Aoba Office

Chapter 270 No. 008-Omen of Death (3)

"Mr. Ren, if it's convenient, you can make a call here, put it on speakerphone, and let us hear you."

"Okay, okay."

"Does your mother know about this?"

"No, the old people on both sides and we both kept it secret...if...we just treated it as an accident, so that they wouldn't be frightened."

"Okay. Then if we have any questions, just write them down on paper and you can ask your mother."

"Okay, okay."

Didi, beep, beep, beep... beep - beep - beep -


"Mom, it's me."

"Oh - son, why did you think of calling me now? Have you finished your work?"

"No, it's not. Well, I have something to ask you. I suddenly thought of something and want to ask you."

"What's going on?"

"When I was a child, I imitated my grandfather's speech. When people said there was a death in the house, I said it was a mess, and you beat me up. Do you remember that?"

"Why are you imitating your grandpa's speech? What are you talking about?"

"Didn't you beat me and tell me that I should be careful if I see wild cats, wild dogs, birds, and insects staring at me outside in the future? That's the thing. Do you remember it? "



"Son, son, you...what happened to you? What happened to you?!"

"Mom, no..."

"You saw it, you are just like your little grandpa... You saw it, didn't you?! Oh, my son! You... Wow! My own son, how old are you, I …”

"Mom, Mom, don't cry, don't scream! Mom!"

"Hello, Mrs. Ren, I am a member of Qingye Supernatural Firm. Our firm specializes in dealing with ghosts and other supernatural events. Your son, Mr. Ren, has found us now and asked us to solve the trouble he encountered. Mrs. Ren, we Will try to help your son."


"Mom, I found someone, they are professionals. Now they want to inquire about my situation and see what is going on with me. What do you know, just tell them, they can save me."

"Really, really?"

"Of course it's true! Mom, don't cry. Tell me about that little grandpa. I'm fine, really, I...I'm fine. I won't, won't let you give someone with white hair a black one. Sent."

"Woooo... good..."

"Mrs. Ren, what happened to Mr. Ren's little grandpa?"

"He, he, I don't know whether I should say he has a hard life or a good life, or... he is my father's cousin. He didn't have much contact with my family. He was not mentioned much in my father's family. I I just remember that when I saw him several times before, my dad only asked me to say hello and stopped talking. It was only after he died that my dad told me about him. I, I didn’t believe it. , I feel a little scared... If I had known about Amin, I would have..."

"Mrs. Ren, don't be impatient and tell me slowly, what happened to that gentleman?"

"My dad said that he can avoid disasters. Before he gets into trouble, he will see some wild cats and dogs staring at him, and the domestic dogs will bark at him in a hurry. Once, my dad saw it with his own eyes, He was walking by the river, and the fish in the river floated up and stared at him. My dad didn't know what to do, so he just smiled and didn't take it seriously. Then at the end of that year, he was almost killed by a road bully. Kill him. He was still laughing even though he was stabbed in the arm. My dad said that he often encountered this kind of thing and knew how to avoid it. When he died, he was over sixty years old and still in good health. He was eating. He choked to death while eating. He was not married and had no children. Before he died, he told his relatives at home that he might not be able to hide from his old son, he..."

"He is fine now. Do you know why there is such a sign? Is it a inheritance in your family?"

"I don't know either. My dad just told me this. His old man has died a long time ago, and I have no place to ask. The older generation in the family is gone. What...what should I do?"

"Mom, don't worry, it's okay! You see, my second grandpa has lived to be sixty, and he's still in that era. I'm fine, I'm fine, ah."


"Mrs. Ren, does your family keep any genealogy?"

"No, there is no such thing, and neither is my father is a farmer."

"What's your last name? Where are you from?"

"My surname is Guan, my ancestral home is in Xianyang, that's it..."

"I know, Xian Yang from Minnan."

"Yes, that's right there."

"We already understand the situation on your side. If you still remember anything, you can tell Mr. Ren. I will give the phone to Mr. Ren now."


"Mom, don't worry, don't be afraid..."

"Mr. Ren, there was a Yuan Chun who lived in Xianyang, Minnan. It is said that he could do calculations. He once calculated a major earthquake at that time and persuaded the court and the emperor to relocate the local residents. It can be said that he saved thousands of people. Human lives.”

"Ah? W-what? You said this..."

"Because of this incident of Yuan Chun, the descendants of later generations have a strange fate. They can receive help from God, but they will also be punished by God. From the perspective of our circle, it means that after leaking the secret of heaven, the fate will be miserable, but at the same time Because I have gained immeasurable merit by saving people’s lives, I still have a glimmer of hope.”

"You mean, me, is this...what does this mean to me? My family doesn't have surname is not Yuan, nor is my grandpa's family surnamed Yuan!"

"Of course you can't follow a foreign family name. I'm just mentioning a possibility. You will encounter such a thing, maybe it has something to do with Yuan Chun."

"Then, what should we do?"

"Among the records about Yuan Chun, he is unique."

"Ah! You, you mean, there is nothing you can do? There is nothing a person like that can do? What should I do?"

"It's been a thousand years since Yuan Chun was here. Things should have changed since you came here. At least as far as I know, Yuan Chun and his descendants have not encountered such continuous disasters and such clear warnings like yours. Moreover, this matter started half a year ago. Didn't you encounter any danger before that?"

"I've always been fine before. This... half a year ago... I really didn't do anything half a year ago."

"...In this case, you should live cautiously for the time being. We also have other things that need to be investigated."

"Okay, okay."

"You can wear this amulet and see if it has any effect."

"Yes, will it be effective?"

"What you encountered is not an ordinary ghost, so we cannot guarantee how effective our office's amulet will be."

"Well, I understand. I will be careful. I, I will take a long leave from my work and stay at home. You guys..."

"We will investigate as soon as possible."

On December 4, 2001, Yuan Chun was investigated and found relevant historical documents and stories. It was confirmed that the warnings Yuan Chun encountered were changes in weather and vegetation, and there were no abnormal behavior of animals and no casualties.

On December 5, 2001, an investigation into injury accidents and cases on Yushan Road confirmed that Wang Jianjun, the owner of the Changlai Restaurant on Yushan Road, and his wife Xu Xiaomei had an argument on October 29, 2001. Xu Xiaomei chased Wang Jianjun with a knife, causing a passerby, Tian Aiguo, to be injured in the chest. He was injured and died after being sent to the hospital but failed to save him.

December 6, 2001, audio file analysis. Audio file 00820011203G.wav.

Goodnight everybody.

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