Aoba Office

Chapter 242 No. 003-The person outside the door (1)

Event number 003

Event name: People outside the door

Client: Fan Ruhong

Sex: Male

Age: 31

Occupation: Chef

Family ties: None

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XXX, Lane XXX, Anguang West Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 6314XXXX


On April 13, 2001, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 00320010413.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Fan, please tell me what happened to you."

"Oh... this... there have been a lot of people coming to my house recently, people I don't know. Those people are... very strange. Ah, they didn't enter the room, they just knocked on the door, and they all came in the middle of the night. , I looked horrified."

"Did they come to your house for something?"

"All kinds of things, very... I don't know how to say..."

"You can tell us in detail what happened each time, so that we can make an accurate judgment."

"Oh. If I want to go into details... let me start from the beginning. The first time, the first time I remember was a group of young people, just in their early twenties, men and women, all well-dressed, not the kind of street gangsters . They knocked on the door, and people were in the corridor, making some noise. It was very late at the time, and I didn’t know them. I thought they were looking for the wrong person, so I opened the door and let them go. They were surprised to see me and reacted. We laughed and made noise with each other, apologized to me, and went downstairs in a hurry. I lived in a husband's room, with two families on the first floor, an elderly family across the door, and a family of three upstairs and downstairs. "It's impossible for so many young people to come and play in the middle of the night. They left, and nothing happened that night, and I didn't hear them making any noise. I thought they went to the wrong building and didn't take it seriously."

"Yeah. What happened next?"

"Later, probably a few days later, less than a week later, I was about to fall asleep at night when I heard a movement at the door. Thinking it was a thief, I quietly went to the door and saw that he was a middle-aged man with no suit on. Okay, my face was red, I drank, and I took the key and stuffed it into the keyhole of my house. The middle-aged man looked quite weak, the kind who sits in an office. I am a cook in a restaurant, and I have some strength when it comes to shaking spoons. I am also defensive. Then I took the kitchen knife and put my hand behind my back before opening the door. When I opened the door, the man didn't even react. He was drunk and confused. I told him that I went to the wrong place, and he thought about it for a long time. Then I patted the door, looked around, and went upstairs."

"He lives in the same building?"

"I...I don't think so...I never saw him in the building. I closed the door that night and went to sleep. I didn't hear anything happened after that."

"Yeah. Judging from your two experiences, they don't look like supernatural events."

"These two times are nothing...after that...after that, a while later, was also midnight...twelve o'clock, or one o'clock...around early morning. I heard a knock on the door. No, it wasn't a knock. When I heard the door, I heard the sound of crutches first. You know, the crutches of the elderly. The old man walks slowly, and he comes up from downstairs. I was woken up, and what I heard... I heard it was really... goosebumps. All the knots came out. In the middle of the night, there was a man using crutches to climb the stairs... He stopped on my floor, and then there was a knock on my door. I was scared to death and froze at the time. I My parents died long ago, and only my grandfather is left in the older generation. They don’t live nearby, so there is no reason for an old old couple across the street, the old man is on crutches. I went for a walk at night and met them, supporting him. Going home. That person... The knocking on the door was endless and not fast. It was the same as the sound of the cane before. It was like once and for all. I didn't open the door for a long time, but he didn't give up. He... he stopped. After a while, I stopped knocking and started ringing the doorbell. The sound was very harsh. I had almost recovered by then, so I went to look. The person at the door was an old man, whom I didn’t recognize. He looked like that... what’s that word? Speaking of which... he was about to die! The kind with one foot already in the coffin. His eyes were lifeless. I was really scared and looked at him for a long time. He just kept ringing the doorbell..."

"Mr. Fan, please calm down. You can rest for a while before continuing."

"No, no, it's okay. I'll continue...I..."

"Didn't you think about calling the police? That might be a lost old man."

"I thought about it, but my legs are a little weak. Didn't you see that the old man really looked like he was about to die, not like he was alive."

"Are the lights in the corridor a switch light or a voice-activated light?"

"It's voice controlled."

"The noise he made caused the voice-activated light to stay on?"

"Ah? Ah... you said that... then sure enough... then it really isn't... Gudu..."

"What happened to him in the end?"

"In the end I couldn't bear it anymore, so I told him through the door that he was on the wrong track."

"He just left?"

"He stood at the door for a long time. I thought he was deaf, so I said it again loudly, and he looked at me, no, he looked at the cat's eye, and stood for a while, and then...then he was disappointed...I don't know how To describe it, it should be that he was disappointed, his face was downcast, his eyebrows and eyelids were drooping. It might also be my misunderstanding. He was already so old that he had wrinkles and age spots. He walked away slowly after that. The sound of the crutch... I waited until the sound of the crutches stopped and then went back to bed. I didn't sleep that night."

"Are you experiencing this three times in total?"

"Not just! If only these three times...although the old man was very scary, short, it was several times. Some people knocked twice, but I didn't respond and left immediately. There were still people who didn't give up, so I shouted , I still don’t give up. I think there is a problem, it’s really a problem. I called the police, but the police said it was not their responsibility. Walking in the wrong door is not a case. I also asked the community security guard and the neighbors in the building. This is... what scares me the most...they all said...they all said there is no...there are no people I mentioned..."

"That is to say, except for you, no one else knows that someone entered the community and entered your building in the middle of the night?"

"Yes... I really hit something, right? Did I hit something evil?"

"Did you do anything special before these things happened?"

"I don't know... I'm a cook, does it matter if I kill a chicken? Is it because I got something bad like this?"

"Maybe it has nothing to do with you personally."


"What special circumstances were there in your family before this happened?"

"Inside the house...I...ah...door, that door! I changed the door!"


"The original door lock was broken, so I replaced the front door. It must be that door!"

“Where did you buy the door?”

"I don't know, it's just a decoration team. I met a decoration team in the community and asked them to help replace it. They were found by other people. I found a lock repairman, and they took the initiative to promote business. I... ugh!"

"Is it convenient for you now? We want to visit your home."

"I only took half a day off...can I do it tonight? Well, it's too late to change the door today. What do you have..."

"We have amulets for sale. However, if it is really the problem with the door, we do not recommend that you stay here any longer."


"You'd better find a good place to stay tonight."

"In that case, can you do it tomorrow? I'll have a day off tomorrow."

"Yeah, okay."

On April 14, 2001, he went to the client's residence. Audio file 00320010414.wav.

"It's upstairs. You..."

"Let's go up first."

"Oh, you first, you first."

Da da……

"This room?"

"Yes. This door..."

"It's not about the door."


A new story begins.

There are still two updates today.

The debts are increasing and the pressure is a bit high..._(:3 ∠)_

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