Aoba Office

Chapter 302 Lu Manning (8)

I hurriedly moved out of the way, but Lu Yanning seemed to have lost track of me and was spinning in circles, roaring angrily. I was so frightened when I saw her, especially when I saw that she couldn't find my figure in the dream, she turned around and rushed towards the door of the hospital. I was so frightened that I hurriedly chased after her.

When Lu Yanning chased me to the station, the me in the past and reality had already boarded the bus. Without any hesitation, she ran straight after the bus.

I could see that Lu Yanning's body was turning black, turning into the black shadow represented by those evil spirits. She left an afterimage, and the ordinary people who passed through seemed to be swept by the cold wind and shivered with cold.

My speed at the moment was not as fast as Lu Yanning's, but due to movement restrictions, I couldn't help being pulled by her to fly.

Lu Yanning was speeding up, but he still gradually distanced himself from the bus.

She wandered at the fork in the road, but she felt something in her heart and chose the right direction. The blackness on her body gradually faded, and she gained a specific appearance, but her speed did not slow down, and her intuition did not weaken, and she could find the right direction every time.

I was so anxious that I could never touch her again, so I could only keep trying.

Lu Manning found the community where my family lives, found the building, found the floor, and also found the door of my house, and walked directly through it. She entered my room without any further hesitation. When she saw me sleeping peacefully on the bed, her hatred exploded even more, and she pounced on me with all her teeth and claws.

I don’t know how many times I rushed towards Lu Yanning. At this critical moment of life and death, he finally succeeded and suddenly hit Lu Manning, knocking her out of the window. I myself floated outside the window due to inertia.

Lu Manning roared unwillingly. The voice was no longer that of a normal person. It was low, hoarse, and raspy, as if it had been processed by software and slowed down countless times. Lu Yanning's body began to drip blood, just like her initial appearance, wet. It's just that what's flowing down his body is no longer water, but blood.

She pounced on my bedroom again.

I raised my hand to stop her, grabbed her arm, cut her hand back, and pressed her against the window. I forgot that we are not human beings, we have no entity. At this moment, I pressed her down and chased her all the way downstairs, passing through several floors, and landed on the floor of someone else's house on the first floor.

Maybe it’s because there is land below, so we didn’t fall any further, and we didn’t end up in any eighteen levels of hell.

The blood from Lu Manning's body dripped on the floor, forming a human shape.

I was really angry and couldn't help but curse: "Are you crazy enough? I want to help you, but you attack me again and again! Please calm down!!"

Lu Manning didn't know whether he really didn't hear this or didn't believe it at all. He struggled under me with amazing strength and even tried to bite me again. I had no choice but to hold down her turning head and press her face to the ground.

I'm a little bit stuck in a trap.

In this situation, I should kill Lu Yanning, but if you really want to talk about it, Lu Yanning is also pitiful. After all, she is not an evil spirit like Chu Run and Xiao Tianci who kill people just to satisfy themselves. I can't bear to do it.

Lu Yanning's neck was right in front of him, covered with a layer of blood, but it was very slender. It was easier to kill her than to kill Chu Run and Xiao Tianci.

I put my knees on Lu Yanning's waist, grabbed both of her wrists with my hands, pressed her back, and gradually pressed harder on the back of her head. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly made up my mind.

Ye Qing told Lu Mengyi during the "Highway of Death" incident that she had too much resentment when she died, and it was very likely that she would lose her mind and become an evil ghost. Lu Mengyi did not turn into a devil in the end because Ye Qing had always stopped her impulsive behavior, and before she completely lost control, he killed Xue Tao and completed his revenge for her.

I failed to solve Lu Manning's troubles. Instead, I caused trouble and made Lu Manning misunderstand that I was the evil spirit who persecuted Zhou Kaiwei.

At this point, neither I nor Lu Yanning had any other choice.

My hand moved to Lu Yanning's neck and slowly tightened it.

The sticky feeling under her hands was real. If she could touch it, she should be able to strangle her to death.

I thought like this and continued to exert force.

Lu Yanning's roar became intermittent, without any pain, which made me suspect that I was doing useless work.

But I can only hold on, there is no other way.

Lu Manning's mood didn't change at all, which made me more and more desperate. She really can't go back.

The neck in the palm of his hand had become somewhat deformed, but Lu Yanning only stopped roaring, but his body's struggle and bleeding did not stop.

I do not know what to do. Thinking about my dream before, Chu Run was not actually killed by me, but died in the hands of those girls; Xiao Tianci was not killed by me, I only tore off two pieces of his flesh; Zhang Xue and Jiang Yongning disappeared together...

I panicked, but suddenly I felt my body rising, and there was something in my palm. Looking down, I found that it was no longer Lu Yanning's neck that I was holding, and it was no longer Lu Yanning's wrist that I was holding, and what I was pressing under my knees was certainly not Lu Yanning's lower back.

I jumped up in shock, and after taking a few steps back, I saw clearly what appeared on Lu Manning's body.

It was a man, dripping with water, pressing on Lu Manning. He tilted his head so that I could see the front. It was the man who stepped on the puddle under Lu Manning's feet that morning when she first turned into a ghost!

The blood under Lu Manning's body was diluted. Several hands stretched out from the light red liquid and grabbed Lu Manning's body randomly.

Lu Yanning roared again and struggled endlessly. She raised her neck, trying to lift herself from the ground and overthrow the man on top of her. All this action stops after a few seconds.

It wasn't because Lu Yanning gave up on useless efforts, but because a face emerged from the water stains in front of her.

Zhou Kaiwei's face surfaced, and he stretched out his hand, holding Lu Manning's cheek with his palm.

Lu Manning's eyes became clear.

Zhou Kaiwei smiled, but his smile suddenly broke. Just like his death, his head split open and blood sprayed on Lu Yanning's face.

Lu Yanning's newly expressed nostalgia and sadness turned into grief, and he screamed again, but his voice returned to the same timbre as before.

"You want to die..."

"You want to die..."

"You want to die..."

The man on Lu Manning's body had voices coming out of the water stains under his body. They were not uniform, but they said the same thing.

Zhou Kaiwei's head left, but the two lips were still there, opening and closing, saying the same thing: "You want to die..."

I understood what these ghosts were saying.

You want to die, and we who are polluted by you want to die too.

Zhou Kaiwei's co-tenant was right. The infection occurred. It was not the supernatural phenomenon in the Six Workers' and Peasants' Village that was transmitted to Lu Manning, but the strong emotions that Lu Manning had after she turned into a ghost were transmitted to everyone who touched her body. people.

Lu Yanning also understood, and his emotions collapsed in an instant.

The water beneath her boiled with bubbles, and those hands, including Zhou Kaiwei's, pulled her and dragged her under the water.

Lu Manning did not resist, but kept crying, filled with regret.

As Lu Yanning disappeared, the water stains shrank and eventually disappeared.

I opened my eyes and saw the open curtains. There was a human-shaped blood mark on the window. I got up and turned on the light. On the floor under the bed, I saw another human-shaped blood mark.

Those traces are fading, and by the time dawn comes, the last traces of Lu Manning's ghost have disappeared.

The update is completed today, good night everyone~

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