Aoba Office

Chapter 221 Garbage

For five days in a row, I watched the woman go between the office and home every day, leaving corpses along the way. The bus was okay, and the bus was different every day, but there were too many corpses in her home, bus station, and office, stacked on top of each other, in different stages of decay.

When her husband took a shower, he would wash himself with the corpses, lie with them, and sometimes fall asleep, hugging a rotting corpse. Her colleague kicked the body that fell to the ground while walking. After stumbling, he thought he had fallen flat on the ground. He smiled and got up, not noticing that the mucus and rotten flesh were stained.

I no longer feel horrified, but rather disgusted.

The most disgusting thing is the elevator. There are two corpses every day. The elevator room is already filled with corpses. In the end, because a corpse was lying across the door, the elevator door could not be closed and other people could not see it, so the elevator was stopped. The stop happens to be on the first floor. Every day when women come in and out, I have to see a barrier in front of the elevator. The elevator door is open like that, with corpses sticking out of it. A head, three hands, and two right feet are lying outside, decaying with time. .

By Friday night, I was so confused that I even tried to kill the female ghost. But no matter what, I can't touch this female ghost.

The other two gains I gained during this period was knowing the time when all this dreaming happened: two years ago.

Think about Zheng Xinxin being harassed by this female ghost. The problem of this female ghost has not been solved until real time, that is to say... for two whole years! How many corpses should be piled up along this road?

Fortunately, another discovery of mine told me that the city where this female ghost is located is not Minqing City. This unfortunate place is a city in the middle of the country. I haven't heard the name. I guess it's a small, inconspicuous city in the third or fourth tiers.

In the past two years, I haven't seen the news that there were corpses on the street in that city, and I don't know what kind of scene will happen in this city if I really solve the problem of this female ghost.

The body should disappear, right? All this is just some kind of supernatural phenomenon. The body of the female ghost should be in a hospital or something.

I'm really looking forward to it.

What cheered me up was that that night, the unchanging life of this couple, one person and one ghost, finally changed a little bit. In this home where the living room and bedroom were full of corpses, there was a young man who looked to be in his twenties.

I subconsciously glanced at the family photo. This young man was undoubtedly the boy in the photo.

The young man walked out of the second bedroom and called the man dad. The two of them cooked together, and there was a ghost in the middle who they couldn't see, but would subconsciously get out of the way when they took action.

The father and son looked as usual, and while cooking, they talked about the young people's college affairs. The female ghost's expression was still dull. She cooked every day by conjuring ingredients for no reason, using kitchen utensils and seasonings at home, as if it was a scene from another dimension that overlapped with this one.

I know that there is the concept of parallel universe. Many science fiction stories like to use this concept to imagine a world similar to ours, with the same place and the same people doing different things. But all this is definitely not a parallel universe.

The father and son made the meal, and the female ghost also made the meal, each still doing his own thing. This makes me very strange too. If this woman didn't know that she was dead, so she lived as if she were alive, why did she cook for herself? To say that she is delirious is like she never knows how to change clothes. She wears the same set of clothes every day, uses keys, cards and other items, including the meals she cooks every day, all of which are conjured up, but she only sleeps half of the time. She also has a fixed position on the bed where she eats every day. She watches TV in the living room at night and sits side by side with the man. At first glance, there is no sense of incompatibility.

I looked at the different meals the woman ate every day, and it didn't make sense to explain the woman's behavior that she only repeated the day before her death. At the beginning of the dream, she came home very late. She had been commuting to and from get off work normally for the past five days, working nine to five like most office workers. The time did not match up, and the different meals she ate every day did not match up.

"By the way, Dad, when will you and Aunt Gu get married?" The young man asked suddenly while eating.

I was stunned.

The man replied casually: "At least next year. She hasn't told her daughter about this yet. The little girl will take the high school entrance exam next year. It's not good to tell her this now, lest it affect her review."

"She doesn't know yet? Aunt Gu didn't bring you to see her? Dad, it's not me who instigated it. I have no problem with Aunt Gu, but if she drags it on like this, who knows what will happen next year?" The young man was dissatisfied. said.

"Isn't this just in time? Next year when her daughter finishes her high school entrance exam, our two families will have a meal together."

"What if she didn't do well in the exam? Her mother even told her that she wanted to remarry." The young man curled his lips.

"She is not you. You are older and still a boy. This little girl has a delicate mind and you have to worry about it. You felt sorry for Aunt Gu when she got divorced. If you want to remarry me this time, you have to consider her mood." The man said kindly.

The young man couldn't help but said, "Just don't be deceived by her."

"What do you mean by cheating? Your dad is an old man, what's there to lie about?" The man laughed and shook his head.

The informative conversation between the father and son made me look at the female ghost.

The female ghost still muttered about the pain and slowly ate the meal she had prepared, unaware of the conversation taking place next to her.

I looked at the family photo again. Yes, the woman above is indeed the female ghost, although the female ghost now looks older than the woman in the photo.

Among the corpses I saw, the first one was the one in the office. The corpses in this house all started from dreams and appeared with women.

If this woman died, only a week later, why would her husband want to remarry?

I want to know more about the situation, but I can only be trapped next to the female ghost, and what I see and hear is limited to what happens around the female ghost. The father and son didn't mention anything useful.

Nothing happened all night, the next day was Saturday. No work on weekends, no alarm in the morning. But the female ghost got up at eight o'clock. I had to follow her out and wander around the bun shop at the entrance of the community, leaving some corpses behind, and go back with the buns she conjured out of thin air. She came home and started having breakfast. The man also woke up, washed up, changed his clothes and went out. By the time the man came back, the female ghost had already finished breakfast, turned on the washing machine, and was sitting in the living room watching TV. The man woke up his son, and the father and son had a hearty breakfast.

The female ghost went to dry the washed clothes at this time. The man went to open the washing machine again.

I could clearly see that they were washing the same clothes. There is no doubt that what the female ghost washes is definitely not real clothes.

The female ghost stayed at home all day, leaving more corpses at home.

The young man huddled in his room all day, and when he was eating at night, he tripped over a corpse and complained: "Dad, please pack these things."

I stared at the father and son.

"Yeah, that's fine. I also think there are a lot of things. Let's do some cleaning tomorrow." The man nodded.

I was completely dumbfounded and waited for Sunday to arrive. Then I saw that on Sunday, the father and son changed into old clothes and calmly stuffed the corpses into big garbage bags, packed them all, and dragged them out. room.

The female ghost, who was about to dry herself on the balcony, was caught by the young man, roughly stuffed into a garbage bag, and thrown together with the body into a large garbage dump in the community.

I had to follow the female ghost, and now I could only stand at the garbage dump, staring blankly at the father and son, clapped their hands, and went home.

This is from yesterday. It’s past midnight again..._(:3」∠)_

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