Aoba Office

Chapter 2137 What we bear

"This is the ability of an ability user." Ye Qing's voice sounded in the darkness, "He is my colleague. A former colleague. At that time, we were both in the expert library. He died before I quit. His ability... is actually not very practical. He is also an orphan. His loved ones died in an accident caused by ghosts, and he missed his deceased relatives, so he had this kind of ability. Ability. He just had this kind of ability. He was seventeen years old at that time and was already sensible. Unlike you, who was only two years old and didn't understand anything. He just wanted to bring his deceased parents back. He was very lucky. What you want is to bring them back, you pull them from the past to the present, instead of creating false dolls. In the latter case, I have seen records where the person with abilities finally recognized the reality and became a slave. He went crazy and killed the doll he created and committed suicide.”

I looked at the figure in the dark and didn't answer.

"Sorry, I spied on you when you were a child. Although I didn't have direct contact with you at that time, I must have brought a lot of trouble to your parents." Ye Qing said again.

I opened my mouth but didn't answer. I just asked, "Do you regret it?"

Do you regret not taking me away by force?

If it had been earlier... maybe, I would have used my own abilities to solve the current problem earlier, and maybe the current situation wouldn't have become so bad.

"The right time, the right place, and the right people." Ye Qing replied, "Liu Che did not have these three things at that time. But starting from him, starting from his predecessors and ancestors, what each generation and each of us has done Everything affects the present.”

Even though I couldn't see Ye Qing in the darkness at all, I still felt the gaze falling on me.

"I have no regrets. If I had taken you away at that time, you wouldn't be who you are now. Whether the result will be better or worse, there is no way to determine. At least now your intentions are good, and your abilities are also the most suitable. "

I was not satisfied with this answer, but instead felt a sense of sadness.

"Even now, everyone is dead?" I asked.

Ye Qing laughed and said, "Everyone is going to die."

I suddenly clenched my fists.

"As long as you complete everything you want to do, there is no sadness even if you die now." Ye Qing continued.

I heard Ye Qing stand up.

He walked towards me step by step.

"After so many years, we have the right time, the right place, the right people, and the right people. The last step will be left to you."

I didn't feel Ye Qing's Yin Qi, I only heard the sound of the chains on his body, and saw the ten circles of chains wrapped around his body and the countless chains fastened to those chains.

One of the chains was connected to my body.

I slowly raised my head, trying to see Ye Qing's face clearly, and then I felt the tremor of the earth shaking.

The entire residential building was shaking.

The roar of the monster sounded nearby, and came from all directions, as if coming from another distant world.

A loud bang exploded near me.

I felt my chest being pushed hard, and my whole body flew out.

I saw my back, and when I saw that I turned my head and smiled.

The wall next to me collapsed completely, and a giant beast in the shape of Beamon rushed out of the rubble and pounced on me.

And my soul fell straight into darkness.

I saw the edge of the entrance to the different space. In that circle, the wall of Qingye Supernatural Office completely disappeared. The monster's fur flashed away, revealing the residential building behind it.

The loud rumbling became distant, and the roar of the monster became closer.

My soul emerged from the darkness and fell to the ground.

I saw the gray sky shrouded in gloom, and I also saw the entrance and exit of the alien space hanging high in the sky.

There is a chain extending from the entrance and exit, and the other end is buckled on the chain of my soul.

I jumped up, wanting to fly up, wanting to return to my world.

But that was just a gut reaction.

My soul floated in front of the entrance to the different space and stopped.

I saw something more in my eyes.

The whole world has turned gray, only the chains of souls are bright silver.

Countless such chains extended from the entrances and exits of the different space, spread behind me, and disappeared into the void.

I looked into the distance and saw more chains.

The chains are different in thickness, but they are gathered together and densely packed.

From time to time new chains appear and old chains break.

In the world I am in, the roars of monsters keep ringing, as if connected with each other, causing those tight chains to be constantly affected and tremble, making a huge and shocking noise.

Suddenly, the whole world shook.

The entrance and exit to the different space in front of me quickly closed and disappeared without a trace.

The chains in the air also disappeared.

I subconsciously stretched out my hand, trying to hold down the entrance and exit of the different space, but I only had time to grab a chain.

This is the only chain left.

This is not a chain on me.

I looked towards the direction where the chain extended, and then looked back at the disappeared entrance and exit to the different space.

"After so many years, we have the right time, the right place, and the right people. The last step will be left to you."

I held the chain firmly, took a deep breath, fixedly looked at the direction in which the chain extended, and flew in that direction.

This is what I should do.

I keep telling myself this.

I ordered myself to calm down.

I'm the only one left...

This time, I was really the only one left.

Ye Qing can't help me now. At most, it allows me to borrow other people's abilities.

He didn’t have time to tell me many things…

No, he wasn't planning on telling me that.

He himself traveled to the future world and died as a result, but he also learned all the truth and made a decision.

Now, it's time for me to see the world with my own eyes and make a decision.

I grabbed the chain and flew for a long time, only seeing two cities in ruins.

I looked down at the screaming, wailing, and numb people on the ground without stopping.

I haven't seen the Ghost King yet.

No monsters were seen either.

Woof woof woof!

Amidst the barking of dogs, a strange human voice sounded.

"Qining, Qining, Qining..."

I paused in the sky, lowered my head and scanned the ground.

I saw little figures running among the ruins.

I looked at the chain and tried to pull on it.

To my surprise, I heard the sound of the chain. The chain in front of me was like a plant, growing a branch chain and hanging on the original main trunk.

I grabbed the branch chain with some hesitation, and saw that the branch chain continued to grow with my movements.

I don't know if this is Ye Qing's original ability or another ability he found.

Dragging it like this is very convenient. At least I can ensure that I don't lose a coordinate.

I quickly got used to this new ability, but I didn't dare to hang that branch directly on the chain of my soul. Pulling it with your hands and binding it to the chain of your soul are two different things.

I descended quickly and caught up with the figures who had run away.

The one shouting "Qining, Qining" spotted me first, flapped his wings and looked up at me.

"Wow! Wow!" It changed its cry, stared at me with its little eyes, and soon flew to my side.

Several other figures also listened. The barking of dogs and the meowing of cats changed their tunes. They also raised their heads and stared at me with their round eyes.

"Qining! Qining!" The beautiful big parrot flew in front of my eyes, spun around in a circle, as if to say something, grabbed my hand, and wanted to drag me in one direction.

That direction was exactly the direction I was heading, the direction the chain extended.

Goodnight everybody.

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