Aoba Office

Chapter 233 Quick Switch

Yu Xinrong's weird smile and sensational words seemed to have happened just yesterday, but unexpectedly they suddenly became a reality today.

"Is it really...Ye Qing did it?" I couldn't believe it. My voice became hoarse like Chen Yihan's. It was very difficult for me to ask this question. Although the words came out of my mouth, I already had the answer in my heart. Ye Qing, whom he met just now, had already proven that something had happened.

"There is a brand of a leaf on the corpse fragments. To be precise, it is not a brand, but a tissue that is ulcerated and pus-filled. The skin, flesh, bones, internal organs... are in different locations, but every piece of meat is there. The green color of industrial wastewater . Except for Ye Qing, no one... no, no ghost would do this." Chen Yihan took a deep breath, seemed to slowly calm down, and stated the investigation results without any emotion.

I fell silent, not knowing at all how to approach this topic or how to respond. I know that Ye Qing is not a good man. He has no moral objection to threatening ghosts, threatening people, kidnapping, fraud, exorcism, etc. He does this kind of thing almost without thinking. But directly killing people and cutting corpses into pieces... My mind went blank. For a few seconds, I really didn't think about anything, and even my sense organs were shut down.

"Lynch, how are you... there?"

Chen Yihan's voice drew my attention back. His voice was very soft and a little distant. Only then did I notice that my hand holding the phone had unconsciously dropped. Raising my hand again and looking at the call record above, I found that I was not in a trance for a few seconds, but a few minutes. Chen Yihan is obviously similar to me, only he recovers faster than me.

"He... seems... to have come back from outside..." I stuttered.

Chen Yihan's breathing became a little heavier.

The two of us fell into silence again.

"What about Xiao Tianci's problem?" Chen Yihan changed the subject decisively.

"He said it was okay. He didn't take it to heart." I felt refreshed and had some doubts in my heart.

Ye Qing obviously paid some price, or at least expended his physical strength, to deal with an evil boss of the Qingzhou Manufacturing Bureau, but he didn't care at all about Xiao Tianci, who we think is the biggest threat.

I suddenly thought of the placenta, and my heart tightened. I hurriedly knocked on the door, changed my hand to hold the phone, and took out the key to open the door. "Ye Qing, that placenta, something happened to the placenta you gave me. The glass jar was broken, and the placenta was punctured." One knife."

If Ye Qing's confidence comes from the placenta, there is something wrong with the placenta now!

The cold atmosphere of the office calmed my anxious mood slightly, but instead gave rise to a sense of fear.

The mobile phone made a rustling sound with poor signal, which seemed to be disturbed by this yin energy.

I saw no trace of a human figure on the sofa, so I subconsciously turned my head and looked at the corner between the row of filing cabinets and the windows in the office.

The humanoid silhouette there made a head-turning movement.

I couldn't see his appearance clearly, and there was a huge force from the door that was pushed open. When the door was closed, it almost broke my hand. I took several steps back and bumped into the aisle railing behind me. My sore hands couldn't hold the key. The clang of keys hitting the floor echoed on the sixth floor.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yihan's voice became clear again.

I smiled bitterly, shook my hand, bent down and picked up the key, "He closed the door. Maybe, it's not important."

How could it not be important? That placenta should be very important. Another explanation is that now is not the time. I thought about visiting Aoba again after a while.

"What about Fatty?" I put the key into my pocket, thinking about the matter of human life at stake.

"Rescuing. He and Zheng Xinxin are both rescuing. I have arranged people, and Xiao Tianci should not be able to reach them."

I told Chen Yihan about the "Kill Club" forum.

Chen Yihan looked solemn, "I know, I will..."


Chen Yihan's cell phone buzzed.

"Wait a minute, I have another phone number, it's Xiaoqiu."

Chen Yihan switched the call.

My heart was pounding, and I was so nervous that it was about to burst out of my throat.

After waiting for who knows how long, Chen Yihan switched the call back.

"Chu Yuanguang is back after rescue." Chen Yihan's tone was full of joy, "The lumbar spine was stabbed exactly, but the wound was very shallow."

I was stunned, "What does 'very shallow wound' mean?" I remember that Zheng Xinxin's blow was very cruel, and the entire blade of the folding knife penetrated the fat man's body.

"The doctor said that fortunately he was fat enough. That layer of fat alone blocked most of the attacks." Chen Yihan breathed a sigh of relief.

I also exhaled heavily.

"What about Zheng Xinxin?" I asked.

"Still rescuing her. You should know her condition." Chen Yihan's tone dropped.

I sighed helplessly.

That was not a man-made trauma, it was a supernatural event, and the doctors at the hospital might not be able to do anything about it.

Ye Qing couldn't help, Gu Mo couldn't help, and Chen Yihan probably couldn't find any expert to rescue Zheng Xinxin in this short period of time.

To be honest, because of Zheng Xinxin's behavior, I had no friendship with her in the first place, and now I feel even more disgusted. Intellectually, I can understand what Zheng Xinxin did. In order to survive, people can kill others. But emotionally, I can't forgive. No one wants to be around someone who endures, hides, and then suddenly stabs someone in the back.

There is no new news from Chen Yihan. He also wants to follow the "Murder Club" forum to investigate. I hung up the phone and walked downstairs. When I reached the middle of the stairs, I suddenly felt dizzy. My feet went weak and I fell down.

This scene gave me a sense of déjà vu.

I realized what was about to happen, and I hoped that I wouldn't fall on my head, but I was also afraid that what I saw next would not be a dream, but that I would encounter the same thing as the Tang Yu kid, and disappear from the world.

In the blink of an eye, I thought of a lot.

In the blink of an eye, many pictures flashed before my eyes.

In the operating room of the hospital, there was dazzling white light and Zheng Xinxin's weak and comatose face.

Suddenly, the scene changed into an office in the police station. Zheng Xinxin faced a man with an anxious face and touching her lower back from time to time.

The scene changed again. The man was lying on the bed in the bedroom. He suddenly screamed and fell off the bed. He was covering his lower back and blood oozed from his palms.

Immediately afterwards, I came to a bus, and two men were arguing in front of me. They took out a knife and chopped each other excitedly.

The bus disappeared and turned into a bathroom. The man in the mirror was one of the men who had just fought. He lifted up his clothes and looked at his lower back in the mirror with a painful expression.

Suddenly everything went dark, and in the morning light, the bars of the cell were magnified in front of me, and there was a constant banging sound. It was the man who was banging his head against the door, and then fell to the ground and rolled and screamed. His lower back was also bleeding.

Subsequently, the screen switching became faster and faster, many scenes flashed, and many people passed by in a flash.

My heart is like falling into an ice cellar.

The picture freezes.

A somewhat familiar haggard face appeared in front of me. The middle-aged woman fell in the kitchen, covering her lower back, opening her mouth, but unable to make a sound.

Thank you Mole Duoxing° for the tip.

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