010, I went to the client's villa and met the client's parents, wife and daughter, and found that all four of them had Yin energy. Audio file 06820101205(1).wav.

"Husband, are these the ones? Are you mistaken?"

"No, I've asked about them and they are very capable. Okay, you guys sit down and answer whatever they ask."

"How are you feeling now? Are you feeling any discomfort?"


"Feel nothing."

"You are all so young, not much older than me, right? Why do you do this?"

"Feifei, don't talk nonsense."

"I got it, Dad."

"We have already heard what happened last night from Mr. Shi. Can you four also tell us your respective experiences?"

"I was woken up last night when I was sleeping. I heard a cat meowing, and I thought it was a cat outside. The cat didn't stop meowing for half an hour, right?"

"It's been more than half an hour. I told your dad several times to drive the cat away, but he didn't even go. About an hour, right?"

"The two old ones of us slept deeply, and because of our bad ears, we didn't hear the sound. We didn't wake up until Feifei screamed."

"I was so noisy that I couldn't sleep, and wanted to play with my phone for a while. When I turned on the desk lamp and took my phone, I saw that the wardrobe was not closed tightly, and a pair of eyes were exposed in the gap. I was frightened and screamed. All of a sudden, I was so scared that my heart almost stopped. Later, my grandparents, parents, and mom came in. My dad caught the black cat and wanted to throw it out. He went out for a long time, and when he came back, he said it was terrible. , killed the black cat. I was so confused, my dad insisted on moving us here and wouldn’t let us go up to the second floor.”

"I always felt that my husband was making a fuss out of a molehill, and those were just coincidences. But he should feel at ease, and it's okay to spend some money. But I hired a ghost hunter before, and he seemed to be getting worse... Can you give our family one? That’s right, what’s going on?”

"Mrs. Shi knows what happened to this whole thing?"

"I listened to what he said. When he bumped into the cat that night, he told me. I also told him to go and have a look the next day. If the cat is still there, we will ask someone to clean it up and then burn it. Point paper or something. What a little life after all... He had a meeting the next day, so I went there by myself. I didn't see the cat when I got there... I thought it was cleaned up by the sanitation workers, or maybe he was watching the cat at night. Eye."

"I've said it before. As you get older, it's best to drive a business car. We have three cars at home, so we have to buy a motorcycle. That's all for young people."

"Dad! What's the point of talking about this now? If I drive a four-wheeler, I won't hit it?"

"I also went to the temple to burn incense later. I kind of believe in this. But for this kind of thing, we have done our best. And how can it be so mysterious? At most, it is unlucky, losing money in business, and walking down the stairs. He fell on his leg... I think what happened with his cousin was a coincidence. Later, when he saw Secretary Wang and her child dead, he thought too much. That Beibei child was very naughty, disobedient, and always noisy. I wanted to go swimming. I can’t swim, and my parents are old and they don’t have time. I told Beibei, but Beibei didn’t listen and secretly put water in the bathtub. Our house has a jacuzzi, which is relatively large and is not suitable for children. It’s a bit deeper. Sigh...I am also somewhat responsible for this matter."

"Okay, you have to take responsibility, we all have responsibility."

"This can be a coincidence, but what about my sister's family? It can't be a coincidence every time, right! When my sister died, weren't you there? Like that... how could it be a coincidence like that..."

"Mrs. Shi, were you there at that time?"

"Well, my mother and I were both here. I was driving, and my mother and sister were sitting in the back seat. We went to look at the house together. The eldest sister's family was buying a new house. When we arrived at the door of the eldest sister's house, I put her down, but I didn't expect..."

"That's it..."

"He always said he killed a cat, but we didn't see it. Last night, he saw the cat he was talking about, but he said he threw the cat to death, and we didn't see the cat either..."

"It's a monster! Everyone said it was a monster!"

"Mr. Shi, please calm down."

"Do you know about the time I asked someone to do it?"

"We were all here, doing things at home, but I said hello to the neighbor and apologized first...that high-ranking man, I felt like a liar. I didn't see clearly, and he stabbed me with the sword. , there is an extra cat on the sword.”

"That must be false."

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Dad, you were just deceived. Wasn't there a cat meowing at that time? I saw it, and the cat didn't even open its mouth. He must have played a recording."

"You didn't see it, I saw it. I said, it was a monster. Otherwise, so many people could have died at once, and the situation would be the same as when I killed a cat every time? You can tell me, how could it happen? Such a coincidence?!”

"Okay, stop yelling at the child. She has never encountered this kind of thing since she was a child. It's normal not to believe it. Guys, take a look at this matter. Can you solve it? I don't care if it's true or not. If there is a result, we can't let my son be worried all the time and make our whole family worry too, right?"

"Yeah. That's what you said. We haven't seen the cat yet, so we can't determine the truth of this matter yet. This requires further investigation."

"How long will it take? I killed it yesterday. Soon after, it will definitely kill another person..."

"We can't guarantee this, we can only say we will do our best."

December 6, 2010, audio file analysis. Audio file 06820101205(1)G.wav.

Once we return to before liberation, the update has passed midnight..._(:3」∠)_

Look on the bright side, I don’t owe any updates this time, ( ̄▽ ̄“)

Good night everyone~

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