Aoba Office

Chapter 255 Number 055-Story Solitaire (4)

"This matter is a bit embarrassing to talk about. There is a Dr. Li in the Cardiac Surgery Department of Capital Hospital. Have you heard of him? He is only forty years old and his surgical skills are very high."

"I know, he also comes from a medical family, and there seems to be rumors that his ancestry can be traced back to that famous doctor. Are you two related?"

"No, no. Well, I can't say it's not the case... They both have the surname Li. They might have been the same family five hundred years ago... Before he was born in their family, there were quite a few doctors in the family, but they were not famous. There was only one son-in-law. , I am a medical representative and I am very eloquent. I talk to people everywhere... and even involve our family..."

"Oh, I see."

"As for our ancestors, in my memory, I only know that my grandfather was a crew member on a large fishing boat that went out to sea. It was only when my father was around that he became a doctor. So he really can't be called a family, nor is he a celebrity. . I’m sorry that I made your trip in vain.”

"Nothing. You also provided us with very important information."

On July 10, 2009, I contacted Dr. Li Ji from the Cardiac Surgery Department of Capital Hospital. Audio file 05520090710.wav.

"Well, my family really has a genealogy, dating back to the third generation, including Dr. Li."

"Then this is true."

"Yes. But my family doesn't talk about it much. My uncle used to talk a lot, and my aunt divorced him because of this. You have come all the way, but I can't accept this interview. I'm sorry."

"Dr. Li, actually we are not here mainly for your ancestor."


"Have your family ever stayed in Beiyu City before?"


"There is a famous ghost story in Beiyu City. It has been somewhat distorted since it was circulated. Everyone tells a different version. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

"... Huh... I'm sorry, I was born in the capital, Beiyu City... I only heard my grandfather talk about it, and even my grandfather never lived there."

"Dr. Li, we are here on commission. The person who came to us for investigation was a student couple. Their class held a party at the end of May. At the end of the party, everyone told ghost stories. The person who started it was Beiyu City told that story. Now, one student in their class disappears every day."


"Dr. Li, can you tell us about that ghost story? If you have any concerns, you can point us in the direction. Our investigation is now at a deadlock. We can't find anything in Beiyu. From Nothing can be found about your family's history. As a result, the situation of those students... and people in Beiyu still tell that ghost story. You should be able to feel that the social network is developing more and more. Hurry. That story that was originally only circulated in Beiyu was told by someone in other places. If it is uploaded to the Internet..."

"is that true?"

"If you have any doubts, we can call the pair of students and provide their information to prove it. Although except for their classmates, the school, teachers, and relatives of the missing persons have denied the existence of the missing persons, but in the school files , a class that should have fifty people, only has a dozen or so people left, is this very abnormal in itself?"

"They are all students. How could there be a dead baby when telling stories?"

"Oh I got it……"

"According to our investigation, the place where they told the story was a rented villa. That villa had been lent to other people for a party. A girl gave birth in it and threw the child away."

" this, ah..."

"If you still don't believe it, we have a recording of the owner of the villa and the girl."

"No, no, I...I didn't expect...should...our family thought...thought everything was fine..."

"What's the meaning?"

"That incident should have stopped. It should not happen again... It was also because it didn't happen again that our family didn't pay attention and told the outside world..."

"Dr. Li, can you tell me more about this matter?"

"To talk about it in detail... we have to talk about something that happened more than two or three hundred years ago. I can't remember the specific time clearly. At that time, an ancestor of my family opened a medical clinic, not in Beiyu, but in the capital. Because we My family belonged to the Xinglin family at that time, and many people came to the medical clinic to see doctors. The ancestor was a doctor who took his own juniors and other invited doctors to treat patients. Then one day, there was a man holding a child. A woman came to see her child. That child, in today’s parlance, had congenital heart disease. In the ancient environment, there was no way to treat it. After he became ill, my ancestors rescued him for a long time, but they couldn’t save him. His mother I just cried and cried, and I seemed to be stunned by the shock all of a sudden, and had mental problems. People from their family came to my medical clinic to make trouble, abusing and beating the mother, and did not take the mother back. At that time, Our family has no record of how the aftermath was dealt with specifically. This incident was not recorded at the beginning. No one... didn't take it seriously..."

"and after?"

"My medical clinic has resumed normal business, but that mother came again. When she came, she poured blood into the medical clinic and continued to cause trouble. She was a bit crazy, and her family didn't care. My ancestors were kind-hearted and wanted to give her Medical treatment... Mental illness is not easy to treat in modern times. What was available in ancient times was decoction similar to sedatives. She took a few doses and seemed to be getting better. When my family was about to send her back , she suddenly...suddenly bit my ancestor's neck...the blood vessels were bitten open, and when others came to pull it, a piece of flesh was torn off...and my ancestor died."

"Where's that woman?"

"I was sent to the government at that time and sentenced to death. Because my ancestor was the head of the family at that time, this incident was too... My family remembers it in detail and has been using it to warn future generations. We... alas..."

"What about the ghost story?"

"The ghost story happened after the woman was beheaded. There were a few patients, doctors, and medicine boys missing from my medical clinic. Except for people in our family, everyone said that there were no such people in the first place. After a while, there was no luck again. There were missing people for no reason, and everyone said there were never those people in the first place. Even our ancestors, when we mentioned it to others, people asked if our family members were confused and where did such a leader come from? People? People in our family have long felt that something is wrong, and it’s useless to invite people to do things. Looking back again, every time there are few people, it’s because a child has died in the medical center. In that environment, it is very common for children to die young. It’s common. Those who come to the hospital with their children to see a doctor are not the kind of wealthy people who have various problems with treatment... Our family thought that if we didn’t open a pediatrician, the situation would get better, but someone came with a child. Crying for help..."

"None of those missing people showed up again?"

"No. Our family was afraid, so we moved to Beiyu. In Beiyu, a new medical clinic was opened. From the beginning, it was explained that they did not know how to treat pediatrics, and they acted in a low-key manner. Later, a daughter-in-law in the family became pregnant. I had a miscarriage and gave birth to a stillborn baby. I was in the hospital. Everyone in our family was very panicked, but nothing happened after waiting for a long time. After asking about the situation in the capital, the hospital was sold and started other businesses. Children died there. Our family gradually felt relieved and told the outside world about these family records in Beiyu. We always thought..."

"Thought it was over."


"Excuse me, where are the medical clinics in the capital and Beiyu? Are there any records of this in your family?"

"There is an ancient title deed. I can take pictures for you."


"That woman whose child died, does your family have any information on her?"

"No. It was originally recorded as a story to warn future generations, so there is no information like that kind of novel."


Attached: A photo of the land deed.

Thanks to Abu 2, Yu Sui and Book Friends 20170108154612426 for their tips. Thank you. (*^__^*)

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