Aoba Office

Chapter 310 No. 069-Rental Girlfriend (1)

Incident number 069

Event name: Rent-a-girlfriend

Client: He Yuan

Sex: Male

Age: 29

Occupation: Company employee

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XXX, Tianbao Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 139XXXXXXXX


On February 24, 2011, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 06920110224.wav.

"Hello, Mr. He. Please tell us in detail about the supernatural events you encountered."

"I placed an order online before the Chinese New Year, maybe a month before the Chinese New Year, and booked a girlfriend. I placed the order online, and there was a girl who was willing to accompany you home for the New Year and pretend to be your girlfriend. There were also boyfriends. I read the reviews. They are all very good. They have transaction and evaluation records throughout the year, and they are very standardized, so I chose that one. There are many others on the shopping website, but that one is the best in all aspects. And those girls, It seems that photos and videos can be used, and they can also comply with my requirements to compile identity resumes, relationship experiences, love stories... In addition, there is a contract, which stipulates that the girl I have chosen will not fall in love with or accept her within half a year. If there is a bill, I can fall out on the spot, pretend not to know in front of my family, and even ask their store to claim compensation. After my sister came back with me, she would not take any of the meeting gifts from my family and would give them to me. There are also rules for my interactions with girls. There are many rules and regulations, and the prices are high, but they seem very reliable. They even need to show each other their ID cards. If necessary, I can book this girl again next year and continue acting. I …I thought this was the best store, more formal than others…I really didn’t expect…”

"What happened next?"

"It was good at first, just as I expected. We took the train back to my hometown together. I bought the train tickets from the store for help. The girl, named Xiaotao, Li Tao, was very cooperative with me. The train tickets were sleeping, so that's okay It’s uncomfortable. She looks delicate and weak, has no temper at all, and is always smiling. From the moment we got on the train, no, from the moment we met, she acted like my real girlfriend. People I met on the train They all thought that we were just a young couple, and when we chatted, she didn’t show any flaws. On the contrary, sometimes I would forget some things that I had planned, and she could smooth things over for me. There was also a friend who had always been with me. Lu’s eldest sister couldn’t stand it and asked me to treat her well. Such a good girl wanted me to fall in love with her... For a moment, really, just for a moment, I thought about dating her for real... "


"When she arrived at my house, my parents also liked her very much. She behaved really well, was obedient and sensible, and was sweet-mouthed. My parents gave her a red envelope. After she accepted it, she turned around and gave it to me behind my back. She even helped my parents with things. When relatives came to the house, she also greeted them. From what I saw, she was perfect. Not that she was perfect. There was a child among the guests at home. , my little nephew, when he was naughty, she couldn't help it, he turned over things, and she was also angry. My sister-in-law spoiled the child, and even scolded her. She didn't say anything, but she didn't give my sister-in-law a good look. There were also washing, Eating and going to the bathroom are really perfect. She...just looks like a real person..."

"You mean, she's not a real person?"

"...Yes...she...she is not a real person...I only found out on the night of the second day of the Lunar New Year. I had been with her for three or four days before. On the second day of the new year, she went to visit relatives. Kitchen help. I forgot. I forgot. There was a special mark in the contract to prevent her from getting close to heat sources and from staying in a certain temperature environment. I saw that she was normal a few days ago, so I forgot. She I was helping my aunt wash vegetables that day. On a cold day, I turned on the water heater and used hot water in the kitchen. As she was washing, I saw that she was shedding layers of skin... I thought she was shedding her skin, and so was my aunt. I told her not to do it. She stopped doing it. Those hands were originally very beautiful, but after shedding, they turned white and a little wrinkled. My aunt asked my sister to give her hand cream. My sister was still scared. I jumped. I watched her apply hand cream. After applying it, the skin did not fall off. This time without water, I could see clearly. She was not shedding her skin, but... her skin was melting again... Her hands were Melted, white, thick liquid hanging on the skin. I asked her what was going on, and she said it was nothing. I thought something was wrong. She clearly had something wrong, but she still smiled and said it was nothing. She put on the glove I gave Shuang Shuang to my sister. My sister looked at her hand and said nothing, as if it was really nothing, as if I was just dazzled. But on her hand, there was such a big drop of something stuck to it, and that ring of fingers It was all so thin that no one could see it. If I wanted to say anything else, my family would drag me away to play mahjong, and she was also asked away to go to the kitchen to help chop vegetables."

"Yeah. Did she participate in the dinner that day?"

"Yes, there is her... The next time I saw her, it was dinner time. I played mahjong all afternoon, and I didn't forget about her hand. I lost several times. My relatives even laughed at me for thinking about her. My aunt pushed her towards me. It was so crowded that I wanted to see her hands, but I couldn’t see them. But when we were eating, we all sat at a big round table. She sat next to me and took the chopsticks to pick up the food. I saw...her hand...huh...her hand was really...really melting...and it got even worse. Two fingers were gone, just like a lump sticking to the palm of her hand, like It was like a tumor. She could still use chopsticks like that. As soon as she stretched out her hand, the white thing fell down, fell into the dish... I... I don't even know what it was. The color of her hand also changed. , it used to be skin, with a healthy flesh color, but now it’s snow white. And as far as I can see, they can’t see it. When it drips into the dish, it immediately melts and disappears. I can’t even eat it. I was still very scared. I wanted to call her and get her away, but she turned around and looked at me...huh...huh..."

"Mr. He, are you okay?"

"When she turned her head... When she turned her head, that half of her face... I saw that half of her face, it just collapsed and melted like a candle... The eyeballs were exposed, and they were melting... I... ...I was so scared that I dropped my chopsticks. My relatives also laughed at me and said that I was fascinated by my girlfriend. I must have been scared at that time. They were as if they were blind. Not only could they not see her changes, but they also You couldn’t see my expression! I doubted it. I wondered if there was something wrong with me at that time... It wasn’t her problem, it was me, so I was the only one who was abnormal. I made excuses to leave, and went online to search for that store on my mobile phone. . I didn’t dare to say anything about it melting... I said there was something wrong. The customer service there responded instantly and took a screenshot of an article in the contract, the one away from the heat source. I was confused. When I looked at the screen again, I found His avatar was grayed out. He sent a message and directly said that there was a system error and jumped out of the customer service interface. The store is gone... The store is gone, and my shopping records are gone. No matter how much I search, I can't find it... "

"Have you contacted the platform staff of the shopping website?"

"Yes. We didn't contact him at that time. I contacted him when I came back from my hometown. I also searched online, but nothing came up."

"Then while you were in your hometown, Miss Li Tao, whom you rented, was melting all the time?"

"It... kept... melting... starting from the hands and head. After the hands were gone and the head collapsed, the feet melted... and they all accumulated on the ground. On the day she left, she was just a puddle... a puddle. The wax... on the ground... My parents still said goodbye to her and said they would come and play again... they said it to the air. Moreover, after she lost her hands and head, she didn't look like a human being at all. She wouldn't eat My parents don’t think it’s strange that I don’t drink or use the bathroom. My parents don’t eat or drink much anymore. I’m even hungry, but they haven’t felt it yet, and they laugh and say they’ve eaten too much in the past few days and are full. She was sitting next to her, with no head, but her body, which was also covered with a layer of white wax, was swaying like that, as if she was laughing..."

It would be too naive to think that the previous story was a New Year gift~ Hehehehehe...

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