Aoba Office

Chapter 2153 Cheng Lin (3)

Cheng Lin put away his sarcastic expression.

He was silent, looking down at the table.

"Has this changed too?" I guessed, but I didn't quite believe it.

Cheng Lin became a ghost king as soon as he arrived in the future world and was feared by ordinary people. Now his yin energy is very solid, which is different from ordinary ghost kings. The essence of his soul has not changed. His father is still the ghost king of the future world, and his mother is still an ordinary person in the real world.

Cheng Lin spoke softly: "They are still there. My mother...has been found."

When he said this, I remembered it. His mother fell into the future world earlier.

My heart skipped a beat, and looking at Cheng Lin's expressionless face, I had the worst premonition.

"She... turned into a monster?" I asked.

Cheng Lin nodded and shook his head.

I looked at Cheng Lin puzzled.

"No... when I found it, no. Just like a normal person." Cheng Lin tugged at the corner of his mouth, "Not so like a normal person... After all, she was one step ahead... She didn't appear directly in Yangshan, she was here After living here for several years, Yangshan appeared... Her memory was also tampered with, but the tampered content was that she only remembered that she was from Minqing and a ghost king. After getting married, I suddenly traveled across time... My dad's side was similar. He thought he had landed in Minqing, and finally returned here and settled down directly in Yangshan..."

Cheng Lin pointed at himself, "The ghost king's useless son has intermittent amnesia and his brain is not normal, which makes my father heartbroken."

"After you got here, you found your mother..."

"Yes. I found it and took it over. My dad convinced her to kill her. She became a ghost and became the ghost king. The ghost king of the whole family." Cheng Lin laughed twice, but there was no smile in his eyes. "After she became the Ghost King, she became abnormal. She became just like me."

"She remembered her real experience." I have also had such an experience, but I have known my abilities for a long time. There is a big difference between what happens to others and what happens to me, but it will not shock people. out of control.

Cheng Lin turned his head and looked out the window.

"Is she still there?" Qin Shu asked softly.

"Here I am."

Qin Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is it that city?" I raised my eyes and looked out the window.

Yin Qi floats in the air.

Looking out from here, you can only see another teaching building of the school, but in the direction, past here, it should be the city with the yin energy emanating from it.


"What happened?" Qin Shu couldn't help but asked.

Cheng Lin withdrew his gaze and said, "In the original world, there was a kind of person called an ability person."

Qin Shu's face didn't look good.


"Energy users, ordinary people. When ability users get here, everything is normal. But when ordinary people get here, they will randomly turn into monsters. Well, they turn into monsters at random times."

"It's not random...but there is no pattern." I corrected Cheng Lin without explaining in detail.

Cheng Lin said he understood, and then said: "My mother should be a person with abilities. We don't know what the specific abilities are. She has never turned into a monster. She lives a very hard life here, is scared, and is also subjected to In order to take revenge... the person my father had offended in the past found her. She escaped death several times and almost didn't wait for us to show up. Fortunately, my father has been missing here for a long time... After he returned here, he did the same. Following this clue, I found my mother. He persuaded my mother to become a ghost king... I didn't object. I thought, this world is really dangerous, but her power is too great. The ability should be a kind of mysterious ability, which is difficult to control. To become a ghost king, you need more methods. "

Cheng Lin smiled bitterly, "No one thought... I gave up a long time ago. They can't remember, they remembered it wrong, so be it. Who knew that after my mother became the Ghost King, she started to have headaches. Her condition was very bad. . One day, she suddenly remembered everything. Her memory was tampered with, and only she and I still remembered what happened before. She had always wanted to go back. In the past, the two people's memories didn't match up. When she talked to me, I could follow her words, but I also discovered that she had two conflicting memories, and she often confused them. She had been living here for so many years and had a bad life. Maybe it was all these things that weighed on her, plus the last straw...she suddenly turned into a monster. "

The conference room fell into silence.

Cheng Lin breathed out, "She was led outside Yangshan by our father and son, and my father suppressed her. That was temporary. We had no way. She couldn't recognize us, she just wanted to destroy, destroy everything... …We can only take turns watching her. People in Yangshan are in turmoil, and some news has spread to the outside world.”

When Cheng Lin said this, his face became gloomy. He rubbed his forehead tiredly.

"We didn't last a few days. My father was always a coward. During those few days, I began to wonder if there was something wrong with my memory. I didn't become a monster... maybe I would become a monster sooner or later."

"Is that city an illusion?" I asked.

Cheng Lin looked at me and said, "Yeah. There is Yangshan. The real Yangshan."

"Is it your ability?"

"No, it's a girl. A girl from Yangshan. She is just like me..." Cheng Lin put down his hand, "However, she did not have a father who was a ghost king. She lived as cautiously as my mother did in those years. Because Yangshan's heart was wandering, she wanted to take the opportunity to escape. She always wanted to return to the real world, but she didn't know how to do it. It was because of a strange combination of circumstances that she was almost killed by my mother, and suddenly she used her ability. . She didn’t know she had such ability before.”

Cheng Lin's understanding of abilities is still very superficial.

The girl he was talking about probably gained her abilities after she burst out with a strong obsession at a critical moment of life and death.

"She created a Yangshan District, both fake and real. My mother was imprisoned there, destroying the city all day long. The girl would rebuild the city. For the time being... it was delayed like this. My father Watch over there, I will come back to manage this place, and I also want to find a more suitable ability user..."

"I'm afraid you can't find someone with that kind of ability." I poured cold water on Cheng Lin.

"The population here in Yangshan is not as large as that of Minqing, but there are also..."

"You misunderstood. There aren't that many ability users here." I interrupted Cheng Lin, "They didn't all turn into monsters because those who were captured together with Yang Shan, and other people who were captured... …They are no longer people from our world, and they cannot have the abilities of our world.”

I looked at Cheng Lin's changed expression and said without any concealment: "I just saw it. The only souls that still belong to us are you, me, and him..." I pointed at Qin Shu, and then at Outside the window, "There are two more in the direction of that city. Those two are probably the girls your mother told you about."

Cheng Lin slowly calmed down, "Then look elsewhere..."

"It's useless." I shook my head, "From an ability user to an ordinary person, then to a's impossible to change back."

None of my abilities are capable of this.

"Why do you say that?" Cheng Lin looked at me with sharp eyes and suppressed anger.

"Because I have seen such a monster." Cheng Lin and I looked at each other.

That Behemoth.

I am now extremely sure that it is Tang Yu.

The difference is that Tang Yu should have chosen to give up being an ability user. He should have completed this series of changes in front of Ye Qing, using his soul to prove the connection and truth between the two worlds.

Goodnight everybody.

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