Aoba Office

Chapter 268 No. 008-Omen of Death (1)

A thin person doesn’t need to make gestures, but I can still make up the shadow of a woman on the screenshot. She was pressed against the ceiling, her feet next to the washing machine, and her head just hanging above the toilet.

It wasn't just me, everyone else was probably thinking about that scene as well, and they all suddenly became quiet.

Normal people would not look up at the ceiling for nothing, and normal people would not look up at the ceiling when going to the toilet at home. But if there is such a ghost, floating above people's heads and watching people go to the toilet, it would definitely not feel funny, but scary.

"It may not be floating on it." Gu Mo suddenly said, "Although the shadow of a ghost is called a shadow, it is not necessarily a projection of a mirror, nor is it necessarily a shadow left after illumination. This ghost may be standing here, or it may be Just lay under the water.”

Gu Mo replaced the thin man, and his hands were also gesticulating on the screen.

He listed three possibilities.

One is that the ghost is standing against the wall next to the washing machine, facing the toilet and shower room, and the feet we see are reflections in the water. The other is that the feet we see are her feet, not a reflection, but because of the water, the photo was taken. In this way, her head...

"In the toilet?" The thin man looked like he was constipated. "I've only heard of ghost stories about people reaching out from the toilet to grab people's butts. I've never heard of ghosts' heads looking inside the toilet... Does she have voyeurism? ?"

"You don't know her height, and her head may not be right on the toilet," the fat man said.

"That's pretty much it. No matter how tall or short you are, it's not average height." The thin man retorted.

"It doesn't matter what posture she is in, there is always a ghost in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants." I interrupted the meaningless discussion between the two and asked Gu Mo, "Did you hear anything else in that video?"

Gu Mo felt uncomfortable, and after a while he replied: "It's more serious there than the last time I went there."

I was shocked, "Is it really haunted?"

"It's not necessarily a ghost, it's just a spirit. There are a lot of mixed sounds, and you can't hear them clearly. This burst of water pipes may be because there are too many things." Gu Mo sighed, "That place can no longer be inhabited. "

The thin man shouted: "You don't care about that Ye Qing?"

"He barely managed it when he was alive, but now he may be helpless." Gu Mo said lightly and looked at me.

I said distressedly: "Our current status makes it inconvenient to go to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. If a reporter finds out and asks questions, we will be criticized."

This matter has nothing to do with the demolition office. It's just that gods and gods are fighting over whether to demolish or not, causing us mortals to suffer. If we want to be stupid and seek death, I'm afraid those who support the demolition will take the opportunity to replace the people in our group-killing people is not enough, transfers are easy to handle, right?

When I thought of this, my heart skipped a beat. I looked at Chen Xiaoqiu and hurriedly told her this.

This matter can only be resolved by the Chen family.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xiaoqiu remained silent and Gu Mo spoke first.

"Ye Qing can't clean up as many things as the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, but there is no problem in cleaning up a few living people."

As soon as Gu Mo's words left his mouth, they smelled of blood, but he spoke them carelessly.

"They don't dare to attack us?" I asked.

"If they dared, they wouldn't have to waste time and effort fighting over it." Chen Xiaoqiu agreed with Gu Mo's statement.

"What will the Six Workers' and Peasants' Villages do now?" Guo Yujie was worried about this matter.

"The water pipes have burst, so no one can live there anymore." Gu Mo said nonchalantly, and suddenly slapped his thigh, "Oh, maybe it was Ye Zi who burst the water pipes."

We were all stunned.

Using this method to drive away irrelevant people seems to have been done by Aoba's people when handling commissions. It's really possible that this was done by Ye Qing.

"Then we won't care." I asked Gu Mo for his opinion.

I'm afraid that Ye Qing will wait for me to come over and send a message or something. Since I can't go here due to work, he will do some drastic things.

I have to say that Ye Qing's brutal killing methods still brought some psychological shadow to me, which made me even more afraid of Ye Qing. Or, should I say, awe.

Gu Mo waved his hand, "Just leave it alone. Just go with the flow. Don't be so stressed. Whatever you want to do, just use your brain before doing it. Don't seek death."

I'm speechless.

Gu Mo is definitely not a good elder, and he doesn't even talk to him at all.

The five of us went out to the hotel, had a meal, chatted for a while, and then dispersed.

After that, we didn’t go to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. We only learned from the news and Director Ma that the water pipe problem in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants was really serious. Now no one can live in it. The government suppressed the property management and provided some subsidies, and the civil affairs department also provided some subsidies. A partial subsidy was provided to allow residents there to find a place to live temporarily.

To my surprise, the demolition progress will be slowed down because of this incident. At the cusp of the storm, residents are approached to talk about demolition. In the eyes of thoughtful people, this is a government conspiracy. But demolition has also become inevitable. Even the owners of the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants can’t wait to be demolished. Director Mao even called us again to convey the residents’ opinions. Those house owners did not take this matter to the demolition office, and the demolition office was not mentioned in the news, which made everyone at the demolition office breathe a sigh of relief.


Event number 008

Event name: Omen of Death

Client: Ren Min

Sex: Male

Age: 35

Occupation: Clerk

Family relations: Married, one son

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XXX, Lane XXX, No. 3 Village, Yushan, Minqing City

Contact number: 5411XXXX


On December 3, 2001, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 00820011203.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Ren. Please tell me what happened to you."

"Oh, hello you guys, I...what I encountered is a sign."

"What's the omen?"

"It was me who died...I..."

"Don't be impatient, you can speak slowly. When did you first realize something was wrong?"

"Half a year ago, I felt something was wrong! My father-in-law and mother-in-law had a dog. The dog was usually very obedient and very close to me. When I went to visit my father-in-law and mother-in-law, I would also play with it. That time I went to visit me Father-in-law and mother-in-law, it didn’t rush up to me like before and make love to my wife and son. It just stood there and stared at me. Then it suddenly started barking and kept barking, then barked at me. When I was about to come in, it barked at me. When he refused, he was scolded and beaten by my father-in-law. Finally, he was dragged into the house and locked up without stopping. Our family all felt that something was wrong. I... I had never touched other animals before, and it suddenly acted like this... My mother-in-law said, either go to the temple and worship. My wife also believed this, so she handed her son over to her father-in-law and went to the temple with me. She couldn’t sit down for a moment. Then..."

"Then what happened?"

"Then on the way to the station, I felt something staring at me. When I looked up, I saw the clothes drying pole... It's like the kind of residential building facing the street. There are clothes drying poles in front of every window. That row , there were crows standing on the clothes drying poles in a whole row of buildings. Really! They were all crows! They were all staring at me! When I looked up, they screamed together, and then flew away together!"

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