Aoba Office

Chapter 34 No. 035-Death of Wild Cat (7)

"I screamed and yelled, and you seemed to have fallen asleep and couldn't hear my voice. That cat ate me like that, not even the bones were left. No, it must have been It's not a cat! It's a monster! After it ate me, the injuries on its body healed! There was still blood on it, but it was not injured at all! After I was completely eaten by it, I felt like I was in its belly, very It was so crowded that it hurt me so much. After a while, when I could move again, I found that I had become shorter. I turned into that cat! I turned into a cat! I know now, Su Zhuoqin did it on purpose! He deliberately forced me to kill the cat. As long as I kill the cat, I will be trapped here on his behalf! Please save me! Please save me!"

Take blood sample 03520060505.

On May 5, 2006, no cat ghost was caught. Strange ghost seen in wild cat photos, half cat, half human.

On May 7, 2006, the blood report was obtained. Wild cat blood sample 03520060504 is Su Zhuoqin’s blood, ground blood sample 03520060505 is wild cat blood, and wild cat blood sample 03520060505 is Fei Wen’s blood. It was confirmed that before April 15, the wild cat's body was Kong Rongde, that on May 4, the wild cat's body was Su Zhuoqin, and that from May 5, the wild cat's body was Fei Wen.

May 10, 2006, telephone recording 200605101209.mp3.

"Boss, how are you?"

"I'm on my way back."

"Have you caught the cat's ghost?"

"No, that's not a ghost, it's a spirit. Its body should be in the cat, so it didn't react when I punched it."

"That's right. The cat is in the office now, and we are keeping an eye on it."

"Yes. By the way, I saw Su Zhuoqin's ghost, half cat and half human."

"Really? Didn't he reincarnate or ascend to heaven?"

"He lost consciousness and sent himself to the wild cat spirit, where he was swallowed up."

"No way? When Fei Wen saw the ghost floating out, he should still be normal. There is also Kong Rongde's ghost. The ghost thing we saw when we went to Fei Wen's house that day should be Kong Rongde's ghost. Isn't he conscious? He even attacked Fei Wen!"

"It should be that it slowly lost its self-awareness after leaving the wild cat's body. In short, you should keep an eye on the wild cat first."

"Well, don't worry."

On May 11, 2006, communicated with the client. Audio file 03520060511.wav.

"Mr. Fei, based on the current situation we have, there is no chance of your survival."


"What did you write?"

"'help me.'"

"I'm sorry, you are dead. You died on May 5th. We cannot bring you back to life. Now, people from our office will kill your current cat body to free your soul."


"Or 'Help me'. Boss?"

"This is the best way to save you. Do you want to be swallowed by the cat's ghost?"

Meow! Meow! Meow meow meow!

"Amiao, hold it down."


Meow! ! ! Meow--!


Bang! Bang bang!




"That's where it went!"

"Hey! Idiot, what are you doing!"

"Damn! This thing suddenly became so powerful!"

"Aye, are you okay?"

Click! Bang!

"Huh...huh...Is he dead, boss?"

"Dead. Burn."

On May 11, 2006, wild cat carcasses were burned. End investigation.

On February 3, 2007, a missing person was discovered. The missing person was a young female white-collar worker. A large amount of cat blood was found in the missing person’s house. Some neighbors reported that the missing person had abused cats.

Attached: News report.

On February 8, 2007, the investigation revealed that there were 14 similar cases of disappearances across the country, dating back to 1978.

Attached: Photocopies of case files and news reports.

On February 10, 2007, the investigation was concluded. The result of the incident: a new supernatural species was suspected to be born. The source of this special type of wild cat could not be identified. The incident was classified as "unfinished" and the keyword "cat abuse" was set. If relevant When an incident occurs, blood samples are directly compared, cat meowing audio is analyzed, and feral cats are dealt with.



I almost jumped out of my seat, and when I looked up, it was Guo Yujie watching cute cat videos, looking like a nymphomaniac. I exhaled and turned off the music players.

Those cat meows were really scary, extremely shrill, and they were obviously meant to seek life, but what I heard seemed to be the screams of cats when they were hurt. Fei Wen and others should have enjoyed that sound. Who would have thought that the cry would become their death knell! Is there any feral cat on the street that has the soul of an abuser trapped in its body?

"Meow meow!"

"Have you contacted Uncle Wang's daughter?" I couldn't stand the constant meowing on Guo Yujie's cell phone, so I patted her on the shoulder.

"The contact has been made. She will come here after asking for leave. We will talk to the two psychiatrists then." Guo Yujie paused the video, stretched, stretched her arms, revealing the curve of her waist, and her two long legs were straight and slender. Very eye-catching.

I only took a few more glances, but when Guo Yujie put down his hand, he hit me on the head, making me hold my head and scream.

"Oops, I'm sorry." Guo Yujie apologized sincerely, but the hand that wanted to help me rub my head was dodged by me in panic.

"Ahem, what are you two doing?" A steady voice sounded at the door.

Guo Yujie and I looked up and saw the old leader standing at the door, with a young and beautiful girl behind him.

"Old leader." I got up from the ground in embarrassment.

Guo Yujie, the culprit, stood up from her seat and walked towards the old leader with a smile, and stepped on me.

This woman! I endured the pain and gasped, and I was a little glad that Guo Yujie was used to being a tomboy and didn't wear high heels, otherwise she would have trampled me into a third-level disability.

Thinking about this, I glanced at the young girl. Not only was she beautiful, she was also very feminine. She was wearing a blue dress, flesh-colored stockings covering her legs, and a pair of black high-heeled shoes. Looking at her upper body, her long curly hair is spread down, covering the curvature of her chest. She wears light makeup on her face, giving her a delicate beauty. The slightly raised chin and arrogant eyes are very suitable for her appearance and temperament, but they are a bit out of tune with our demolition office.

Guo Yujie didn't seem to feel the girl's alienation and indifference. She greeted the old leader with a smile and took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

"This is Chen Xiaoqiu. I will join your group starting tomorrow." The old leader said.

Guo Yujie welcomed her immediately, "That's great! I'll call you Xiaoqiu from now on, right? Autumn Qiu? You can call me Xiaoyu or Xiaojie."

"It's the hills of hills, Erdong Chen, the dawn of dawn, the hills of hills." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

Guo Yujie was stunned for a moment, obviously she didn't expect that such a beautiful girl would use such words.

"When her father named her, he happened to see the hills in the morning, so he named her after her." The old leader shook his head and sighed.

I knew as soon as I heard that this Chen Xiaoqiu was the daughter of an acquaintance of the old leader, but I didn’t quite understand how such a girl could join the demolition office.

Sorry, the update is a bit late.

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