Aoba Office

Chapter 308 Haunted by ghosts

Because it is a surveillance video, the resolution is not high, but that lump of things is definitely not a person.

I looked very carefully and hard before I could barely distinguish the lump of things. The person walking in the middle should be Tao Zheng. It's not that I know Tao Zheng, it's just that the only one among this bunch of things that is stumbling is that young man. As for the person hanging on the young man's body, I could see the person at the top with his head tilted and his face captured by the surveillance camera. He was undoubtedly Tao Hai. Tao Hai's hands were hanging around the neck of a white-haired old man beneath him. His legs were off the ground and resting on the back of another body. There was a mass of black hair attached to the soles of his feet. The owner with short black hair was holding Tao Zheng's feet, lying on the ground, being dragged forward by Tao Zheng.

I counted a little, and there were eight people in total as far as I could distinguish them. On the other side that was not captured by the surveillance, there might be someone among the crowd.

No, that shouldn't be a person, but a ghost.

The faces of those ghosts are all white, and they look a bit like the makeup of geishas from country J. Tao Hai's face was gray and looked abnormal.

Cold sweat broke out on my back, and I swallowed subconsciously.

Compared to what I, Zhou Kaiwei, and Lu Manning encountered, Tao Zheng's situation is more terrifying in my opinion.

I just don’t know if Tao Zheng can see the person on his body. If you saw it, you should be scared crazy by now, right? If he didn't see it, he must have sensed something was wrong. Just the way he labored to walk could tell something was wrong. He specially went to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, fearing that he might know something.

The fat man wiped his sweat and his fat body trembled, "Brother Qi, what should we do?"

"I don't know." I really don't know and don't want to care.

Lu Manning's incident left me with some psychological shadow. In addition, Tao Zheng's situation is different from Lu Manning's. That gathering basin is not a ghost. Not even Master Xuan Qing can do anything about it, so what can I do? When I encountered the incident involving Zhou Kaiwei and Lu Mening, I would have had some confidence, but in this matter I lost all confidence.

"Can I contact Master Xuan Qing?" Guo Yujie asked.

I shook my head. The way Ye Qing contacted Master Xuan Qing was not through ordinary people's mobile phone calls. I looked at Chen Xiaoqiu.

Chen Xiaoqiu also shook his head. Apparently Chen Yihan had inquired, but could not find Xuan Qing.

At this time, Tao Zheng finally reached the gate of the community and was stopped by the guard. The monitoring of the conversation between the two could not be recorded, but it seemed that there was no conflict, but it took a long time.

Because of Chen Yihan's care, the surveillance near the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants should always be monitored by the police. Before Tao Zheng left, the police came. Peng Dongyuan probably hadn't called the police yet. The police just communicated with Tao Zheng normally, and Tao Zheng gave up and left.

Then I watched the second surveillance video, which was similar, except that the time was changed to night and the location was changed to the side entrance of the community. Tao Zheng stepped forward and tinkered for a while, but couldn't open the iron door. He seemed to want to climb over the wall and get in. But those ghosts hanging on him made it difficult for him to even walk, let alone climb over the wall. Tao Zheng could only give up again.

After watching the video, we were at a loss.

I called Gumo and asked, but Gumo didn't know anything about it either.

"I do know about the gathering basin. It has been there for many years, and someone has been worshiping it. Ye Zi said that this matter is not our responsibility, so let's ignore it." Gu Mo told me.

"Then what is this situation like now?" I asked.

"Probably they are calling for someone." Gu Mo guessed, "That thing needs to be worshiped. If it is discontinued, you must find someone to take over."

He said it easily and didn't care, but I was worried.

"The worst case scenario is that someone dies." Gu Mo said.

"Is it that simple to kill someone in your mouth?" I was a little angry.

"Everyone is mortal. Not to mention those irrelevant people, even the people I know, if they die, there is nothing I can do. Aren't Ye Zi and the others just going to die?"

I had no choice but to hang up the phone as Gu Mo and I couldn't agree on this issue.

What I didn't expect was that that night, I actually had a dream. What was possessed in the dream was not any ghost hanging on Tao Hai or Tao Zheng, but Tao Zheng himself!

In a single apartment, I heard the doorbell and saw Tao Zheng getting up from the dining table and opening the door.

Standing outside the door was a man in ancient costume, with long hair and beard. His face looked as if it had been painted white, with green eyes and bright red lips. When he saw Tao Zheng, he stretched out his hand, hooked Tao Zheng's neck, and hung it on him.

Tao Zheng probably couldn't see this person. He was at a loss at first, but suddenly his neck sank, his body bent, and he almost fell to the ground. He took a breath and touched his neck, his hand overlapping the pale hand.

"what happened?"

Talking to himself, Tao Zheng moved his neck with difficulty and pinched the back of his neck, but the feeling of hanging a heavy object did not subside at all.

Tao Zheng was puzzled, but he still closed the door and sat back to eat.

The scenery in front of you changes quickly.

When Tao Zheng was walking on the road, at work, or coming home... ghosts with white faces, blue eyes, and red lips would appear, dressed in a sense of their respective eras, hugging Tao Zheng's body and hanging on him. Tao Zheng's face became increasingly dark and gloomy. He went to the hospital, but couldn't find out the reason. He could only wonder secretly and asked for leave to rest, but it didn't work.

Until finally, Tao Hai came to the door.

Tao Zheng could actually see Tao Hai and was shocked and speechless. He immediately shouted and turned around to run.

I could feel Tao Zheng's thunderous heartbeat and rapid breathing. He thought Tao Hai was a ghost and was so scared that he ran for his life.

But now he has eight people hanging on him, how can he escape?

Tao Hai was not fast, but he easily caught up with Tao Zheng, reached out and grabbed Tao Zheng's neck, and hung him on him.

"Ah! Get away! Get away! Get out of here and don't come over! Let go!"

Tao Zheng yelled crazily, trying to pull Tao Hai away from him. He stretched out his hand and touched something cold and stiff.

Tao Zheng's voice and movements stopped, and there was only the sound of heavier breathing, as if he was out of breath. He trembled and stroked along the thing, feeling more corpse-like things, all hanging on him.

Tao Zheng's pupils shrank, and he made a strange sound of "ho ho" from his open mouth. He took heavy steps, little by little, and moved to the refrigerator.

Mirrored refrigerators can reflect rough things.

Now, there's a monster on the refrigerator door.

Tao Zheng stretched out his hand, and the monster on the refrigerator also stretched out his hand. In this way, he identified the ghost hanging on his body.

"Ahhhhhh-" Tao Zheng shouted in fear.

The ghosts that had been dead since they caught Tao Zheng suddenly moved. They all used their strength to pull and push Tao Zheng in one direction.

Tao Zheng was so horrified that he screamed, but was unable to stop him. He bumped into the table, gasping in pain, and his screams suddenly stopped. He fell to the ground and was pressed by those ghosts. It was difficult to breathe. He finally struggled to get up, gasping for air, but his pale face did not recover.

Those ghosts started working hard again.

Tao Zheng hurriedly begged for mercy, "No, don't! I know, I know! I want to go back... go back... I want to worship that house..." Tears welled up in Tao Zheng's eyes, and he cried until he burst into tears and runny nose. .

The ghosts stopped moving.

The image in my eyes was shrouded in darkness.

"Zhengzheng, remember, you have to do good deeds, don't leave your name, and worship the house well. In the future, you will be rewarded well."

The young man spoke with a smile.

"Son, I'm going to die, so you should run away. The further away the better! Don't ever come close to this house!"

The middle-aged man said tiredly.

Behind the two voices, there was a continuous and strange murmur, like the sound of sutras in a temple or the murmur of many people.

In the darkness, I saw a broken bowl gradually condensing. It looked like a beggar's bowl. It was smooth, without any patterns, made of rough pottery, and had some unknown stains on it.

Ding dong!

A copper plate fell from the sky and hit the bowl. The sound was loud and echoed in my mind.

I woke up instantly.

The title of this chapter was originally intended to be "Full of Man", but after considering that not all of the ghosts were burly men, I forgot about it. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

Good night everyone~

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