Aoba Office

Chapter 2148 Dilemma

Qin Shu looked at the small figure, not knowing what he was thinking, and he was a little lost.

I also watched for a while, but I was using Nangong Yao's ability to confirm the child's condition.

The child also has a chain of souls on his body, which has been circled ten times, proving that he is an ordinary person.

Originally, the chains of his soul, like those of the souls in the future world, did not extend into the void.

But in the short time since I met him, the chains of his soul have changed. The illusory shadow is still not solidified, but it is becoming clearer and clearer.

I'm not sure whether this change happened to this child by accident, or whether the entire future world is changing.

But I can at least confirm one thing, that is, this child will choose to live.

Everyone has the instinct to survive. However, some people are strong, some are weak, some can do things beyond ordinary people driven by instinct, and some people break the chain at critical moments.

Children are obviously the former.

He seemed to have discovered us, his figure stopped in the distance and did not move forward.

This stay did not last long.

He took steps again, and his figure gradually grew larger.

I saw his stern face, and I also saw that the chains on his body were the same as mine and the chains on Qin Shu, extending in the same direction and disappearing into the void.

"What are you doing with us? Have you changed your mind?" I asked.

The child didn't answer, lowered his head, as if he didn't hear my words, didn't see us, and kept moving forward.

He walked past Qin Shu and me, raising his head and chest as he walked. Not long after, his pace slowed down, hesitantly, and glanced at us.

"What do you want to do?" I floated to the child's side.

The child seemed to be frightened, shrugged his shoulders, immediately forced himself to calm down, and strode forward.

"What's the point of doing this?" I stopped where I was.

Qin Shu walked up to me and whispered: "What are you going to do? Adopt this child? We should do something serious now, right?" He was a little anxious and looked at the sky and the ruins of the city at the end of the road.

"I don't want to adopt, I'm just curious." I replied.

This is what I think.

I think there is no difference between people in this world and people in the real world.

Human nature is what it is.

But different people have different demands.

These demands, whether in the future world or in the real world, will form a "spirit". The God of the two worlds is such a spirit. No one can tell whether there really was a life form that transcended all living things, and thus affected the consciousness of all things in the world, and became a representative of the consciousness of all things after death. This is a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. The unchangeable reality is that there are creatures like chickens in this world. They lay eggs, and the eggs hatch into chicks, forming a cycle of life and species.

Qin Shu looked at me as if he were looking at a madman.

I smiled and said, "They want to invade our world and capture young men and livestock. Is that right?"

"Didn't I just say that?" Qin Shu sighed helplessly and looked at the child, "If you really want to confirm this matter, there is no point in looking for this child, right? Only by looking for the Ghost King can you ask more questions. ”

"I think the ghost kings I look for may not know as much as he does." I looked at the child's back, "Didn't his father rely on blood to maintain his strength? This is different from ordinary ghost kings. The matter of catching strong men, but It's not his father's turn. You said just now that the city defender has no interest in the delivery ghost."

Qin Shu was thoughtful when he heard this.

I suddenly asked the child: "Did your father die first, or did your other relatives die first?"

The child slowly turned around, his face no longer filled with hatred and stubbornness, only confusion remained.

"They...died first..."

"Oh. How did you survive?" This is a question that has been lingering in my mind, and I also have some guesses.

The child looked at me and replied with difficulty: "I...ran out..."

"Run outside the city, right?"

"I didn't mean it... I didn't... I was beaten everywhere. I just ran... I... When I ran out, I found..." The child squatted down, "Dad, he was caught. Yes...he saw me..."

"Have you ever returned to town?"

"It's useless to go back!" The child screamed, "There is only death..."

"But you're not dead. He died first," I said.

Tears welled up in the child's eyes.

I sighed a little, recalling what I had seen in the past in the successor to that new thing.

The ghost king gathered his followers and was completely vulnerable to Liu Che, his companions, and the swarms of monsters.

At that time, the still alive and young old man lost his fear of the Ghost King and replaced it with fear of Liu Che and the others.

He sticks to his own city and the entrances and exits to different spaces, unwilling to enter and not letting others enter.

He looked like a soldier guarding a city gate, but in reality, he was trapped in his own fear.

I have seen another ghost king who is also trapped in his own fear, and he is the guide.

The guide was chased by monsters and killed by ghosts. After becoming a ghost himself, he saw another ghost king who was astonishingly powerful.

At that time, I also regarded the ancient marching troops seen by the guide as ghosts on the road to hell.

After the guide came to the real world, he sealed the entrance and exit to the different space.

He is afraid of the ghost king in the future world.

He was also afraid of the bloodline of the City God, who was similar to that ghost king.

Although he has taken control of the entire Huixiang and formulated new rules, he cannot feel at ease without contaminating the bloodline of the ancient Huixiang City God. He worked hard to achieve his little wish.

But in reality?

He didn't have to think about it at all. If only he could further spread his influence in Huixiang. Even if he creates supernatural events little by little like the Guangyuan Mountain Ghost, he will become stronger.

He took a strange crooked path. He is obviously the ghost king of the future world, and he still enforces the rules for the ghost king to collect power in the future world. He is also afraid of ghosts and spirits in the real world, and kills the spirits according to the rules of the real world.

He himself is not that pure.

The mirrors in his eyes possess some spatial power. That kind of power does not come from his Yin Qi, but is close to spiritual power.

His very existence is thus obscured.

Perhaps at the beginning, he discovered the spirit of the real world and applied the rules of the spirit to himself. The trouble with the City God is also because he is no longer a pure ghost king.

I couldn't use Nangong Yao's ability at that time, and I couldn't see the soul of the guide. If he could have seen it at that time, he might have seen the chains on his soul and his state of existence between the ghost king and the spirit.

I thought about this and looked at the crying child.

"Your family, after knowing what happened in our world, should be shaken." After I said this, I saw the child stopped crying temporarily, "Your father's power has long been problematic. He He has reached a stalemate. Leaving the city means that he loses all his power. If he does not leave, his power will continue to be reduced. Before he can make a decision, a group of ghost kings will come to our world and plunder the profits. . You were shaken even more. At this time, the monsters attacked and you all decided to stay."

I looked at the child's trembling little body and asked, "Did they all stay spontaneously?"

Qin Shu looked at me in surprise.

"Are they all killed by monsters?" I asked another question.

The child looked at me in fear.

"Not really." I asked and answered myself, watching the child kneeling on the ground, hugging my shoulders, crying uncontrollably.

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