Aoba Office

Chapter 279 Number 019-Yeyue Qingfeng (1)

"He seems to be in a hurry." Chen Xiaoqiu suddenly said.

The "him" she was talking about was, of course, Gu Mo.

I felt it too.

Gu Mo was in a bad mood just now, impatient, bored, and a little angry.

When I thought about what Gu Mo said about Ye Qing being unable to control himself and Ye Qing being dead, I felt a little unsure.

"Can anything be found on that piece of land?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked Chen Yihan.

Chen Yihan shook his head, "I have checked it before. Before the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau bought it, it was a farmland, and beyond that, there was nothing special."

In other words, nothing can be found just from the archives.

I thought of the first file I read of Aoba, the "face in the water". If the people in Qingye hadn't found an insider from the village, they wouldn't have known the secret of the ancestral hall. At most, they could find fragments of a case in documents and archives, but they could not restore the truth of the matter at all.

There is nothing we can do about the current situation.

I asked Chen Yihan: "Can I go to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants? Is there no one watching over there at night?"

You definitely can't go there in broad daylight. There are maintenance people there, there may also be residents of the community, and reporters are staying guard. At night, there should be no one around.

The thin man reminded: "Brother Qi, there was someone who just ran away at night trying to commit suicide..."

I fell silent immediately, a little hesitant.

"It's better not to go yet." Chen Xiaoqiu also objected to this.

I sighed, "Okay."

If something really happened to Ye Qing, I would have died properly.

I suppressed this idea and decided to wait and see how things would develop.


Event number 019

Event name: Yeyue Qingfeng

Client: Yue Zurong

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Occupation: Company employee

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XXX, Yaozhong Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 189XXXXXXXX


On April 15, 2003, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 01920030415.wav.

"please sit down."

"Oh, thank you."

"Can you tell me about your situation?"

"My name is Yue Zurong. It's pretty ordinary. There's nothing at home, and I don't have much... I... I've never encountered this kind of thing before."

"What happened to you?"

"I don't know what this is called..."

"Just describe in detail what you encountered, and we will make a judgment."

"Oh, okay. Something happened to the beginning of the month, I slept until midnight, feeling the wind blowing on my face all the time, and woke up from the cold. I closed all the windows before going to bed. When I woke up, I looked Arrived, the curtains were opened. I also drew the curtains before going to bed. I woke up at that time and saw the window. The window was still closed, and there was the moon outside the window. It was not the moon I usually see. It was very big. It was still a full moon, and the moon and the sky were red, just that faint red. I was scared when I looked at it, my teeth kept touching, and my heart beat faster. I looked at it for a while, then closed the curtains and covered my head. Continue to sleep. When I got up the next day, I saw the curtains were opened. I didn't move! There was a man who lived with me in the house I rented, and he never came back that night!"

"Maybe it was blown open by the wind. Are there any gaps in your windows?"

"I thought so at first... I was woken up by the wind for several nights in a row. When I woke up, I saw the moon... The moon is full every day, and it's not the full moon date yet, and the red... I used a towel to wipe it The window was blocked all the way around, and something was stuck under the curtain, just mineral water. It was full, tied with a rope, and hung under the curtain. I thought this would be fine, right? But that night, what should I do? I couldn't sleep. I lay on the bed with my eyes closed, and I felt the wind... I heard the squeaking sound, which was the hook hanging the curtain rubbing... and the mineral water bottle hitting the wall... I opened the door With my eyes, I saw the curtains being blown and the mineral water bottle being pulled. The force should be very strong, right? When it hit my face, it was just gentle... and there were towels, and the towels were still stuffed! But even if there is wind, it can still move..."

"Are you sure the curtains were blown by the wind? There may be other forces pulling the curtains, which are different from the wind you feel."

"No, it was blown up! The curtains were shaking, and they were blowing one after another, just like being blown by the wind, and they were blowing from the window into the room. Really, I read it right! I The windows are all closed tightly!"

"Hmm. Okay. So after the curtains were blown open, you saw the blood moon again?"

"The blood moon...ah, yes, it's red. I feel, I feel that the getting bigger day by day. It was already this big. When I saw it last night, it was already like this, and it would fill up a window. ”

"Normally speaking, the moon seen by the naked eye cannot be that huge."

"That's not normal at all!"

"You think you've encountered something supernatural, right?"


"Have you ever gone to the hospital for a physical checkup?"

"I, you mean I...don't be kidding! It's okay with me, I really encountered that kind of thing! I stayed in the hotel for two days just because of this! The air conditioning was turned on in the hotel, and the curtains didn't even move. It was blown open in the middle of the night! And outside the window, the moon was right there! I specially booked a room facing the east, and it was already late at night, and I could still see the moon!"

"Did you ever find anyone else to share a room with you?"

" girlfriend...we stayed in a hotel together that day, sharing a bed at night...I...I couldn't sleep well, and I saw the curtains being blown open little by little...I pushed my girlfriend, After pushing several times, her body was swaying and she just couldn't wake up. I even got up and called her, but she seemed to be dead asleep... When she got up the next day, she said she didn't even know I had called her. And my roommate, I made excuses and stayed up all night watching football games with him. We were in the living room, and it was fine, but then it got windy. He was drinking beer a second ago, but when I turned my head, he had fallen asleep. , I couldn’t wake up...I kept my eyes open all night, and he woke up on his own at dawn, saying that he was too old to stay up all night or something. He had no idea..."

"Is there a set time period when you encounter these situations?"

"No, sometimes it's two o'clock, sometimes it's twelve o'clock. It's basically late at night."

"After you discovered it, until the moon disappeared, it was always after dawn?"


"Has the position of the moon changed? Does it rise in the east and set in the west?"

"No, it just disappears when it gets daylight. I usually get a little confused by then. I can't keep staring, and I'm too tired."

"too tired?"

"The wind made my face feel cold and my body became stiff. When I looked at the moon, I felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. After a long time, I felt dazed, and then at dawn, all those things disappeared. There’s really nothing wrong with me, I just saw that.”

"Every time this happens, is it indoors? Have you ever seen this when you were outside at night?"

"No. This kind of thing has happened to me, how dare I stay outside in the middle of the night!"

"If it's convenient for you, we will stay with you tonight to see the situation."

"Okay! That's it!"

Finally posted the third chapter before 12 o'clock. _(:3 ∠)_

Goodnight everybody. Close the windows and draw the curtains. (*^__^*)

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