Aoba Office

Chapter 246 No. 003-The person outside the door (5)

"Mr. Liu, don't be impatient and speak slowly. You saw a door. How did that door appear?"

"The door...I went there...I looked for it..."

"How do you know where that door is?"

"Right there...just...right there..."

"Look at my dad's situation..."

"Mr. Liu, your father's situation is indeed very bad. He should also have the will to die. However, there are too few countries that allow euthanasia. Our country does not allow it, and many countries do not allow it. Even euthanasia is allowed. The country’s censorship is also very strict.”

"Yeah, you're right. As children, it's heartbreaking to see an old man like this. My mother was fine when she was here, and we could still talk to him. My mother passed away some time ago, and we have to work again. When you have to take care of a child, there are many things you can’t do above.”

"Your mother... your mother is... waiting for me... I can't get in... the door... the door won't open..."

"Dad, don't cry, don't be anxious. My mother will definitely be waiting for you. You should be fine, ah."

"I really bother you today, Mr. Liu."


On May 14, 2001, Zhang Limin was contacted. Audio file 00320010514.wav.

"Mr. Zhang, you narrowly escaped death in a car accident. What was that experience like?"

"What are you doing? Are you here to ridicule me too? I know it's wrong for me to drink and drive. Drinking is not something I want to do. If I don't drive back, it's so late at night and there are no buses. What should I do?"

"Mr. Zhang, please don't get excited. We are not on the social media. Rather than the legal and moral issues surrounding your drunk driving, we want to know more about your near-death experience. There are many reports abroad that people who experienced your situation narrowly escaped death. People will see a white light at that time. Some people say that they will see the underworld and see their deceased relatives waving to them from the other side of the river. Have you had this experience?"


"Please think carefully."

"No matter how hard I think about it, I don't think so! The traffic police asked me about the car accident, but I couldn't remember clearly, and I had a near-death experience. What kind of newspaper do you have? Feudal superstitions are no longer popular."

"If so, that's disturbing you."

On May 17, 2001, we contacted students from Class 2 of the 2001 College of Humanities at Minqing University. Audio file 00320010517.wav.

"If you ask about near-death experiences, I remember seeing an old man in pajamas."

"Hey, Lao Wu, you saw it too?"

"You didn't see it too, did you?"

"I didn't see it, Zheng Fangfang did. I thought she was confused by the smoke. Is she a firefighter?"

“Why do firefighters wear pajamas?”

"Do you remember the location? Did he appear in the box or somewhere else?"

"It's not a private room...I forgot where it is, I just have that impression."

"When he appeared, wasn't there any phenomenon like white light?"

"No. I was just seemed like a door...I remember, he opened the door, and then he saw it."

"Lao Wu, are you really not confused by the smoke? Even if you don't see the black and white face of the bull-headed horse, you should also see the sickle and death. Why is it that an uncle in pajamas opens the door?"

"How do I know? That's all I remember."

"That door is the box door?"


"Did it appear suddenly, or did you walk to the door?"

"Oh, when you say that, I feel like I have walked a long way... At that time, I was in a daze due to the smoke, and my mind was very confused. At one moment, I was thinking of the time when we just came out of school, and at the other moment, it was... The scene inside the box will be on the road again a moment later."

"In other words, you have no independent consciousness to control your behavior at that time."

"Isn't this what dreams are like? Even if you have a nightmare, you can't escape."

"Miss reporter, your questions are very misleading. What exactly do you want to ask? That uncle?"

"We are just interested in various near-death experiences. There are several typical theories in previous reports."

"I've never heard of PJ Masks."

"Haven't you heard of the teachings in the door?"

"Is the gate of hell closed? It seems that this kind of thing is not popular here. Black and White Wuchang took them away directly, and I don't know why they went to the underworld."

"At that time I..."

"What do you remember?"

"After the uncle opened the door, he closed it again."

"Wow! Lao Wu, then your life was saved!"

"I guess so……"

On May 15, 2001, the audio files were analyzed and there were no problems.

On May 17, 2001, intelligence feedback was received that Country F had found Mi Sixian's whereabouts. Mi Sixian appeared in the dormitory of CESAR College, currently unconscious and unable to explain his disappearance.

On May 20, 2001, 11 students from Class 2 of the 2001 Faculty of Humanities at Minkyung University died due to infection, their condition worsened, and they died.

On May 21, 2001, Zhang Limin died due to the deterioration of his condition.

On May 21, 2001, Liu Zerui was contacted. Audio file 00320010521.wav.

"Do you have anything else to do when you come this time?"

"Well, there is something. We want to take a video to record Mr. Liu's current life more intuitively. Can you please make it convenient for Mr. Liu? The video recording may take a long time, and we have to spend the night at your place."

"You said so..."

"We will pay a certain amount of remuneration. In addition, this will also reduce the impact of previous public opinion on Mr. Liu and your wife's son."

"Well... that's ok... you guys have to stay the night, this place is small..."

"It doesn't matter, we have to stay up all night. You don't need to think about us too much, just do as you usually do. Our main recording object is Mr. Liu."

"All right."

Video file 00320010521.avi.

In the camera, there is an old man lying on the bed. He looks very bad, is covered with a thin quilt, and is very angry. He kept his eyes closed and made no movement.

The video has changed to a fast-forward state, with only a slight change in light in the shot and occasional off-screen noises. A man came to feed the old man twice, change his diapers, and clean him. After it got dark, the lights in the room were turned on. Distorted voices passed by, the lights were kept on, and the moon outside the window crossed a quarter of a circle.

The screen suddenly switched to normal playback state.

Knock knock.

The knock on the door sounded suddenly and forcefully.

After lying in bed all day, the old man only opened his eyes slightly when eating, woke up, sat up slowly, lifted the thin quilt on his body with dull eyes, got out of bed shakily, and moved on the edge of the bed. He staggered and his figure was not steady, but he moved resolutely to the front of the chest of drawers, reached behind the chest and hooked it, and took out a crutch.

With crutches, he can move more easily without holding on to furniture. He leaned on crutches and walked towards the door of the room.

The crutches hit the ground making a "doo" sound.

The knock on the door stopped, but the old man walked to the door persistently.

The camera was picked up and followed behind the old man to the door.

The room's light shines from behind, illuminating part of the living room. The door of the next room was open, and there was a person lying on the small bed, but he was not disturbed by the sounds at all and even made rhythmic calls.

Before the old man opened the door, he held the door handle with one hand.

Thanks to Wen Yanbin for the tip, thank you very much.

P.S. The title of the previous chapter was always wrong...based on the first time, it was "The Man Outside the Door".

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