Aoba Office

Chapter 2159 Welcome (2)

"Mom..." the child's voice sounded, choked with sobs, and eventually turned into crying.

Another figure passed through and stood next to the previous figure, opening his arms and surrounding him.

"Dad..." He called again and kept crying.

They hunched their waists and leaned their bodies, as if they were holding something tenderly.

I turned around and looked behind me.

I didn't see the little figure I expected.

Looking back, looking at the backs of the man and woman, adults, my eyes became sour.

Their figures slowly disappeared in front of my eyes, and the path gradually turned into petals all over the sky and disappeared before my eyes.

The child's cry disappeared.

The chains in the sky are gone.

It was dark all around.

Qin Shu seemed to have been holding his breath for a long time, and then he spoke and asked incoherently: "Just could the city defender..."

I glanced around and vaguely saw more roads.

The roads took on an eerie translucent form, turning black from time to time and emitting light and a bit of aura.

I felt the power flowing within me.

I knew instinctively that these roads were the Huangquan Road.

The road to hell leading to the underworld.

The underworld is gone...

When this thought came to my mind, I felt different powers flowing in my body.

I heard the children's laughter and crying, and heard their voices calling for mom, dad, grandma, grandpa... Their voices overlapped, and the emotion seemed to penetrate directly into my soul.

I also felt another emotion.

It is also a complex feeling that combines multiple emotions.

My heart seemed to soften because of it.

I have an impulse that I can't control, and I can't suppress the power in my body.

But this feeling was quickly cut off.

I myself cut off the two forces active in my body.

The roads disappeared, the feelings disappeared, and all I heard was the voice of a child.

Vaguely, I also heard the sound of gunfire, angry curses and calm conversations.

But the content of these voices cannot be heard clearly, only the tone of the person involved can be felt.

Some pictures couldn't help but appear in my mind.

There are no specific scenes or characters, but I can imagine that scene.

"They didn't give up," I said softly.

Qin Shu asked: "What?"

"They didn't give up." I knew I was hearing the voice of the real world.

Gu Mo's ability can do this. Before Gu Mo died, he heard the sound of the future world. His ability is enough to penetrate the barrier between the two worlds.

But it also made my heart sink.

The voices Gu Mo heard were those of ghosts. They were not ghosts, but voices of spirits or people with abilities. They were beyond the scope of ordinary living people.

I used his ability to hear conversations and hear the sounds of battle, which proves that the situation in the real world over there has changed dramatically. It is possible that the nature of the real world has changed.

This is not surprising either.

The Ghost King appeared blatantly in front of the public, and with the foreshadowing of the previous major events, everyone has changed their worldview. At least, there has been a wavering in this regard. It is reasonable for everyone's consciousness to converge and the real world to change accordingly.

This is probably good news.

But just like I asked Qin Shu before, whether he would like to do it all over again or whether his revenge would be successful. He couldn't answer. If people in the real world choose to resist, they may not expect everything to happen again, or that the Ghost King never appears.

"Those two just now...what are they? Is it your ability? I saw the road extending under your feet..." Qin Shu asked tangledly.

"Huangquan Road." I explained, "Those two... the images of the city defender and the child's mother are probably ghosts. He was taken to the underworld."

Qin Shu frowned, "Underworld..."

"The new underworld."

The underworld created by Han Yun.

I thought of Han Yun's appearance and sighed inwardly.

The images of the city defender and the child's mother are certainly not themselves, not their souls. That should be what Han Yun looked like. He becomes the person the children most want to see and brings them into the underworld.

He has opened the road to the underworld to the future world.

This may be because Chen Xiaoqiu... Although she is not an esper, as the reincarnation of a ghost, she has special abilities. Ye Qing may have grafted her abilities onto me.

And Chen Yihan...

Neither of them are ordinary people, nor are they ordinary people with abilities.

"Is that so? In that case..." Qin Shu was still confused.

"Only children can go to that underworld. He will only pick up children." I broke Qin Shu's fantasy.

Qin Shu was a little disappointed. He smiled bitterly for a while, and his smile turned into self-deprecation, "Because children are more pure? Whether it's a child here or a child there? That's not the case."

He sighed a little, with a bit of unwillingness in his tone.

If this is the reality, it would indeed make people unwilling to accept it.

There are evil children, and pure evil may not appear in adults. It’s not like there aren’t pure adults who are simple, kind, and keep their innocent hearts.

"Because a child gave up on himself, there is such a hell." I told the even more cruel truth.

Qin Shu was stunned for a moment, "Give up on yourself..."

"Erase the personality and turn it into a pure... rule. Although it is a more complicated rule, it is still a rule. It is like a computer program. Do things according to the program."

Also like God.

Maybe Han Yun will become the new God in thousands of years.

I just thought about it for a while and didn't have much confidence in it. Compared to Han Yun, Ye Qing was more likely to accomplish such a thing. I believe that he is also determined to erase his own personality and incarnate into some kind of rules that he recognizes.

Qin Shu's face was almost wrinkled.

"You can't possibly do such a thing, right?" I asked, already having the answer in my mind.

"Of course it's impossible. How many people are willing to do this? There's no self... feelings and thoughts are all gone, right?" Qin Shu shook his head, "This kind of thing..." He shook his head again.


"Are you going to do this?" Qin Lu asked unexpectedly.

I didn't answer right away.

At this moment, I didn't think of Ye Qing.

I just looked at the chains of my soul.

Han Yun... In addition to Tang Yu and Ye Qing, I seem to understand their thoughts.

I seemed to see a new world in that child.

A brand new, vibrant, exciting, new future world.

That was the new world opened up by Han Yun.

But that kind of future is too small. It is a future that only belongs to children.

"Hey, you..." Qin Shu hesitated, "Just because you saw that child and those just now... do you really want to do this?"

"Someone showed me a kind of future. I have believed in that kind of future before and imagined it, but I didn't think too deeply about it. I don't think too deeply about it now. But really comes then, I should Make a decision." I smiled, feeling that the previous confusion was gone.

I have an intuition that in the process of reversing time, I will see a complete real world. When I reach that starting point, I will have an epiphany just like Han Yun did at that time.

I was also vaguely aware of what kind of future I would create.

There were many sounds in my ears, from the living, from the dead, from the present, from the past, and... a sound belonging to the future.

There is a new ability beating in my body.

Qiu Ziyang...

The abilities that belong to Qiu Ziyang, the abilities that belong to Nangong Yao... These abilities related to prediction began to collide in my soul.

The world in front of us is no longer black and white, nor is it gray that makes people unable to see clearly.

I saw the light of the future.

Goodnight everybody.

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