Aoba Office

Chapter 299 Lu Manning (5)

I was submerged in the water, but because I was in a dream, I didn't feel the pain of being submerged.

I couldn't see clearly what was pulling me. Logically speaking, it should be Lu Manning, but I don’t think it’s her.

The force on the hand was so strong that the nails seemed to scratch my arm, and I felt burning pain.

I sank deeper and deeper, and suddenly there was a reaction force transmitted along the other person's hand to my hand.

He fell to the bottom of the river.

Just as I was thinking this, I stretched out my other hand to pull the other person up.

I don’t know what state I was in in the dream, I was probably a ghost. Can move freely without obstruction. At this moment, I just changed my mind and floated upward instead of "floating" or "swimming".

However, the person holding me did not want to go to the river.

I heard the bubbles gurgling beneath the water.

The hand became harder and harder and refused to let go.

I was at a loss, and there was another hand on my arm, and I was caught in a struggle with the other person.

Lu Manning is a girl, she can't be another Guo Yujie. She won't be that strong.

I panicked a little.

Could it be that what I caught was a water ghost in the Luoqu River?

People in Qingye seem to have found out that people committed suicide in certain sections of the Luoqu River. I remember that Binjiang Avenue was mentioned.

My scalp was numb, I was no longer ready to pull the other person up, I was anxious to get away.

Suddenly there was another hand on my arm.

At this time, I was really scared to the point of cardiac arrest.

Followed by the fourth one!

I could feel dozens of fingers scratching at my arms!

I used all my strength to break free. The danger to my life and the desire to survive made me burst out with strength. I broke free of the four hands at once, and my whole body rushed out of the water due to inertia.

Naturally, I rushed out of the water without splashing or making any noise.

I looked quickly at my arms. Fortunately, although it still hurts, there are no wounds.

I don't want to be like Luo Jiangyan and die inexplicably. That's really stupid enough to commit suicide.

At this moment, I heard different sounds of water under my feet. Looking down, I saw something beneath the water that seemed to be floating. My expression changed instantly.

Can the water ghost be chased out?

I wanted to run away, but when I reached the railing, I couldn't move forward.

damn it! Lu Manning's body! Lu Yanning's body is still in the river, so I can only move within a certain area centered on her body, and I can't run away at all!

I turned around and looked, and the thing under the water was already close to the surface, and it slowly revealed its head.

That's really a gimmick.

I stared at the head blankly, and saw clearly that the face was Lu Manning, with his eyes closed and his face pale.

How long had it been since Lu Manning fell into the water and he died? Or is it that the dream changed again without me noticing? Or maybe it's that water ghost...

Lu Manning floated on the river, then suddenly and unnaturally sank into the river.

I stared at that area for a long time. After about twenty or thirty minutes, something came up from the water.

It was still Lu Yanning's head, rising vertically from the water. With his eyes open, dripping drops of water began to fall from the top of his head.

I was stunned.

That was not Lu Manning's body, but her ghost.

She floated up from the water, stepped on the surface of the river, and walked towards the embankment. She looked around from time to time, her eyes fierce, as if she was looking for something.

My heart tightened and I held my breath subconsciously, praying that she wouldn't see me.

Lu Manning really didn't see me. She reached the railing, reached out and grabbed the protruding gap under the railing, and climbed up. The water on her body has not drained out yet, and she is still in the same state as when she came out of the water.

There are constant ripples of all sizes on the river, and there are also the sounds of dripping water, clearly mixed with the rising and falling tide.

I took a few steps back and stared at Lu Manning nervously.


Lu Manning climbed over the railing and stepped on the ground, leaving a pool of water stains. She maintained her searching posture and walked nearby for a while, then changed direction and went to the bus stop.

I shuddered and felt like the nightmare was happening all over again.

However, last time it was Zhang Xinrou who left corpses everywhere, and this time it was Lu Manning who left water stains everywhere.

I glanced at the wet footprints and water drops behind Lu Manning, and I just felt cold.

Lu Manning's face no longer had the beauty it had when she was alive. She is like an evil ghost, fitting the description of evil ghosts in any work, with hatred in her eyes and a sinister energy all over her body.


Obviously, when Lu Manning committed suicide, she wanted to help Zhou Kaiwei escape. She became a ghost. How come... was it because of the water ghost?

I turned back to Luoqujiang with a heavy heart.

The morning bus hadn't arrived yet, so Lu Manning stood at the station waiting. The water under her feet had formed a small puddle and was still expanding.

By the time dawn came around six o'clock, there were pedestrians and vehicles on the bus, and the water was already half a meter in diameter.

I saw a man walking past Lu Manning and stepping into the puddle. He didn't notice it at all, but I heard the sound of water and saw the water marks on his shoes and trouser legs.

The first bus that Lu Manning was waiting for arrived.

She followed the man into the car and walked all the way to the back door of the car.

Yes, wear it.

Unlike Zhang Xinrou, she is in the form of a typical ghost and can pass through entities.

When those people were passed through by her, I saw them tremble, and some even touched their clothes and looked at their wet hands suspiciously. Wherever Lu Manning passed, there were traces of water left behind. She finally chose to stand at the back door. Water began to accumulate under her feet and flowed down the steps. After accumulating too much, it flowed out of the car through the crack in the door.

She didn't hold the armrest, and her body swayed with the car.

People standing next to her felt uncomfortable all over because of the inexplicable water. They would frequently turn their heads to look around them, then above their heads, and then change positions.

I watched as several groups of passengers changed around her, and they even got into an argument and told the driver that the roof of the car was leaking.

Lu Yanning's expression didn't change at all. He got off the car when he arrived at the station, changed to the subway, and left traces of the journey to the hospital.

Lu Manning's destination was Zhou Kaiwei's ward.

Zhou Kaiwei was lying on the bed, looking sideways at the door of the ward, still holding his mobile phone in his hand.

A middle-aged man joked: "My girlfriend didn't come today?"

"Yeah." Zhou Kaiwei looked at his phone absentmindedly, feeling a little disappointed.

Lu Yanning's face filled with hatred suddenly calmed down, and with pattering footsteps, she walked to Zhou Kaiwei's side and reached out to touch Zhou Kaiwei's face.

Zhou Kaiwei had goosebumps all over his body. He subconsciously stepped back and touched his face. Like those passers-by before, he touched the water in his hand. Zhou Kaiwei thought he had cried unknowingly, and pressed the corners of his eyes, secretly wondering.

Lu Manning retracted his hand as if frightened, and looked at his body sadly, his affection slowly becoming resolute and firm again.

This makes me even more confused.

Lu Yanning is still Lu Yanning, not invaded by water ghosts as I thought. Where did her previous hatred come from? Instinct? What I really wanted deep down in my heart was that I didn’t want to die, but wanted to live, and I hated that kimono, so that’s why I showed my hatred at the beginning of becoming a ghost? If so, where did the move she was looking for come from in the first place? Hatred of being killed by a water ghost?

I feel very uneasy.

But I don't know how to get rid of this uneasiness.

Lu Manning was far away from Zhou Kaiwei and watched him affectionately all day long. When he was worried about himself, a sad look would appear on his face.

When night came, Zhou Kaiwei fell asleep with worries about Lu Manning. At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, he frowned with a look of fear. Lu Manning's affectionate gaze was ended.

Today's update is relatively early.

You can go to bed early.

Good night everyone~

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