Aoba Office

Chapter 236 Moved?

Although I had already suspected it, when I learned that Zheng Xinxin was dead, I still felt empty in my heart. I wasn't particularly sad, nor felt happy, but I just felt at a loss. I'm not very familiar with Zheng Xinxin, and she hurt Fatty again. I can't say I have a good impression of her, but...she is dead after all...

Just died like that...

Guo Yujie and Zheng Xinxin have a really good relationship, and they cried a lot.

Chen Xiaoqiu kept holding Guo Yujie's shoulders, letting her lie in his arms and cry.

The rest of us could only remain silent.

Guo Yujie's mood is probably more complicated than mine. She still remembered what happened to the fat man. When she cried, she pressed her lips, her face turned red from holding it in, and her tears kept flowing down. Her whole face was wet, and Chen Xiaoqiu's clothes were also wet, but she didn't make a sound at all. come out.

After Guo Yujie finished crying and let Chen Xiaoqiu wipe her tears dumbly, I opened my mouth and softly talked about the situation I encountered here.

Guo Yujie had no reaction.

Chen Xiaoqiu kept his usual expressionless face and said calmly: "That person was killed by Ye Qing, which shows that Ye Qing can do something. He still needs you, and he may also need us. Our safety is temporary It’s guaranteed.”

"But we have been warned by Ye Qing." The thin man said irritably.

Ye Qing warned the leaders behind the scenes at the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau who knew his background, but the thin man was right. This was also Ye Qing's warning to the rest of us. If we don't follow his wishes and quit midway, I'm afraid Ye Qing will also deal with us.

I don't have any extra thoughts about this, and I'm not as irritated as the thin people.

I think some of what Gu Mo and Xuan Qing said are right, and Chen Xiaoqiu once said similar things. This is fate, this is destiny. I was bound to run into Ye Qing's situation, and if it happened, neither of us had a choice. Ye Qing can only rely on me to save him, and I can only rely on Ye Qing for help when encountering problems.

The thin man probably figured this out and knew that complaining was useless, so he said mockingly: "Then can we disband now?"

If it is safe, of course it can be disbanded.

But, is there really no problem with Xiao Tianci? He killed Red Hair. Although it might just be because Xiao Tianci killed Hong Mao casually because he was traveling with us and was implicated by us, it was still a killing after all. He can kill Red Hair, and he can also kill other people. We, our friends and family, may all be at risk.

I don't dare to go home now, and I don't want to go to the work unit tomorrow and cause trouble to the old leader and other groups.

This is not some noble virtue, but the basic morality of being a human being. I can't do anything to hurt others. No one in this ward can do it.

After the thin man finished speaking, no one moved.

The thin man began to scratch his head.

"Let's wait for the results from my uncle's side." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

Chen Yihan's investigation into "Kill Club" and Zhang Xinrou actually has nothing to do with us. He is still checking the locations of Xiao Zheng and Xiao Tianci.

Today, unlike eighteen years ago, only main roads had surveillance cameras. The police station's road surveillance system and networked surveillance in various public places have developed to a terrifying level. There is also a supporting facial recognition system that can quickly find the person the police need to find. Even so, there are blind spots in some places. Aunt Wang disappeared because the path was a blind spot. Xiao Zheng and Xiao Tianci may not be easily found by the police, but their general location should be able to be pinpointed.

I try to think about this optimistically, but I can't help but think about the pessimism and the possibility of failure.

I said to myself, Ye Qing said that Xiao Tianci is not a problem, so it must not be a problem anymore. What Ye Qing was referring to might be ordinary people, what about the abilities of those police officers?

But then I thought about how Xiao Tianci could control others without knowing it, and could even control others through the Internet.

I was very entangled, but it was not Chen Yihan who interrupted my entanglement, but Gu Mo.

Gumo called me. After I picked up the phone, I looked at my companions in the room and turned on the hands-free speakerphone button.

"Hey, kid."

"Were you attacked?" Hearing Gu Mo's calm tone, I breathed a sigh of relief, but I still asked the question I was most concerned about.

"No, I just encountered a situation."

"Huh?" I was puzzled.

Gu Mo was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "Let me start the video." Then he hung up the phone.

I felt confused, but I quickly received a video call request from Gu Mo and pressed connect.

Gu Mo's big face appeared on the phone screen.

The thin guys all gathered around me, and even Guo Yujie recovered a little, cheered up, blew her nose, and stood next to me with her red nose in front of her.

Gu Mo's expression was very strange, he seemed hesitant to speak, and his eyes were not looking at his phone, but looking ahead.

I reminded: "What happened?"

Gu Mo lowered his head, looked at his phone, and pressed a button on the screen.

The picture on my phone paused for a second and then switched. What appeared on the picture was no longer Gu Mo’s uncle’s face, but the table in the living room of the hotel suite with a pool of meat on it.

I know Gumo has switched to the rear camera. That puddle of flesh should be the placenta.

"What happened to the placenta?" The thin man asked first.

"It... moved?" Gu Mo's voice was filled with suspicion.

"'Moved.' Or 'Moved?'?" The thin man used two deliberately exaggerated tones to distinguish the two punctuation marks at the end of the sentence.

"The one at the back. You are very talented, little brother. Are you interested in learning dubbing from me?"

Gu Mo was still in the mood to joke at the moment, and it seemed that he was in good spirits.

"Stop making trouble, uncle." The thin man's face darkened, "You called because you suspected that the placenta that was made into a specimen was moving? Is it moving? Can't you check it?"

"I've been watching until now, and it seems to have moved just now. You have to be considerate of the elderly. My eyesight is not good, so I need you young people to identify it. By the way, does this camera have enough pixels? The one I bought is not With the camera phone, can you see the placenta clearly?”

As Gu Mo said this, he got close to the placenta and took a close-up of it.

I didn't expect that Gumo would keep staring at the placenta while I was running between the office and the hospital and waiting at a loss. He must be betting that the placenta can still be used, right? perhaps……

"Should this placenta be poured out and used?" I guessed.

"This placenta was not poured out, but the outer vessel was smashed and stabbed." Gu Mo said seriously.

Guo Yujie whispered: "Xinxin died just now."

"Oh." Gu Mo said calmly.

I know that his previous words were not meant to be sarcastic and blame Zheng Xinxin. They were just describing the situation at that time and stating a fact. If he wanted to be sarcastic, he would definitely not have this serious tone. And he was not sad about Zheng Xinxin's death, and he didn't have the complicated emotions like me. He didn't care whether Zheng Xinxin was dead or alive. Even if he really cared, he would not show his emotions like Guo Yujie.

I can't help but think too much.

Mainly because the placenta in the shot didn't react at all.

Shouzi and Gu Mo had already discussed "inserting a knife". Shouzi felt that "inserting a knife" would damage the placenta, but Gu Mo felt that perhaps "inserting a knife" was the key to "using" the placenta.

"You mean, stress reaction?" Chen Xiaoqiu interrupted.

Thanks Oo. Lolicon tip~Happy New Year~Mom~

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