Aoba Office

Chapter 320 Crack

At this moment, I heard the sound of something breaking in the distance, and there were "clicks" and "clicks" one after another. I turned my head subconsciously. That direction was the direction of Tao Hai's house. So, what was broken was the cornucopia covering the house, right? What just disappeared from my hand...

I thought about the spiritual problems that people in Aoba often encounter. I'm afraid the cornucopia over there in the house is a spirit entity, and the one I was holding before was the entity of the cornucopia.

After clarifying my thoughts, I suddenly felt something in my heart.

The gathering basin has disappeared, where is Tao Zheng?

Tao Zheng originally said that regardless of whether he was invisible or that he was swallowed by the Yin basin, it was always connected with the Yin basin. If the gathering basin is gone, will Tao Zheng be "vomited out" or will he be wiped out?

I hurriedly went there to take a look, but then I looked down at the cardboard boxes.

Xiao Tianci's placenta was taken out by Gu Mo from here, and I took out the polyponic basin from a cardboard box. It's okay for Qingye's people to collect Yu Meng's placenta, but how did they find the Yin Condensation Basin? After you found it, why didn't you deal with it and let the cornucopia exist until now? Because you can't? Because it's not time yet?

A series of thoughts flashed through me, and I had the urge to touch all these cartons to see what else was inside.

But thinking about my current situation, I should solve my own problem first.

It’s true that curiosity killed the cat.

I quickly reminded myself, quickly got out of the room and rushed outside.

Passing by the office, I glanced out of the corner of my eye and stopped suddenly, almost falling over. With my current state of consciousness, it would be a miracle to fall like this.

My field of vision turned more than a hundred degrees almost instantly, much faster than I could turn my head in reality.

At the corner between the filing cabinet and the wall, next to the window, a figure stood there. Judging from the silhouette, he tilted his head and looked out the window.

As if sensing my gaze, he turned his head.

I was a little surprised, "Ye Qing!"

Although I couldn't see his face clearly, even the other person's body was in shadow, and I couldn't see what he was wearing, I was pretty sure that it was Ye Qing. Ye Qing has always been the only one standing in this position. In other words, the only ghost who can take action in the office is Ye Qing.

I moved in front of Ye Qing, and told my experience like pouring beans into a bamboo tube. At the end, I asked anxiously: "Can you hear me? Ye Qing?"

The person I am possessing this time is not Ye Qing. If Ye Qing can't hear or see me like those ghosts and people, then I will be blinded.

The figure showed no reaction at all. I couldn't see his appearance, and I didn't know whether he was in a daze, taking a nap, or thinking about what I said.

I called out again: "Ye Qing?"

The other person was originally crossing his chest, but now he stretched out his hand in my direction.

I stepped back subconsciously.

That slow movement suddenly became lightning fast.

My instinct was to turn and dodge.

The opponent moved faster, waving his arm to stop my dodge, and then slapped me down with his palm.


In the blink of an eye, before I had time to think, I was slapped on the forehead. There was no body, so he probably had no resistance. He followed the slap and retreated quickly.

I should have hit the filing cabinet, but my consciousness went straight through the filing cabinet door without being blocked. When my back touched those files, I felt as if I had fallen into a playground of ocean balls. My body fell uncontrollably and was submerged by the files.

In that instant, I saw the other person coming out of the corner, standing in front of me, looking down at me.

"Idiot, don't come in recently."

It was Ye Qing's voice.

Although I was scolded, I breathed a sigh of relief and was about to get up from the pile of files, complaining that this dream was beyond my control, when I heard the sound of files clattering.

What I touched was not a cold file cabinet or a cold file book, but a soft and warm bed.

came back!


I looked at the files all over the bed and was dumbfounded.

Ye Qing not only photographed me out of my dream, but also sent the files together?

No, at that moment, it was clearly me who knocked out the file^

Not counting Gu Mo, but now they have brought out Qingye's files. I am a little bit dumbfounded, but in this way, a previous trouble has been solved.

I felt much more relaxed, so I got up and packed up all the scattered files.

Because of this, I washed up a little later than usual. My parents thought I overslept, so they knocked on the door and called me.

Just then my cell phone rang, I answered the phone and opened the door.

"Well, Fatty, why...ah——"

When my mother saw me like this, she whispered: "I served the porridge."

I nodded casually and said to the fat man on the other end of the phone, "I'll tell you when I get to the office." The fat man immediately asked me if I had a dream last night, and I gave an affirmative answer.

After finishing breakfast, I went to work.

The fat man called me because he saw the morning news on TV. Early in the morning, the news was also heavy. It was said that sanitation workers had discovered a body and the police were investigating. The sanitation worker was very conscious of being an informant. Before calling the police, he took videos and photos and contacted the media. Although the news showed a mosaic, and the location where the body was found was not mentioned, Fatty could tell that under the mosaic was Tao Zheng.

"That lump suddenly appeared on the TV screen, and I spit out all the tofu in my mouth. I asked the boss for a rag to wipe the table." The fat man sighed.

I wondered, "A lump?"

"Yes." The fat man nodded.

Didn't the disappearance of the cornucopia take away those ghosts? Did you spit them out?

Will there be any trouble if this happens?

I told about yesterday's dream.

"Are they going to stay in the same state forever?" the thin man asked curiously.

"I don't know. If it was next to the corpse and the cornucopia was gone, it might have followed the corpse." I can't be sure about this.

"Then you two want to see the body?" Guo Yujie asked Fatty and me.

The fat man shook his head directly, and the fat on his face trembled.

I don’t really want to watch it. Even if I watch it, I don’t know how to solve it.

"Let me ask Gu Mo."

Now that Ye Qing has collected the Yin Condensing Basin, maybe Gu Mo knows something. However, when he asked several times before, he always acted like he didn't know. He didn't know whether it was true or just pretending.

I called, but the sound from Gumo was still loud, it was the sound of a gunfight movie. I told him about the gathering basin, but before I even mentioned Tao Zheng's body, I heard a loud shout from Gu Mo.

"This is terrible!"

Gu Mo was very excited.

"What's so bad?" I was puzzled.

"The sewage all went into the gathering basin, right? It was all full, right? Then it turned into copper coins, right? The gathering basin was gone in the end, right?" Gu Mo asked continuously.

I responded blankly.

"Ye Qing's situation has been broken! All the sewage has been drained out of the sewage basin, and then the water pipes should be repaired, and then..." Gu Mo said sadly.

My heart skipped a beat.

Once the water pipes are repaired, the residents of the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants will be able to move back or rent or sell their houses. And demolition will continue.

I suddenly realized the meaning of Ye Qing's words, "Ye Qing asked me not to go there recently..." It was not a dream, it was reality.

"You shouldn't go there. You just dream about seeing a ghost. It's so ridiculous!" Gu Mo sighed.

I'm also very helpless about this, it's really out of my control. I want to wander around the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants now, and then I will have to dream every day. Thinking about it, I get a headache. I really can’t go to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. But if the demolition office has work, I can't shirk it again and again, right? The progress of other groups has caught up, and it is expected that in another week or two, the intention survey will be conducted. There is no escape from that.

Thanks for the tip of the brandy in the black tea!

Another big one~ Hehehehehehe...o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

However, you have to wait in line to add more. _(:3 ∠)_

Touch your head~

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