Aoba Office

Chapter 251 Psychic Vision

The fat man came in with me, but was half a step behind me. When I sat on the sofa, he sat down next to me. The sofa suddenly tilted towards him.

The sofa creaked, which was a bit scary in the quiet room. The fat man froze uncomfortably.

I straightened my thoughts and told what Director Mao told me. I was the only voice left in the empty room.

When I finished telling everything, there was no response from Ye Qing.

I couldn't help but feel anxious, wondering what Ye Qing was thinking.

The fat man breathed out, "I guess I'll wait outside."

I was startled and nodded.

The fat man went out in a hurry.

I didn't tell Ye Qing that fat people also have yin and yang eyes. Gu Mo didn’t even know about this. I have read so many files and experienced several dangerous situations. Although I believe that Ye Qing will not harm our lives and will sometimes help me a lot, the fat guys have also been dragged into the water a long time ago. According to Gu Mo’s In other words, this is still life, but I don't want to say this to Ye Qing without reservation. It would be best if everything was concentrated on me alone and the fat guys could only take care of the trouble.

I was thinking about something on my mind, but Ye Qing didn't react at all.

I said, "Ye Qing, are you there?"

Still no response.

"Does this incident in the community have anything to do with you?"

I waited for a few seconds, "Should you handle it yourself?"

Ye Qing still said nothing.

I had no choice but to get up and say goodbye.

The fat man leaned on the railing outside and turned around when he heard the door open.

I shook my head at the fat man and closed the door, "He didn't react at all."

The fat man was a little disappointed, "Then how can we do this?"

"Let's talk to the old leader about it. If it is really toxic and harmful, then we will have to pay attention when the time comes for demolition." I said.

After returning home, I first reported to the old leader the recent strange happenings in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. The old leader said that he should call and see if any friends knew a unit that could do monitoring. When I returned to the office, the fat man had already told me about the Six Villages of Workers and Peasants.

The thin man said: "I think Brother Qi's reasoning is correct. There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings. Now that the tigers are back, it won't take long for all the monkeys to run away."

I laughed when I heard the thin man's metaphor, "You put it lightly. Those monkeys really scared the people who lived there."

"That's because they have too little experience." The thin man looked back with a look of dismay.

Guo Yujie asked curiously: "Have you experienced a lot?"

The fat man took the opportunity to ask: "It's been a few years, and we are now friends. Isn't it time you told us about your ex-girlfriend, the mysterious psychic enthusiast?"

The thin man froze instantly.

Guo Yujie's heart was burning with gossip, and she couldn't wait to urge: "Say it, tell it, tell it!"

Chen Xiaoqiu also added: "It's time to explain your experience, maybe it will affect what happens next."

The thin man rolled his eyes, "That's all in the past, what impact can it have?"

"We are always encountering supernatural events now. Are you the only one among us who has some experience?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked calmly.

The thin man was choked.

"Say it quickly!" Guo Yujie had the tendency to use her hands and feet.

The thin man glared at the fat man angrily, and the fat man looked innocent.

The thin man has become less afraid of supernatural events recently, so the fat man will mention this matter. Before, the fat man and I had a tacit agreement not to talk about this in front of the thin man.

"Actually, it's nothing. She is the kind of silly lady in foreign TV dramas. She believes in horoscopes and asks psychics for fortune. She also specializes in circumventing the wall, watching foreign psychic programs, and sending emails to psychics. During the summer vacation of her freshman year, she went there specially Just find a psychic. There are some psychics in China, but they are all new in recent years." The thin man introduced us to his ex-girlfriend.

"It's just that, what are you afraid of?" the fat man asked doubtfully.

"I went to see a psychic with her once. She said that she dreamed about her deceased grandmother a few nights ago. She seemed to want to tell her something, but she didn't hear a sound in the dream, so she had to ask the psychic." The thin man shuddered and said, "The medium is pretending to be a ghost. There is a switch under the table. When you turn it on, there will be some evil wind or something. She must have just started this business and is not yet skilled in it. I saw it."

"Isn't this scary?" Guo Yujie was equally confused.

"Don't be anxious, I haven't finished speaking yet." The thin man wiped his face, "The psychic kept talking to her, telling her about grandma saying hello, mentioning her childhood, and guiding her to talk. I was distracted next to her. . I looked around and saw a mirror in her room, facing me diagonally. I saw an... old lady in it..."

Guo Yujie took a breath, and the fat man held his breath. I was surprised. Chen Xiaoqiu was still so calm.

I was even more surprised when I saw that the frightened expression on the thin man's face was not a deliberate act.

"Have you had yin and yang eyes before?" I asked the thin man.

The thin man shook his head, "I only saw it once. Later, I talked to her around and got a photo of her grandmother to see that it was the old lady."

"Isn't that just seeing a ghost? The psychic is not pretending to be a ghost." Guo Yujie said.

"Then the psychic doesn't know about it, right?" the fat man said.

The thin man nodded, "I accompanied her to see the psychic several times, but the psychic always talked nonsense. I didn't see anything when the mirror was placed there."

"Just like that, you were scared out of your wits?" Guo Yujie said contemptuously.

The thin man waved his hand, "That's it! I was also dragged by her to meet other psychics, and every time she made some noise. Crystal ball, you know, right? There was a psychic who touched it blindly, and I saw an eye. , the kind that disappears in a flash. There are also tarot cards, which are so weird. The psychic asked me to draw them, but one card was removed before I even touched it. Really, those people definitely didn’t do anything!"

"Do you have the same physique as Xue Jingyue or Ye Qing?" I asked.

"Just break up with her," said the thin man.

Guo Yujie slapped her thigh, "She's the one with that physique, right?"

I think so.

The thin man waved his hand again, "She doesn't feel anything at all, okay? That's the scariest thing."

"This story is a bit like accompanying a friend to participate in a talent show, but he ended up winning." Fatty commented.

The thin man snorted, "Then I have to be lucky?"

"It may be that your original performance was not obvious, unlike Xue Jingyue or Ye Qing, who had to rely on some props to stimulate them." Chen Xiaoqiu said, "You haven't touched those things since you separated from your ex-girlfriend, right?"

The thin man was startled, "Yes."

"That's it!" Guo Yujie immediately agreed with Chen Xiaoqiu's statement.

"So, you want to awaken some super powers like me and Fatty, that is, divination and psychic?" I teased.

The thin man curled his lips, "That's not handsome at all. Speaking of which, fat man, have you discovered what your abilities are?"

The fat man shook his head, "My hearing, vision, and smell haven't changed much. I haven't seen a ghost yet, nor have I had any dreams."

"Maybe it's the sense of taste." The thin man smiled evilly, "If you lick the corpse, you can know everything about the other person's life."

Not to be outdone, the fat man said, "How about you let me take a lick first?"

The thin man continued to smile evilly, "Why are you licking me? Licking Xue Jingyue."

The fat man immediately blushed, "Get out of here!"

Today's update is complete, good night everyone.

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